Zotero sync across platforms(Zotero各平台同步)

  • Framework
  • cookbook
  • Key idea behind


The builtin sync function of zotero only provides limited free storage space. Therefore, we mainly use (Zotfile+anyCloudService you are using) to sync the attached pdf file of items of Zotero.
The benefits are three aspects:

  1. if we have a PC A and PC B both running zotero, if we add an item with pdf file on A, the same item with attached pdf appears on B.
  2. if we add an item without attached files, and we download pdf separately in another folder, it’ll automatically find and attach it. In the meantime, the downloaded pdf is moved to the folder which you usually put attached files in.
  3. Also, the pdf file is sorted very well in a clear folder structure, e.g. journal/ year, etc.


  1. download and install Zotfile
  2. change zotero->Tools->add-ons->zotfile options-> general settings
    ->(A) “Source Folder for Attaching New Files” directory to any folder you like, usually your Downloads folder. (B) Location of Files->‘Custom Location’ to the cloud sync folder. Also define the subfolder formation. e.g. /%w/%y, journal name/ year. You could also change the Renaming Rules.
  3. zotero->preferences->advanced->Advanced->File and Folders->Linked Attachment Base Directory, change it to your cloud sync folder which is the same as the ‘Custom Location’.

Key idea behind

The function of zotfile is actually (1)find pdfs from ‘Source folder’ and also existing folders for each item, (2) rename the pdfs and moving them to cloud sync folder in a organized structure. Therefore, it’s maintaining your cloud folder’s content but does nothing about link.
The Zotero itself link the pdf files in could sync folder and items. Thus it has a ==item - pdf == pair chart(via this it could link item to a specific file, this is why it requires the same attached files folder structure across platforms) which together with items are synced with your zotero account. In this way, on different platforms, we could sync both items and pdf files preserving their connection.

[1]: http://muchong.com/t-7981977-1

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