* 共同第一作者, # 通信作者,标为红色的是近期论文。以下为部分论文列表,近期论文也可以在搜索引擎中用英文 Fengfeng Zhou 来检索。

1. Hao Zhang, Renchu Guan, Fengfeng Zhou, Yanchun Liang, Zhi-hui Zhan, Lan Huang, Xiaoyue Feng. “Deep Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction”. IEEE Access 7: 89354-89365, 2019.

2. Chenwei Lou, Jian Zhao, Ruoyao Shi, Qian Wang, Wenyang Zhou, Yubo Wang, Guoqing Wang#, Lan Huang, Xin Feng, Fengfeng Zhou#. “sefOri: selecting the best-engineered squence features to predict DNA replication origins”. Accepted by Bioinformatics, 2019.

3. Xin Feng, Xubing Hao, Ruihao Xin, Xiaoqian Gao, Minge Liu, Fei Li, Yubo Wang, Ruoyao Shi, Shishun Zhao#, Fengfeng Zhou#. “Detecting Methylomic Biomarkers of Pediatric Autism in the Peripheral Blood Leukocytes”. Accepted by Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 2019.

4. Yan Wang, Sen Yang, Jing Zhao, Wei Du, Yanchun Liang, Cankun Wang, Fengfeng Zhou, Yuan Tian, Qin Ma. “Using Machine Learning to Measure Relatedness Between Genes: A Multi-Features Model”. Scientific Reports, 9(1):4192, 2019.

5. Mingyang Jiang, Yanchun Liang, Zhili Pei, Xiye Wang, Fengfeng Zhou, Chengxi Wei, Xiaoyue Feng. “Diagnosis of Breast Hyperplasia and Evaluation of RuXian-I Based on Metabolomics Deep Belief Networks”. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(11): 2620, 2019.

6. Xin Feng, Jialiang Li, Han Li, Hang Chen, Fei Li, Quewang Liu, Zhu-Hong You, Fengfeng Zhou#. “Age is important for the early-stage detection of breast cancer on both transcriptomic and methylomic biomarkers”. Frontiers in Genetics, 10: 212, 2019.

7. Kangning Li, Shangshang Wang, Chang Du, Yuxin Huang, Xin Feng, Fengfeng Zhou#. “Accurate Fatigue Detection Based on Multiple Facial Morphological Features”. Accepted by Journal of Sensors, 2019.

8. Ruochi Zhang, Ruixue Zhao, Xinyang Zhao, Di Wu, Weiwei Zheng, Xin Feng, Fengfeng Zhou#. “pyHIVE, a health-related image visualization and engineering system using Python”. BMC Bioinformatics, 19(1): 452, 2018.

9. Xin Feng, Ruochi Zhang, Minge Liu, Quewang Liu, Fei Li, Zhenwei Yan, Fengfeng Zhou#. “An accurate regression of developmental stages for breast cancer based on transcriptomic biomarkers”. Biomarkers in Medicine, 13(1): 5-15, 2018.

10. Xin Feng, Shaofei Wang, Quewang Liu, Han Li, Jiamei Liu, Cheng Xu, Weifeng Yang, Yayun Shu, Weiwei Zheng, Bingxin Yu, Mingran Qi, Wenyang Zhou, Fengfeng Zhou#. “Selecting Multiple Biomarker Subsets with Similarly Effective Binary Classification Performances”. Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), 140: e57738, 2018.

11. Lei Wang, Zhu-Hong You, De-shuang Huang, Fengfeng Zhou. “Combining High Speed ELM Learning with a Deep Convolutional Neural Network Feature Encoding for Predicting Protein-RNA Interactions”. Accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2018.

12. Renchu Guan, Xu Wang, Mary Qu Yang, Yu Zhang, Fengfeng Zhou, Chen Yang, Yanchun Liang. “Multi-label Deep Learning for Gene Function Annotation in Cancer Pathways”. Scientific Reports, 8(1): 267, 2018.

13. Ruixue Zhao, Ruochi Zhang, Tongyu Tang, Xin Feng, Jialiang Li, Yue Liu, Renxiang Zhu, Guangze Wang, Kangning Li, Wenyang Zhou, Yunfei Yang, Yuzhao Wang, Yuanjie Ba, Jiaojiao Zhang, Yang Liu, Fengfeng Zhou#. “TriZ-a rotation-tolerant image feature and its application in endoscope-based disease diagnosis”. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 99: 182-190, 2018.

14. Yinda Zhang*, Shuhan Yang*, Yang Liu, Yexian Zhang, Bingfeng Han and Fengfeng Zhou#. “Integration of 24 Feature Types to Accurately Detect and Predict Seizures Using Scalp EEG Signals”. Sensors, 18(5): 1372, 2018.

15. Yanjiao Ren, Xin Feng, Xin Xia, Yexian Zhang, Wenniu Zhang, Jing Su, Zhongyu Wang, Ying Xu, and Fengfeng Zhou#. “Gender specificity improves the early-stage detection of clear cell renal cell carcinoma based on methylomic biomarkers”. Biomarkers in Medicine, 12(6): 607-618, 2018.

16. Yanjiao Ren, Shishun Zhao, Dandan Jiang, Xin Feng, Yexian Zhang, Zhipeng Wei, Zhongyu Wang, Wenniu Zhang, Qing F. Zhou 3, Yong Li, Hanxu Hou, Ying Xu#, Fengfeng Zhou#. “Proteomic biomarkers for lung cancer progression”. Biomarkers in Medicine, 12(3): 205-215, 2018.

Cheng Xu, Jiamei Liu, Weifeng Yang, Yayun Shu, Zhipeng Wei, Weiwei Zheng, Xin Feng, and Fengfeng Zhou#. “An OMIC biomarker detection algorithm TriVote and its application in methylomic biomarker detection”. Epigenomics, 10(4): 335-347, 2018


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