function checkIsChinese(str){
 if (str.length < 2 || str.length > 15){
  return "姓名长度不正确";
 var ret=true;
 for(var i=0;i<str.length;i++){
  ret=ret && (str.charCodeAt(i)>=10000);
 if (ret){   
    return "true";
   return "请输入中文";


function parseIdCard(val) {

var birthdayValue;
    var sexId;
    var sexText;

if (15 == val.length) //15位身份证号码
        birthdayValue = val.charAt(6) + val.charAt(7);
        if (parseInt(birthdayValue) < 10) {
            birthdayValue = '20' + birthdayValue;
        else {
            birthdayValue = '19' + birthdayValue;
        birthdayValue = birthdayValue + '-' + val.charAt(8) + val.charAt(9) + '-' + val.charAt(10) + val.charAt(11);
        if (parseInt(val.charAt(14) / 2) * 2 != val.charAt(14)) {
            sexId = "1";
            sexText = "男";
        else {
            sexId = "2";
            sexText = "女";
    if (18 == val.length) { //18位身份证号码
        birthdayValue = val.charAt(6) + val.charAt(7) + val.charAt(8) + val.charAt(9) + '-' + val.charAt(10) + val.charAt(11) + '-' + val.charAt(12) + val.charAt(13);
        if (parseInt(val.charAt(16) / 2) * 2 != val.charAt(16)) {
            sexId = "1";
            sexText = "男";
        else {
            sexId = "2";
            sexText = "女";
    var dt1 = new Date(birthdayValue.replace("-", "/"));
    var dt2 = new Date();   
    var age = dt2.getFullYear() - dt1.getFullYear();
    var m = dt2.getMonth() - dt1.getMonth();
    if (m < 0)
    return new Array(birthdayValue, sexId, sexText, age);

function checkIdcard(idcard){
  idcard = idcard.toUpperCase();
  var Errors=new Array("true","身份证号码位数不对!","身份证号码出生日期超出范围或含有非法字符!","身份证号码校验错误!","身份证号码中地区编码不正确!");
  var area={11:"北京",12:"天津",13:"河北",14:"山西",15:"内蒙古",21:"辽宁",22:"吉林",23:"黑龙江",31:"上海",32:"江苏",33:"浙江",34:"安徽",35:"福建",36:"江西",37:"山东",41:"河南",42:"湖北",43:"湖南",44:"广东",45:"广西",46:"海南",50:"重庆",51:"四川",52:"贵州",53:"云南",54:"西藏",61:"陕西",62:"甘肃",63:"青海",64:"宁夏",65:"新疆",71:"台湾",81:"香港",82:"澳门",91:"国外"}
  var idcard,Y,JYM;
  var S,M;
  var idcard_array = new Array();
  idcard_array = idcard.split("");
  if(idcard.length != 15 && idcard.length != 18) return Errors[1];
  //if(idcard.length != 18) return Errors[1];
  if (idcard.substr(0,6) == "000000" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "111111" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "222222" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "333333" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "444444" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "555555" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "666666" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "777777" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "888888" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "999999")  return Errors[4];
  if (idcard.substr(0,6) == "123456" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "234567" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "345678" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "456789" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "567890" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "012345" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "543210" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "432109" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "321098" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "210987" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "109876" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "098765" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "987654" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "876543" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "765432")  return Errors[4];
  if (idcard.substr(0,6) == "121212" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "131313" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "141414" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "151515" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "161616" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "171717" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "181818" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "191919" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "101010")  return Errors[4];
  if (idcard.substr(0,6) == "212121" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "232323" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "242424" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "252525" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "262626" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "272727" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "282828" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "292929" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "202020")  return Errors[4];
  if (idcard.substr(0,6) == "313131" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "323232" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "343434" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "353535" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "363636" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "373737" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "383838" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "393939" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "303030")  return Errors[4];
  if (idcard.substr(0,6) == "414141" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "424242" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "434343" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "454545" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "464646" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "474747" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "484848" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "494949" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "404040")  return Errors[4];
  if (idcard.substr(0,6) == "515151" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "525252" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "535353" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "545454" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "565656" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "575757" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "585858" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "595959" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "505050")  return Errors[4];
  if (idcard.substr(0,6) == "616161" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "626262" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "636363" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "646464" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "656565" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "676767" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "686868" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "696969" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "606060")  return Errors[4];
  if (idcard.substr(0,6) == "717171" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "727272" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "737373" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "747474" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "757575" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "767676" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "787878" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "797979" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "707070")  return Errors[4];
  if (idcard.substr(0,6) == "818181" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "828282" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "838383" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "848484" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "858585" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "868686" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "878787" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "898989" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "808080")  return Errors[4];
  if (idcard.substr(0,6) == "919191" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "929292" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "939393" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "949494" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "959595" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "969696" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "979797" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "989898" || idcard.substr(0,6) == "909090")  return Errors[4];

