


  1. import urllib2
  2. import time
  3. import socket
  4. from datetime import datetime
  5. from thread_pool import *
  6. def main():
  7. url_list = {"sina":"http://www.sina.com.cn",
  8. "sohu":"http://www.sohu.com",
  9. "yahoo":"http://www.yahoo.com",
  10. "xiaonei":"http://www.xiaonei.com",
  11. "qihoo":"http://www.qihoo.com",
  12. "laohan":"http://www.laohan.org",
  13. "eyou":"http://www.eyou.com",
  14. "chinaren":"http://www.chinaren.com",
  15. "douban":"http://www.douban.com",
  16. "163":"http://www.163.com",
  17. "daqi":"http://www.daqi.com",
  18. "qq":"http://www.qq.com",
  19. "baidu_1":"http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=asdfasdf",
  20. "baidu_2":"http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=dddddddf",
  21. "google_1":"http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=sadfas",
  22. "google_2":"http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=sadflasd",
  23. "hainei":"http://www.hainei.com",
  24. "microsoft":"http://www.microsoft.com",
  25. "wlzuojia":"http://www.wlzuojia.com"}
  26. #使用线程池
  27. socket.setdefaulttimeout(10)
  28. print 'start testing'
  29. wm = WorkerManager(50)
  30. for url_name in url_list.keys():
  31. wm.add_job(do_get_con, url_name, url_list[url_name])
  32. wm.wait_for_complete()
  33. print 'end testing'
  34. def do_get_con(url_name,url_link):
  35. try:
  36. fd = urllib2.urlopen(url_link)
  37. data = fd.read()
  38. f_hand = open("/tmp/ttt/%s" % url_name,"w")
  39. f_hand.write(data)
  40. f_hand.close()
  41. except Exception,e:
  42. pass
  43. if __name__ == "__main__":
  44. main()


  1. import Queue, threading, sys
  2. from threading import Thread
  3. import time
  4. import urllib
  5. # working thread
  6. class Worker(Thread):
  7. worker_count = 0
  8. timeout = 1
  9. def __init__( self, workQueue, resultQueue, **kwds):
  10. Thread.__init__( self, **kwds )
  11. self.id = Worker.worker_count
  12. Worker.worker_count += 1
  13. self.setDaemon( True )
  14. self.workQueue = workQueue
  15. self.resultQueue = resultQueue
  16. self.start( )
  17. def run( self ):
  18. ''' the get-some-work, do-some-work main loop of worker threads '''
  19. while True:
  20. try:
  21. callable, args, kwds = self.workQueue.get(timeout=Worker.timeout)
  22. res = callable(*args, **kwds)
  23. print "worker[%2d]: %s" % (self.id, str(res) )
  24. self.resultQueue.put( res )
  25. #time.sleep(Worker.sleep)
  26. except Queue.Empty:
  27. break
  28. except :
  29. print 'worker[%2d]' % self.id, sys.exc_info()[:2]
  30. raise
  31. class WorkerManager:
  32. def __init__( self, num_of_workers=10, timeout = 2):
  33. self.workQueue = Queue.Queue()
  34. self.resultQueue = Queue.Queue()
  35. self.workers = []
  36. self.timeout = timeout
  37. self._recruitThreads( num_of_workers )
  38. def _recruitThreads( self, num_of_workers ):
  39. for i in range( num_of_workers ):
  40. worker = Worker( self.workQueue, self.resultQueue )
  41. self.workers.append(worker)
  42. def wait_for_complete( self):
  43. # ...then, wait for each of them to terminate:
  44. while len(self.workers):
  45. worker = self.workers.pop()
  46. worker.join( )
  47. if worker.isAlive() and not self.workQueue.empty():
  48. self.workers.append( worker )
  49. print "All jobs are are completed."
  50. def add_job( self, callable, *args, **kwds ):
  51. self.workQueue.put( (callable, args, kwds) )
  52. def get_result( self, *args, **kwds ):
  53. return self.resultQueue.get( *args, **kwds )

引自: http://www.handaoliang.com/article_38.html


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