
What is the Version4 project

Version4 is a recent distribution of the reactor physics codes developed at École Polytechnique de Montréal.[1] Frequently asked questions about Version4 are answered in our faq page. An introduction of reactor physics is presented in Ref. [2].

The Version4 distribution includes the following code components:

  1. NJOY-based library production system:

    1. A new module DRAGR in NJOY-99 to produce Dragon-formatted libraries
    2. A Python script PyNjoy.py to automate the library production steps.
  2. Dragon Version4, a full-feature lattice code:
    1. Dragon Version4 remains compatible with WIMS-D4 libraries of the WLUP project
    2. XMAS (172-group) and SHEM (281-, 295- and 361-group) Draglib-formatted open-source libraries
    3. NXT: module (new-generation Excell tracking in Cartesian and hexagonal geometry)
    4. Self-shielding USS: module based on the subgroup equations
    5. Isotropic streaming model ECCO in FLU: (for space-dependent diffusion coefficient calculations)
    6. SPH method with all Bivac and Trivac finite elements discretizations in 1D, 2D and 3D
    7. Multi-parameter MULTICOMPO database (creation and interpolation)
    8. Capability to use the characteristic method for self-shielding, leakage, flux and SPH calculations
    9. Discrete ordinates capabilities in 1D, 2D and 3D geometries
    10. Availability of the double-heterogeneity model (Hebert or Sanchez-Pomraning model) with the method of collision probability (Sybil, Excell or NXT), the method of characteristics (Excell or NXT) and the discrete ordinates method
    11. Multigroup Monte Carlo method based on the Woodcock rejection method with NXT:-based geometries
    12. Solution of fixed source eigenvalue equations (GPT-type) in FLU:.
  3. Trivac Version4, a 1D/2D/3D full-core flux solver:
    1. Diffusion-theory and simplified PN Raviart-Thomas finite elements in Cartesian 1D/2D/3D geometry for full-core models
    2. Diffusion-theory and simplified PN Raviart-Thomas-Schneider finite elements in hexagonal 2D/3D geometry for full-core models
    3. Space-time kinetics calculations with the theta method.
  4. Donjon Version4 is available for full-core operation studies.
    1. Interpolation modules for databases in many formats: Multicompo, Compo, Saphyb, AFM (feedback database). The Macrolib format of Dragon Version4 is used natively.
    2. Reactor's fuel map management modules.
    3. Device management modules, including solid rods and liquid zone controllers.
    4. Simplified thermal-hydraulics module.
  5. Optex Version4 is available for time-averaged full-core optimization.

Version4 is compatible with Unix boxes (including Linux and MacOSX) and lambda PCs.

Version4 components

The available components in Version4 distribution are:

  • Dragon user's guide (PDF)

  • Trivac user's guide (PDF)

  • Donjon user's guide (PDF)

  • Optex user's guide (PDF)

  • Dragon/Trivac object structure guide (PDF)

  • CLE-2000 tutorial (PDF)

  • PyNjoy tutorial (PDF)

  • Dragon theory guide (collision probability method) (PDF)

  • Excell module theory guide (geometry numbering) (PDF)

  • NXT module theory guide (geometry numbering) (PDF)

License conditions and Disclaimer

The Version4 distribution is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License. The LGPL contains an exception to the GNU General Public License that is applicable to library software, which means that Version4 components can be referred as library functions by proprietary software. Any software calling Version4 components doesn't need to be open source; the users are thus proprietary of their computational schemes. Also, the LGPL allows the user to link Version4 components to codes not covered under the LGPL and to distribute combinations without causing the resulting application to be covered by the LGPL, or become affected by the LGPL in any way.

On the other hand, if a modification or improvement is made on an existing component of Version4, this increment is covered by the LGPL and should be return to Corporation de l'École Polytechnique de Montréal.

Corporation de l'École Polytechnique de Montréal disclaims all warranties, representations and conditions, express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including without limitation, any warranty or condition of merchantability, merchantable quality, or fitness for a particular purpose, or arising from a course or dealing, usage or trade practice. In particular, Corporation de l'École Polytechnique de Montréal does not warrant or represent that the software will operate uninterrupted or error free or that defects in the software are correctable or will be corrected.

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