
Evernote has limited their free plans, increased the prices of paid plans, and introduced a privacy policy that allows its employees to read your notes (Update: they’ve backtracked a bit on this, but they’ve still lost some good faith with many, including us). If you’ve ever thought about switching to Microsoft’s OneNote instead, now is probably a good time. Thankfully, Microsoft has released an official tool for migrating your Evernote data into OneNote.

Evernote限制了他们的免费计划,提高了付费计划的价格,并引入了一项隐私政策,允许其员工阅读您的笔记(更新:他们对此事有所回溯,但他们仍然对许多人失去了诚意,包括我们)。 如果您曾经考虑过改用Microsoft的OneNote,现在可能是个好时机。 值得庆幸的是,Microsoft已经发布了一个官方工具,用于将您的Evernote数据迁移到OneNote中。

Microsoft OneNote is free to use on and sync among all your devices, such as computers, tablets, and phones, as well as on the web. We’ll show you how to use the official Microsoft tool to migrate all your Evernote data into OneNote.

Microsoft OneNote可在所有设备(例如计算机,平板电脑和电话)以及Web上免费使用和同步。 我们将向您展示如何使用Microsoft官方工具将所有Evernote数据迁移到OneNote中。

NOTE: You must either have the desktop version of Evernote installed on your computer for this tool to work, or have exported the data from Evernote (as an ENEX file) that you want to import into OneNote. To access your imported Evernote data, you can use either the desktop version of OneNote (for Windows 7 and later) or the free, pre-installed version that comes with Windows 10.

注意:您必须在计算机上安装Evernote的桌面版本才能使用此工具,或者已经从Evernote中导出了要导入到OneNote中的数据(作为ENEX文件)。 要访问导入的Evernote数据,可以使用OneNote的桌面版本(适用于Windows 7和更高版本),也可以使用Windows 10随附的免费的预安装版本。

Download Microsoft’s OneNote Importer here and double-click the StartOneNoteImporter.exe file. On the welcome screen, check the “I accept the terms of this agreement” box and click “Get started”.

在此处下载Microsoft的OneNote导入器,然后双击StartOneNoteImporter.exe文件。 在欢迎屏幕上,选中“我接受本协议的条款”框,然后单击“开始使用”。

There are two ways to import your Evernote content into OneNote. If you have the desktop version of Evernote installed, the OneNote Importer will find the notebooks stored locally on your computer. Be sure that all your latest notes are completely synced. By default, the “Evernote Notebooks” box is checked and all the notebooks found on your computer are checked. To only import certain notebooks, either uncheck the ones you don’t want to import, or uncheck the “Evernote Notebooks” box to unselect all the notebooks and then check the boxes for the notebooks you do want to import.

有两种方法可以将Evernote内容导入OneNote。 如果您安装了台式机版的Evernote,则OneNote Importer会找到本地存储在计算机上的笔记本。 确保所有最新笔记均已完全同步。 默认情况下,“ Evernote笔记本”复选框处于选中状态,并且计算机上找到的所有笔记本均处于选中状态。 要仅导入某些笔记本,请取消选中您不想导入的笔记本,或取消选中“ Evernote笔记本”框以取消选择所有笔记本,然后选中要导入的笔记本的框。

If you’ve backed up your Evernote data to an ENEX file, you can import the data from that file instead. To do that, click the “Import a file instead” link.

如果您已将Evernote数据备份到ENEX文件,则可以从该文件导入数据。 为此,请单击“改为导入文件”链接。

If you chose to import your Evernote data from a file, another screen displays. Click “Choose File”.

如果您选择从文件导入Evernote数据,则会显示另一个屏幕。 点击“选择文件”。

NOTE: If you decide you want to import your Evernote data from notebooks stored locally on your computer instead, click the “Import notebooks instead” to go back to the previous screen.


On the Open dialog box, navigate to where you saved the .enex file you want to import, select the file, and click “Open”.


Click “Next” to begin the migration process.


We chose to import all our Evernote data from our local machine, so we clicked “Next” on the screen for importing notebooks.


No matter which method you chose to import your Evernote data, you’ll have to sign in to your Microsoft account to import the data. The OneNote Importer tool imports your data into the Documents folder in your OneDrive account online, not to your local machine. This allows you to more easily access your OneNote data on any device for which OneNote is available (Windows, Apple, Android, or Web).

无论选择哪种方式导入Evernote数据,都必须登录到Microsoft帐户才能导入数据。 OneNote Importer工具会将数据在线导入到OneDrive帐户中的Documents文件夹中,而不是本地计算机中。 这使您可以在任何可用OneNote的设备(Windows,Apple,Android或Web)上更轻松地访问OneNote数据。

Click the box for the type of Microsoft account you have.


Enter your Microsoft email address and password on the Sign in page.


Your Evernote notebooks will become notebooks in OneNote, and the notes in the Evernote notebooks will become pages in the OneNote notebooks. If you’ve added tags to your Evernote notebooks, you can use those tags to organize your notes within your OneNote notebooks. To import the tags with your Evernote notes, check the “Use Evernote tags to organize content in OneNote” box.

