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-- Balance and Gameplay Adjustments (PC)

• Fixed a problem with high speed mouse movement • Added back some missing Growlers on Kharg Island Conquest Large • Added back EOR sound for SQDM and TDM • You should no longer be able to damage a friendly vehicle when sitting in an open position • Grenades now drop to ground if you get killed while attempting to throw it(note the affect this will have on Hardcore mode!) • Spawn protection now should work in Conquest. You should no longer spawn on points too close to enemies • You should no longer spawn too close to enemies in TDM and SQDM • Combat areas on Kharg Rush tweaked in order to disallow defenders to access the carrier ship after 1st base is taken and being able to enter the AA gun • Fixed a problem with revived players not suffering suppression • Fixed a problem with the camera when being revived in COOP • Added joystick deadzone setting • Fixed an issue with some weapon sounds in first person • Fixed a swim sound loop error • Increased the damage of Helicopter Miniguns, AA guns, and Jet Cannons against infantry • Increased the damage of Helicopter Miniguns against jeeps. • Reduced the physics impact of AA guns and Jet Cannons, players under attack from these weapons should no longer lose control. • Increased the damage of the 44 Magnu***ightly. • Increased the range and minimum damage of the .357 Round from the MP412 Rex. • Increased the range of all .45cal and 9mm weapons. • Slightly increased the range of the P90 and MP7 and PDW-R. • Slightly increased the range of the 5.56mm PDW-R and decreased the minimum damage at long range. • Slightly increased the minimum range of the Mk11, SVD, and M39 EMR 7.62mm rifles. • Decreased the maximum damage and maximum range of the G3 and SCAR-H 7.62mm weapons. • Reduced the damage from FIM-92 and SA-18 IGLA missiles against aircraft. • Increased the damage and range of the 40mm BUCK rounds. • Reduced the damage .50cal weapons do against Helicopters. • Updated T90 canister shell tweaks to match Abrams canister shells UI Changes (PC) • Added round duration and ticket summary at EOR • Advanced squad polish – should be more intuitive • Significant changes to the Join Squad functionality (see below) • Fixed a problem regarding keybindings while playing • You should now get a better error message when being disconnected via Battlelog ---- Server Update Highlights


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