
  • 1、新建useMapper.js
  • 2、新建useState.js
  • 3、新建useGetters.js
  • 4、新建useActions.js
  • 5、页面中使用


// 使用mapState
computed: { ...mapState({ //... })
}methods: {...mapActions(['fnA', 'fnB'])


import {computed} from 'vue'
import {useStore} from 'vuex'setup() {const store = useStore();const stateA = computed(() => store.state.stateA);const stateB = computed(() => store.state.stateB);const methodA = store.dispatch('methodA', {name: '张三'});




import { useStore } from 'vuex'
import { computed } from 'vue'export function useStateMapper(mapper, mapFn) {const store = useStore();const storeStateFns = mapFn(mapper);const storeState = {};Object.keys(storeStateFns).forEach(fnKey => {// vuex源码中mapState和mapGetters的方法中使用的是this.$store,所以更改this绑定const fn = storeStateFns[fnKey].bind({ $store: store });storeState[fnKey] = computed(fn)})return storeState
}export function useActionMapper(mapper, mapFn) {const store = useStore();const storeActionsFns = mapFn(mapper);const storeAction = {};Object.keys(storeActionsFns).forEach(fnKey => {storeAction[fnKey] = storeActionsFns[fnKey].bind({ $store: store })})return storeAction


import { mapState, createNamespacedHelpers } from 'vuex'import { useStateMapper } from './useMapper'
import {checkType} from './index'
/*** * @param {*} moduleName 模块名称* @param {*} mapper state属性集合 ['name', 'age']* @returns */
export function useState(moduleName, mapper) {let mapperFn = mapState;// 如果使用模块化,则使用vuex提供的createNamespacedHelpers方法找到对应模块的mapState方法if (checkType(moduleName) === "[object String]" && moduleName.length > 0) {mapperFn = createNamespacedHelpers(moduleName).mapState}return useStateMapper(mapper, mapperFn)


import { mapGetters, createNamespacedHelpers } from 'vuex'import { useStateMapper } from './useMapper'
import {checkType} from './index'
/*** * @param {*} moduleName 模块名称* @param {*} mapper getters属性集合 ['name', 'age']* @returns */
export function useGetters(moduleName, mapper) {let mapperFn = mapGetters;// 如果使用模块化,则使用vuex提供的createNamespacedHelpers方法找到对应模块的mapGetters方法if (checkType(moduleName) === "[object String]" && moduleName.length > 0) {mapperFn = createNamespacedHelpers(moduleName).mapGetters}return useStateMapper(mapper, mapperFn)


import { mapActions, createNamespacedHelpers } from 'vuex';
import {useActionMapper} from './useMapper'
import {checkType} from './index'
/*** * @param {*} moduleName 模块名称* @param {*} mapper 方法名集合 ['fn1', 'fn2']* @returns */
export function useActions(moduleName, mapper) {let mapperFn = mapActions;// 如果使用模块化,则使用vuex提供的createNamespacedHelpers方法找到对应模块的mapActions方法if (checkType(moduleName) === "[object String]" && moduleName.length > 0) {mapperFn = createNamespacedHelpers(moduleName).mapActions}return useActionMapper(mapper, mapperFn)


<template><div class="home"><span>姓名:{{name}} 年龄:{{age}} 性别:{{sex}}</span><button @click="changeName">改名</button></div>
// @ is an alias to /src
import {useState} from '@/utils/useState'
import {useActions} from '@/utils/useAction'
export default {name: "home",setup() {const storeState = useState('home', ['name', 'age', 'sex'])const storeActions = useActions('home', ['setName'])const changeName = () => {storeAction.setName('李四')}return {changeName,...storeState,...storeActions};},


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