alter index index_name unusable;
根据ORACLE官方文档的说法(An unusable index must be rebulit , or dropped and re-created , before it can be used.)
1. rebuild
   alter index index_name rebuild;
2. drop掉该索引,然后再重建。
   drop index index_name;
   create index index_name on xxxxx;


1. enable index
   alter index index_name enable;
2. disable index
   alter index index_name disable;



Enable applies only to a function-based index that has been disabled because a user-defined function used by the index was dropped or replaced. This clause enables such an index if these conditions are true:

The function is currently valid

The signature of the current function matches the signature of the function when the index was created

The function is currently marked asDETERMINISTIC

Restriction on Enabling Function-based Indexes You cannot specify any other clauses of ALTER INDEX in the same statement with ENABLE.


DISABLE applies only to a function-based index. This clause lets you disable the use of a function-based index. You might want to do so, for example, while working on the body of the function. Afterward you can either rebuild the index or specify another ALTER INDEX statement with the ENABLE keyword.


Specify UNUSABLE to mark the index or index partition(s) or index subpartition(s) UNUSABLE. An unusable index must be rebuilt, or dropped and re-created, before it can be used. While one partition is marked UNUSABLE, the other partitions of the index are still valid. You can execute statements that require the index if the statements do not access the unusable partition. You can also split or rename the unusable partition before rebuilding it.

Restriction on Marking Indexes Unusable You cannot specify this clause for an index on a temporary table.



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