问题 1
In IT service management, what is NOT the benefit in use of processes?
a. measurable
b. simplifiable
c. auditable
d. contract compliant
问题 2
Why we have to study services?
a. Service regulates professional activities
b. Service is simple
c. Service resolves technical problems
d. Service equals profits (此题之前出现错误,已修改,感谢用户~弧光~纠正)
问题 3
In comparing with Computer Science, Software Engineering is concerning with _
a. building data structures
b. establishing computing theory
c. delivering useful software
d. applying efficient algorithms
问题 4
In comparing with IT Management, IT SERVICE management is focusing on _.
a. Centralized behaviors
b. Process orientation
c. Once a time missions
d. Isolated procedures
问题 5
In Service Sciences, Management, and Engineering (SSME), service innovation does NOT include:
a. Technology Innovation
(ppt 上显然是c,但是选b c d都不对)
b. Business Innovation
c. Manufacture Innovation
d. Demand Innovation
问题 6
What is NOT the criterion for effective Services Management?
a. Scalability requirements of the world’s most demanding service infrastructures
b. Flexibility and modularity to adapt for business, organizational and technology convergence
c. Security to ensure information transformation correctly
d. Automation of processes and workflows fundamental to service delivery
问题 7
From the customer perspective, Software as a Service means _.
a. Software is commercially available with minor configuration options
b. Internet accessed services available (near) real-time access of resources after purchase
c. The centralized hosting obviates the need for downloadable patches and upgrades and enables continuous improvements
d. The hosting provider assumes responsibility for the solution
问题 8
To increase corporate profits,the service path is _.
a. Focusing on team building
b. Extending worker’s working hours
c. Meeting customer requirement
d. Doubling worker’s salary
问题 9
Which one of the following statements may NOT be true?
a. Service Engineering is a multi-disciplinary field
b. In manufactures model the product design comes after process design
c. IT Service Architecture can be viewed from various perspectives.
d. Sometimes the services engineering model works but has limitations due to human judgment is required
问题 10
Which one of the following statements may NOT be true?
a. Science is a way to create knowledge.
b. In interpretive model the improvements come from changes to design or process.
c. Engineering is a way to apply knowledge and create new value.
d. Management improves the process of creating and capturing value.

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