
Enterprise Desktop & Desktop Virtualization, What is the Difference?


Desktop Virtualization is nothing different but a new face of the modern Enterprise Desktop. Today, as the virtualization is gaining popularity, the look of the modern enterprise desktop is being changed by the virtualization technology. Every occurrence of the virtualization is totally unique, whether it is server consolidation, desktop & application virtualization.

桌面虚拟化没有什么不同,只是现代企业桌面的新面Kong。 如今,随着虚拟化的普及,虚拟化技术正在改变现代企业桌面的外观。 无论服务器整合,桌面和应用程序虚拟化,每次虚拟化都是完全独特的。

According to the Gartner Inc., industry’s one of the best researcher, the worldwide market for hosted virtual desktops was 500,000 units and the generated revenue was nearly $1.5 billion in the year 2009. However, as per Gartner’s recent prediction, the market for hosted virtual desktop would increase up to 49 million units and the revenue from this market will reach nearly up to $65 billion in the year 2013.

据业内最佳研究机构之一Gartner Inc.称,全球托管虚拟桌面市场为50万台,2009年产生的收入接近15亿美元。但是,根据Gartner的最新预测,托管虚拟桌面市场台式机的销量将增加至4,900万,到2013年,该市场的收入将达到近650亿美元。

Which are the Factors of Desktop Virtualization that are Drawing IT Professionals?


The desktop virtualization concept is based on two fundamental capabilities, which are Abstraction & Isolation. There are many other core factors of desktop virtualization which are gaining grip among IT professionals, especially the ability to separate or isolate the virtualized hardware, operating system (OS), applications and user configuration layers. The desktop virtualization lets you update and manage one layer without affecting the other layers. It also offers an increased level of flexibility as well as ease of management.

桌面虚拟化概念基于两个基本功能,即抽象和隔离。 桌面虚拟化还有许多其他核心因素,这些因素在IT专业人员中越来越受欢迎,尤其是能够分离或隔离虚拟化的硬件,操作系统(OS),应用程序和用户配置层。 桌面虚拟化使您可以更新和管理一层,而不会影响其他层。 它还提供了更高水平的灵活性以及易于管理的功能。

It is a kind of flexible computing, which is a bit diverse than virtualized private server, just moving the client into the data center and calling it as virtualized. In fact, the flexible computing produces an opportunity for IT professionals for developing their way in which it builds, control and deploy the client image.

它是一种灵活的计算,它与虚拟化的专用服务器略有不同,只是将客户端移到数据中心并将其称为虚拟化。 实际上,灵活的计算为IT专业人员提供了开发其构建,控制和部署客户端映像的方式的机会。

What are the Backbone Technologies of Desktop Virtualization?


Several software’s and technologies are required in order to deploy a desktop virtualization infrastructure. Software’s such as VMware, Citrix or Microsoft & technologies like application streaming, application virtualization, virtual containers and secure cloud storage.

为了部署桌面虚拟化基础架构,需要几种软件和技术。 诸如VMware,Citrix或Microsoft之类的软件以及诸如应用程序流,应用程序虚拟化,虚拟容器和安全云存储之类的技术。

The application streaming plays an important role in desktop virtualization. Streaming is a unique method of delivering an operating system or applications over the network to the users, when they need it. Application streaming functions in the same way. The users get what and whenever they need it. Applications are totally isolated into virtual containers, during the application streaming. It helps in simplifying maintenance and offers a greater degree of portability. One of the many benefits of application streaming is that the users are able to logon and work from their laptop, desktop workstation and even from a mobile device.

应用程序流在桌面虚拟化中起着重要作用。 流是一种在用户需要时通过网络将操作系统或应用程序交付给用户的独特方法。 应用程序流传输以相同的方式起作用。 用户可以随时随地获得所需的东西。 在应用程序流期间,应用程序完全隔离在虚拟容器中。 它有助于简化维护并提供更大程度的可移植性。 应用程序流式传输的许多好处之一是用户能够从其笔记本电脑,台式机工作站甚至移动设备上登录和工作。

Other benefits of application streaming are speed of execution, faster turn-around time for new upgrades, offers greater level of flexibility and cost savings on maintenance.


