演唱:Keith Urban

曲名:Long Hot Summer

专辑:Get Closer


I can’t sleep

Ain’t no sleep a’coming

I’m just lying here thinking ‘bout you

I’m in deep

Falling deep into the picture in my mind of everything we’re gonna do

Over at the lake and down by the river

You can feel it start to rise

Wanna jump in my car, go wherever you are

‘Cause I need you by my side

It’s gonna be a long, hot summer,we should be together

With your feet up on the dashboard now

Singing along with the radio

And when you say my name in the middle of the day听音乐找歌名网站, I swear I see the stars come out

When you hold my hand in the back of my mind, just waiting on the sun to go down, the sun to go down

I wanna see your brown skin shimmer in the sun for the first time

I try to be the one who knows just what to do to you to get me that smile

One chance of meeting, you were walking by me on the street and I said hi

And that was the beginning of my heart spinnin’ like these wheels in my head tonight

It’s gonna be a long, hot summer, we should be together

With your feet up on the dashboard now

Singing along with the radio, it’s such a beautiful sound

And when you say my name in the middle of the day, I swear I see the stars come out

When you hold my hand in the back of my mind, just waiting on the sun to go down, the sun to go down

The only place that I wanna be is where you are

‘Cause anymore than a heartbeat away is just too far

It’s gonna be a long, hot summer, we should be together

All I really want is more than this moment right now

And when you say my name in the middle of the day, I swear I see the stars come out

And when you hold my hand and I look into your eyes

I swear it looks like you’re waiting for the sun to go down, the sun to go down

I swear it’s like you’re waiting for the sun to go down

Waiting on the sun to go down

Hey, yeah

Oh, I’m loving thinking ‘bout you

I cant sleep, I’m just lying here thinkin’ ‘bout you



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