if(area[parseInt(idcard.substr(0,2))]==null) return Errors[4];
    case 15:
  if ((parseInt(idcard.substr(6,2))+1900) % 4 == 0 || ((parseInt(idcard.substr(6,2))+1900) % 100 == 0 && (parseInt(idcard.substr(6,2))+1900) % 4 == 0 )){
   ereg = /^[1-9][0-9]{5}[0-9]{2}((01|03|05|07|08|10|12)(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])|(04|06|09|11)(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30)|02(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]))[0-9]{3}$/;//测试出生日期的合法性
   ereg = /^[1-9][0-9]{5}[0-9]{2}((01|03|05|07|08|10|12)(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])|(04|06|09|11)(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30)|02(0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-8]))[0-9]{3}$/;//测试出生日期的合法性
   return Errors[0];
   return Errors[2];
    case 18:
     if ( parseInt(idcard.substr(6,4)) % 4 == 0 || (parseInt(idcard.substr(6,4)) % 100 == 0 && parseInt(idcard.substr(6,4))%4 == 0 )){
       ereg = /^[1-9][0-9]{5}19[0-9]{2}((01|03|05|07|08|10|12)(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])|(04|06|09|11)(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30)|02(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]))[0-9]{3}[0-9Xx]$/;//闰年出生日期的合法性正则表达式
      ereg = /^[1-9][0-9]{5}19[0-9]{2}((01|03|05|07|08|10|12)(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])|(04|06|09|11)(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30)|02(0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-8]))[0-9]{3}[0-9Xx]$/;//平年出生日期的合法性正则表达式
       S = (parseInt(idcard_array[0]) + parseInt(idcard_array[10])) * 7 + (parseInt(idcard_array[1]) + parseInt(idcard_array[11])) * 9 + (parseInt(idcard_array[2]) + parseInt(idcard_array[12])) * 10 + (parseInt(idcard_array[3]) + parseInt(idcard_array[13])) * 5 + (parseInt(idcard_array[4]) + parseInt(idcard_array[14])) * 8 + (parseInt(idcard_array[5]) + parseInt(idcard_array[15])) * 4 + (parseInt(idcard_array[6]) + parseInt(idcard_array[16])) * 2 + parseInt(idcard_array[7]) * 1 + parseInt(idcard_array[8]) * 6 + parseInt(idcard_array[9]) * 3 ;
       Y = S % 11;
       M = "F";
       JYM = "10X98765432";
       M = JYM.substr(Y,1);
       if(M == idcard_array[17])
         return Errors[0];
         return Errors[3];
       return Errors[2];
    return Errors[1];

function checkTwID(id){
    var city = new Array(
         1,10,19,28,37,46,55,64,39,73,82, 2,11,
        20,48,29,38,47,56,65,74,83,21, 3,12,30
    id = id.toUpperCase();
    // 使用「正规表达式」检验格式
    if (^[A-Z](1|2)/d{8}$/i) == -1) {
        return "身份证号码格式不对!";
    } else {
        id = id.split('');
        var total = city[id[0].charCodeAt(0)-65];
        for(var i=1; i<=8; i++){
            total += eval(id[i]) * (9 - i);
        total += eval(id[9]);
        if (total%10 == 0) {
            return "true";
        else {
            return "身份证号码格式不对!";


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