Among the other critical technologies, the Secure Cloud Storage is also an important component of a Desktop Virtualization infrastructure. Using the secure cloud storage, IT professionals gain an ability to remove their data from the individual virtual clients, and can access their files from anywhere in the world, where there is internet connectivity. It also simplifies the data backup and recovery (disaster recovery).

在其他关键技术中,安全云存储也是桌面虚拟化基础架构的重要组成部分。 使用安全的云存储,IT专业人员可以获得从单个虚拟客户端中删除其数据的能力,并且可以从世界上具有Internet连接的任何位置访问其文件。 它还简化了数据备份和恢复(灾难恢复)。

What are the Benefits of Desktop Virtualization?


While the virtualized infrastructure may be new for you, but the technologies involved in the desktop virtualization are completely stable. There are substantial benefits to deploying a desktop virtualization infrastructure. Let’s explore the benefits of Desktop Virtualization:

尽管虚拟化基础结构可能对您来说是新的,但是桌面虚拟化中涉及的技术是完全稳定的。 部署桌面虚拟化基础架构有很多好处。 让我们探讨一下桌面虚拟化的好处:

  • Greater Level of Flexibility – It offers greater level of flexibility in assigning application use and access control to IT managers as the operating system and apps are delivered and administered centrally.

    更高的灵活性 –随着操作系统和应用程序的集中交付和管理,在为IT经理分配应用程序使用和访问控制时,它提供了更高的灵活性。

  • Improved Security – IT managers are easily able to isolate the breached or virus infected systems of clients very quickly and remove the affected systems.

    增强的安全性 – IT经理可以轻松快速地隔离受到破坏或感染病毒的客户端系统,并删除受影响的系统。

  • Centralized Management/Control – The management and control of the operating system, applications and data are centralized due to the streaming virtual architecture.

    集中式管理/控制 –借助流虚拟架构,对操作系统,应用程序和数据的管理和控制得以集中。

  • High Scalability – With the help of virtual clients, the IT professionals can easily add or remove clients as required.

    高度可扩展性 –在虚拟客户端的帮助下,IT专业人员可以轻松地根据需要添加或删除客户端。

  • Remote Access to Applications and Data – Users has an ability to access their applications and data using any remote laptop, a mobile device or a system within the facility at any time they need.

    远程访问应用程序和数据 –用户可以在需要时使用设施内的任何远程笔记本电脑,移动设备或系统访问其应用程序和数据。

  • Disaster Recovery – As the applications and data are centralized in a secure data center, the backup and recovery could be done more easily and effectively.

    灾难恢复 –由于应用程序和数据集中在一个安全的数据中心中,因此可以更轻松有效地完成备份和恢复。

  • Simplified Management – Since, the IT managers has an ability to perform tasks from one central location, the client management tasks such as deployment, provisioning and de-provisioning becomes more easy.

    简化管理 –由于IT经理具有从一个中央位置执行任务的能力,因此客户管理任务(例如部署,供应和取消供应)变得更加容易。

  • Cost Savings – It helps in lower acquisition and saves maintenance costs, which also reduces Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and increases Return of Investment (ROI).

    节省成本 –它有助于降低购置成本并节省维护成本,还可以降低总拥有成本(TCO)并增加投资回报率(ROI)。

Virtualized Desktops offer a greater level of flexibility and mobility that is impossible with a standard desktop, along with a worldwide access to a personalized machine, without carrying a laptop. There is no doubt that the server hosted desktop virtualization can offers a number of benefits such as simplifying life-cycle management, reduced distributed hardware cost, reduced support cost, etc…

虚拟台式机提供了更高水平的灵活性和移动性,而标准台式机无法实现这种灵活性和移动性,并且无需携带笔记本电脑即可在全球范围内访问个性化计算机。 毫无疑问,服务器托管的桌面虚拟化可以带来许多好处,例如简化生命周期管理,降低分布式硬件成本,降低支持成本等……

Any virtual industry can be benefited in all terms using the desktop virtualization. It has already gaining a good traction in the education, finance, government and healthcare markets. The core benefits like centralized management, flexibility, enhanced security and remote access makes it an attractive option for IT.

使用桌面虚拟化可以使所有虚拟产业在所有方面受益。 它已经在教育,金融,政府和医疗保健市场中获得了良好的吸引力。 集中管理,灵活性,增强的安全性和远程访问等核心优势使其成为IT有吸引力的选择。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/desktop-virtualization-changing-face-of-enterprise-desktop/



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