1. 填空训练

1.a little 2.little 3.few 4.few

2. 改写训练

1.I only have a little time. = I don’t have much time.
2.We only have a few friends = We do not have many friends.
3.There is only a little that I can do for you. = There isn’t much that I can do for you.
3.Only a few people wanted to help her. = Not many people wanted to help her.
4.The had only a little money, but they were pretty happy. = They didn’t have much money, but they were pretty happy.
5.Only a few children are as difficult as Robert. = Not many children are as difficult as Robert.

8.My father does only a little exercise. = My father doesn’t do much exercise.
9.I need only a little sleep. = I don’t need much sleep.
10.Vermeer painted only a few pictures. = Vermeer didn’t pain many pictures.
11.I speak only a little Japanese. = I don’t speak much Japanese.

3. little / a little / few / a few

1.little 2.a little 3.Few 4.a few 5.a few 6.a little, a little 7.a little 8.few

4. less / the least / fewer / the fewest

1.the least , the fewest 2.Fewer, less 3.fewer, less 4.less, less 5.the least

6.the fewest 7.the fewest 8.the least 9.the fewest 10.less

5. less / the least

1.less worried 2. the least selfish 3.less fluently

4.less dangerous 5.less shyly 6.the least boring
7.less confident 8.least important 9.less boring 10.The least

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