1. 这些特殊字符使用的时候很纠结。

    android:text   设置这个属性时会报错

    "        (" 或 &quot;)  '         (' 或 &apos;) &       (& 或 &amp;) <       (< 或 &lt;) >       (> 或 &gt;)

  2. 2


    Multiple annotations found at this line: - [I18N] Hardcoded string "<", should use @string resource - The value of attribute "android:text" associated with an element type "TextView" must not contain the '<'

  3. 3



    <!-- < --><string name="s_back"><</string>

  4. 4

    下面的字符在 [XML]中被定义为 空白(whitespace)字符:

    空格   ( )  Tab    ( )  回车   (
    )  换行   (

  5. 5

    android 很多特殊字符都是 ISO Latin-1字符集











    --- ---制表符Horizontal tab

    ---换行Line feed



    ---回车Carriage Return








  6. ---&#21;---未使用Unused












    !!---惊叹号Exclamation mark

    ""&quot;双引号Quotation mark

    ##---数字标志Number sign

    $$---美元标志Dollar sign

    %%---百分号Percent sign



    ((---小括号左边部分Left parenthesis

    ))---小括号右边部分Right parenthesis

  7. **---星号Asterisk

    ++---加号Plus sign



    ..---句号Period (fullstop)

    //---斜杠Solidus (slash)

    00---数字0 Digit 0

    11---数字1 Digit 1

    22---数字2 Digit 2

    33---数字3 Digit 3

    44---数字4 Digit 4

    55---数字5 Digit 5

    66---数字6 Digit 6

    77---数字7 Digit 7

    88---数字8 Digit 8

    99---数字9 Digit 9



    <<&lt;小于号Less than

    ==---等于符号Equals sign

    >>&gt;大于号Greater than

  8. ??---问号Question mark

    @@---Commercial at

    AA---大写A Capital A

    BB---大写B Capital B

    CC---大写C Capital C

    DD---大写D Capital D

    EE---大写E Capital E

    FF---大写F Capital F

    GG---大写G Capital G

    HH---大写H Capital H

    II---大写J Capital I

    JJ---大写K Capital J

    KK---大写L Capital K

    LL---大写K Capital L

    MM---大写M Capital M

    NN---大写N Capital N

    OO---大写O Capital O

    PP---大写P Capital P

    QQ---大写Q Capital Q

    RR---大写R Capital R

    SS---大写S Capital S

    TT---大写T Capital T

  9. UU---大写U Capital U

    VV---大写V Capital V

    WW---大写W Capital W

    XX---大写X Capital X

    YY---大写Y Capital Y

    ZZ---大写Z Capital Z

    [[---中括号左边部分Left square bracket

    /\---反斜杠Reverse solidus (backslash)