您的Evernote笔记本将成为OneNote中的笔记本,而Evernote笔记本中的便笺将成为OneNote笔记本中的页面。 如果您在Evernote笔记本中添加了标签,则可以使用这些标签在OneNote笔记本中组织笔记。 要将标签与Evernote笔记一起导入,请选中“使用Evernote标签在OneNote中组织内容”框。

NOTE: The tags from Evernote are imported as sections within the notebooks. However, the tags are not really integrated into the OneNote tagging system. We’ll talk more about this later in this article.

注意:Evernote中的标签将作为笔记本中的部分导入。 但是,标签并没有真正集成到OneNote标签系统中。 我们将在本文后面详细讨论。

To begin the migration process, click “Import”.


The notebooks are created and the notes are imported.


When the migration is complete, click “View notes in OneNote” to open OneNote and access your notes.


Because the notes are stored in your OneDrive account online, the following Microsoft OneNote Security Notice dialog box displays, warning you that the location may be unsafe. However, your own OneDrive account is a trusted source, so, click “Yes” to continue.

由于这些注释在线存储在您的OneDrive帐户中,因此会显示以下“ Microsoft OneNote安全声明”对话框,警告您该位置可能不安全。 但是,您自己的OneDrive帐户是受信任的来源,因此,请单击“是”继续。

A welcome note is added to the first notebook in the list you imported and that’s the note you see when you open OneNote. To access the rest of your notes in that notebook, click the “Pages” tab at the top of the notes area.

欢迎笔记会添加到您导入的列表中的第一个笔记本中,这就是打开OneNote时看到的笔记。 要访问该笔记本中的其余笔记,请单击笔记区域顶部的“页面”选项卡。

It may take a bit of time to load the notes in the notebook, depending on how many notes you have in that notebook.


All the notes in that notebook are listed in the right pane in the desktop version of OneNote 2016. Click on any note to access it.

OneNote 2016桌面版的右窗格中列出了该笔记本中的所有笔记。单击任何笔记以对其进行访问。

NOTE: If you’re using the OneNote app that comes with Windows 10, the notes are listed in a pane on the left.

注意:如果您使用的是Windows 10随附的OneNote应用程序,则注释会在左侧窗格中列出。

If there was a tag on a note, that tag becomes a section within the notebook accessed on a tab at the top of the notes area. The tag is also listed at the top of the note text as a hashtag, as shown below.

如果便笺上有标签,则该标签将成为笔记本中的一个部分,可在便笺区域顶部的选项卡上对其进行访问。 该标签还作为标签作为注释标签列在注释文本的顶部,如下所示。

To open another notebook you imported, click on the notebook drop-down list in the upper-left corner of the window. Then, click “Open Other Notebooks”.

要打开另一个导入的笔记本,请单击窗口左上角的笔记本下拉列表。 然后,单击“打开其他笔记本”。

On the Open Notebook screen, click on a notebook in the My Notebooks list to open it.


The first note in the notebook opens. Notice in the example below that there are two tags for the current note, “article ideas” and “htg”. However, only one of those tags was converted into a section in the notebook (the “article ideas” tab). This is a limitation of Microsoft’s OneNote Importer tool.

笔记本中的第一个音符打开。 请注意,在下面的示例中,当前注释有两个标签,即“文章创意”和“ htg”。 但是,这些标签中只有一个被转换为笔记本中的一个部分(“文章创意”标签)。 这是Microsoft OneNote Importer工具的限制。

For more information about tags in OneNote, see Microsoft’s support articles about applying a tag to a note and searching for tagged notes.


If you really want to preserve all your tags when migrating from Evernote to OneNote, you can migrate using a third-party tool called Evernote2Onenote instead. It will create notebook sections for all your tags in your notes, not just for the first one in each note. However, you may end up with duplicate notes, because a note with multiple tags will be placed in each section created from each of the tags as separate notes. Evernote2Onenote can also only import one notebook at a time, and the notebooks are stored locally when imported.

如果您真的想在从Evernote迁移到OneNote时保留所有标签,则可以使用名为Evernote2Onenote的第三方工具进行迁移。 它将为笔记中的所有标签创建笔记本部分,而不仅仅是为每个笔记中的第一个标签。 但是,您可能会得到重复的注释,因为带有多个标签的注释将放置在由每个标签创建的每个部分中,作为单独的注释。 Evernote2Onenote一次也只能导入一个笔记本,并且导入时这些笔记本存储在本地。

Once you’ve migrated all your notes into OneNote, you can access them on any platform on which OneNote is available (Windows, Apple, Android, or Web). However, there are some limitations in the mobile versions of OneNote. You can add new sections to notebooks in OneNote for iOS and Android. However, while OneNote for iOS allows you to move a section from one notebook to another, OneNote for Android only allows you to move pages between notebooks.

将所有笔记迁移到OneNote中之后,您可以在可以使用OneNote的任何平台(Windows,Apple,Android或Web)上访问它们。 但是,OneNote的移动版本有一些限制。 您可以在OneNote for iOS和Android中向笔记本添加新部分。 但是,虽然iOS版OneNote允许您将部分从一个笔记本移动到另一笔记本,但Android版OneNote仅允许您在笔记本之间移动页面。

For more information, see our article about the free version of OneNote for the PC and some of the differences between Evernote and OneNote.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/227719/how-to-convert-from-evernote-to-onenote/



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