

介绍西安的带翻译英语作文 篇1

The city of xi an is my beautiful home, which has the wall, the wild goose pagoda, the drum tower, the terracotta warriors... It is. My family has my familiar smiling face, familiar family, xi an is the city of the city is my honor and my pride.

In the spring of a lot of people gathered outside the wild goose pagoda, because they know that master xuan zang in starting to get true through, so the people respect him very much as the quality of the firm and meticulous spirit, where there will be a wonderful fountain performance and a wonderful song.

In the summer the Terra Cotta Warriors gathered a lot of Chinese and foreign tourists, they take up the sun fire here will be very hard, of course we will not abuse their.

The bells and drums of the bell tower are so wonderful in autumn.

All the buildings in the winter are covered, the white snow is so beautiful!






介绍西安的带翻译英语作文 篇2

Some have been to the beautiful little xinganling, some have been to the rich xisha islands, and I have been to the ancient civilization capital, xi an.

When you come to xi an, you will see the world-famous walls. As I reached the foot of the wall, I looked up and saw that the Great Wall was like a warrior of a full-body armor, guarding the ancient city.

Xi an has a variety of delicacies. Walking back in the street, you can taste the delicious meat, bread in the soup, oil chili sauce... Guests can fill their mouths.

Xi an is also a tourist attraction. My favorite is the big wild goose pagoda music fountain plaza. On the night of the summer, when you come here, you will see countless springs of water, in the sound of music, in the light of the colors of the light, and dancing to the beat of the beat. Sometimes like flowers, sometimes like willow... I am barefoot and jump into the water, the pearl drops on my body, very cool!

I love the old xi an!






介绍西安的带翻译英语作文 篇3

Xian is a beautiful city with a very colorful history.There are so many famous buildings in xian,such as clay sulelievs,Banpo village museum and so on.If one day you come to Xian,youd better visit some places of interest,so that you can learn more knowledges about this city.At last,Im sure that you can have a great time in Xian.


介绍西安的带翻译英语作文 篇4

I just came back from XIan .As is known to everyone ,Xian is an ancient city it is the capital of many dynasties of china and also one of the most famous ancient capital in the world ..but ,after the tour in Xian I found its another attractive side .there have a lot of local refreshments which is very delicious .and the modern transportation is very convenient .the modern building is also coming up one after another .As we admired the splendid relics we also impressed by the recent achievements it has achieved .by the way ,the weather in there is pretty comfortable .and accommodation is also very cheap .All in all ,the trip in Xian is really a nice memory for me .


介绍西安的带翻译英语作文 篇5

Xian is the capital of Shanxi province in China and a sub-provincial city.As one of the most important cities in Chinese history,Xian is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China for it has been the capital of 13 dynasties,including the Zhou,Qin,Han,and the Tang.Xian is also renowned for being the eastern terminus of the Silk Road and for the location of the Terracotta Army from Qin Dynasty.The city has more than 3,100 years of history.It was called Changan in ancient times.

Since 1990s,as part of the economic revival of interior China,especially the central and northwest regions,in addition to a history of manufacturing and solid industrial establishments,Xian has become an important cultural,industrial and educational center of the central-northwest region,with facilities for research and development,national security and Chinas space exploration program.





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