spark 的lit是什么

A file with the .lit file extension is an eBook in the Microsoft eReader file format. LIT (short for “Literature”) files are eBook formats designed by Microsoft to work on Microsoft devices only.

扩展名为 .lit的文件是Microsoft eReader文件格式的eBook。 LIT(“文学”的缩写)文件是Microsoft设计的电子书格式,仅可在Microsoft设备上使用。

什么是LIT文件? (What Is a LIT File?)

A LIT file is a type of electronic book format created by Microsoft and used solely by the Microsoft Reader program, which was first released in 2000. Microsoft Reader was a free application that allowed users to view their books on Windows. Microsoft discontinued Microsoft Reader in 2012 and no longer supports the LIT format.

LIT文件是由Microsoft创建的一种电子书格式,仅由2000年首次发布的Microsoft Reader程序使用。MicrosoftReader是一个免费应用程序,允许用户在Windows上查看其图书。 Microsoft在2012年停止使用Microsoft Reader,并且不再支持LIT格式。

Even though they’re uncommon these days, you’ll still see LIT files out there.


如何打开LIT文件? (How Do I Open a LIT File?)

LIT files contain the actual contents of the eBook and DRM (Digital Rights Management) protection that tries to control the use, modification, and distribution of copyrighted works. This limits the number of users that can access each digital copy, so if you’re trying to open DRMed content on an unauthorized device, it may not open.

LIT文件包含电子书和DRM(数字版权管理)保护的实际内容,这些内容试图控制受版权保护的作品的使用,修改和分发。 这限制了可以访问每个数字副本的用户数量,因此,如果您尝试在未授权的设备上打开DRMed内容,则该内容可能无法打开。

To open a LIT file, you need to download third-party software, as the Microsoft Reader intended to view LIT files has been discontinued and is no longer available.

要打开LIT文件,您需要下载第三方软件,因为用于查看LIT文件的Microsoft Reader已停产并且不再可用。

One of the best free and cross-platform solutions for viewing LIT files (and most other eBook formats) is Calibre. It’s free, cross-platform (Windows, macOS, Linux), sports all kinds of great features, and is capable of opening most eBook file formats out there today.

Calibre是用于查看LIT文件(和大多数其他电子书格式)的最好的免费跨平台解决方案之一。 它是免费的,跨平台的(Windows,macOS,Linux),具有各种出色的功能,并且能够在其中打开大多数eBook文件格式。

After you install Calibre, fire it up and click the “Add Books” button on the toolbar. On the drop-down menu, click the “Add Books From a Single Directory.” If you have multiple eBooks from multiple directories, choose one of the other options.

安装Calibre后,将其启动并单击工具栏上的“添加书籍”按钮。 在下拉菜单上,单击“从单个目录添加书籍”。 如果您有多个目录中的多个电子书,请选择其他选项之一。

Select the file(s) and click the “Open” button.


After Calibre adds the book to your library, double-click the title to open it in the Calibre viewer.


如何转换LIT文件? (How Do I Convert a LIT File?)

If you have a bunch of LIT files sitting around and want to port them to another device—like your Kindle, Kobo, iPad, or Android—then you’re going to want to convert them into a friendlier format, like EPUB, PDF, or MOBI.

如果您有一堆LIT文件,并想将它们移植到Kindle,Kobo,iPad或Android等其他设备上,那么您将需要将其转换为更友好的格式,例如EPUB ,PDF,或MOBI 。

To convert LIT files, you must first make sure the file you have is DRM free, otherwise converting the file on a different machine won’t work without disabling the DRM externally.


使用桌面应用程序转换LIT文件 (Convert a LIT File Using a Desktop Application)

Calibre is again our recommendation as the best tool for this job. You can use it to convert to and from most eBook formats.

口径再次被推荐为该工作的最佳工具。 您可以使用它来转换大多数电子书格式。

In the Calibre window, select the book you want to convert and then click the “Convert Books” button.


Next, choose an output format suitable for the device you’ll be using. EPUB is an excellent cross-platform choice. If you’re using Kindle, you’ll want to choose MOBI.

接下来,选择适合您要使用的设备的输出格式。 EPUB是绝佳的跨平台选择。 如果您使用的是Kindle,则需要选择MOBI。

Finally, click “OK” to start the conversion.


使用在线解决方案转换LIT文件 (Convert a LIT File Using an Online Solution)

If you don’t want to download a third-party application to convert your files, online converters can convert into some of the more popular formats, like ePUB, PDF, FB2, and LRF. This is probably one of the fastest ways to convert a few files, as you don’t have to download any software and wait for it to install.

如果您不想下载第三方应用程序来转换文件,则在线转换器可以转换成一些更流行的格式,例如ePUB,PDF,FB2和LRF。 这可能是转换几个文件的最快方法之一,因为您不必下载任何软件即可等待安装。

Zamzar is a good file conversion site that supports almost every file format. It’s free, fast, and safe.

Zamzar是一个很好的文件转换站点,几乎支持所有文件格式。 它是免费,快速且安全的。

Head on over to Zamzar’s website, choose a file and the output format, enter your email, and then click “Convert.”


From here, the software will do the rest, and after the conversion is complete, you’ll get an email with a download link to your files.



spark 的lit是什么

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