    ]]---中括号右边部分Right square bracket


    __---下划线Horizontal bar (underscore)

    ``---尖重音符Acute accent

    aa---小写a Small a

    bb---小写b Small b

    cc---小写c Small c

    dd---小写d Small d

    ee---小写e Small e

    ff---小写f Small f

    gg---小写g Small g

    hh---小写h Small h

    ii---小写i Small i

  10. jj---小写j Small j

    kk---小写k Small k

    ll---小写l Small l

    mm---小写m Small m

    nn---小写n Small n

    oo---小写o Small o

    pp---小写p Small p

    qq---小写q Small q

    rr---小写r Small r

    ss---小写s Small s

    tt---小写t Small t

    uu---小写u Small u

    vv---小写v Small v

    ww---小写w Small w

    xx---小写x Small x

    yy---小写y Small y

    zz---小写z Small z

    {{---大括号左边部分Left curly brace

    ||---竖线Vertical bar

    }}---大括号右边部分Right curly brace


  11. ------未使用Unused

    &nbsp;空格Nonbreaking space

    ¡¡&iexcl;Inverted exclamation

    ¢¢&cent;货币分标志Cent sign

    ££&pound;英镑标志Pound sterling

    ¤¤&curren;通用货币标志General currency sign

    ¥¥&yen;日元标志Yen sign

    ¦¦&brvbar; or &brkbar;断竖线Broken vertical bar

    §§&sect;分节号Section sign

    ¨¨&uml; or &die;变音符号Umlaut


    ªª&ordf;Feminine ordinal

    ««&laquo;Left angle quote, guillemet left

    ¬¬&notNot sign

    ­&shy;Soft hyphen

    ®®&reg;注册商标标志Registered trademark

    ¯¯&macr; or &hibar;长音符号Macron accent

    °°&deg;度数标志Degree sign

    ±±&plusmn;加或减Plus or minus

    ²²&sup2;上标2 Superscript two

    ³³&sup3;上标3 Superscript three

  12. ´´&acute;尖重音符Acute accent

    µµ&micro;Micro sign

    ¶¶&para;Paragraph sign

    ··&middot;Middle dot


    ¹¹&sup1;上标1 Superscript one

    ºº&ordm;Masculine ordinal

    »»&raquo;Right angle quote, guillemet right

    ¼¼&frac14;四分之一Fraction one-fourth

    ½½&frac12;二分之一Fraction one-half

    ¾¾&frac34;四分之三Fraction three-fourths

    ¿¿&iquest;Inverted question mark

    ÀÀ&Agrave;Capital A, grave accent

    ÁÁ&Aacute;Capital A, acute accent

    ÂÂ&Acirc;Capital A, circumflex

    ÃÃ&Atilde;Capital A, tilde

    ÄÄ&Auml;Capital A, di?esis / umlaut

    ÅÅ&Aring;Capital A, ring

    ÆÆ&AElig;Capital AE ligature

    ÇÇ&Ccedil;Capital C, cedilla

    ÈÈ&Egrave;Capital E, grave accent

    ÉÉ&Eacute;Capital E, acute accent

  13. ÊÊ&Ecirc;Capital E, circumflex

    ËË&Euml;Capital E, di?esis / umlaut

    ÌÌ&Igrave;Capital I, grave accent

    ÍÍ&Iacute;Capital I, acute accent

    ÎÎ&Icirc;Capital I, circumflex

    ÏÏ&Iuml;Capital I, di?esis / umlaut

    ÐÐ&ETH;Capital Eth, Icelandic

    ÑÑ&Ntilde;Capital N, tilde

    ÒÒ&Ograve;Capital O, grave accent

    ÓÓ&Oacute;Capital O, acute accent

    ÔÔ&Ocirc;Capital O, circumflex

    ÕÕ&Otilde;Capital O, tilde

    ÖÖ&Ouml;Capital O, di?esis / umlaut

    ××&times;乘号Multiply sign

    ØØ&Oslash;Capital O, slash

    ÙÙ&Ugrave;Capital U, grave accent

    ÚÚ&Uacute;Capital U, acute accent

    ÛÛ&Ucirc;Capital U, circumflex

    ÜÜ&Uuml;Capital U, di?esis / umlaut

    ÝÝ&Yacute;Capital Y, acute accent

    ÞÞ&THORN;Capital Thorn, Icelandic

  14. ßß&szlig;Small sharp s, German sz

    àà&agrave;Small a, grave accent

    áá&aacute;Small a, acute accent

    ââ&acirc;Small a, circumflex

    ãã&atilde;Small a, tilde

    ää&auml;Small a, di?esis / umlaut

    åå&aring;Small a, ring

    ææ&aelig;Small ae ligature

    çç&ccedil;Small c, cedilla

    èè&egrave;Small e, grave accent

    éé&eacute;Small e, acute accent

    êê&ecirc;Small e, circumflex

    ëë&euml;Small e, di?esis / umlaut

    ìì&igrave;Small i, grave accent

    íí&iacute;Small i, acute accent

    îî&icirc;Small i, circumflex

    ïï&iuml;Small i, di?esis / umlaut

    ðð&eth;Small eth, Icelandic

    ññ&ntilde;Small n, tilde

    òò&ograve;Small o, grave accent

    óó&oacute;Small o, acute accent

  15. ôô&ocirc;Small o, circumflex

    õõ&otilde;Small o, tilde

    öö&ouml;Small o, di?esis / umlaut

    ÷÷&divide;除号Division sign

    øø&oslash;Small o, slash

    ùù&ugrave;Small u, grave accent

    úú&uacute;Small u, acute accent

    ûû&ucirc;Small u, circumflex

    üü&uuml;Small u, di?esis / umlaut

    ýý&yacute;Small y, acute accent

    þþ&thorn;Small thorn, Icelandic

    ÿÿ&yuml;Small y, umlaut

  16. https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/84b4f565e0148360f6da323e.html:原文章地址

【Android】android strings.xml转义字符相关推荐

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