计算机辅助工程技术(cae)(Computer Aided Engineering (CAE))

计算机辅助工程技术(cae)(Computer Aided Engineering (CAE))

In the injection molding industry, although the computer aided engineering (CAE) function is gradually accepted, but also limit the application of CAE technology in forming this range. In order to develop the full potential of the injection molding of CAE, we will face the challenge.

The CAE incentive and restriction

At the end of the 80s, people are interested in injection molding is known about the flow analysis of the magic and its excellent functions. Then, application analysis of each person is committed to forming almost a certain degree of involvement of one or more molding problems.

By contrast, simulation provides allows engineers to repeat any production process and the advantages of the illusion not to spend the cost of materials and operation time. In the simulation, inappropriate choice of molding conditions provides the corresponding experimental information, but you will not pay the cost of production.

The simulation is also provided; the only change one parameter while keeping the other parameters unchanged, analysis method to study the parameters of the role. In the forming process of actual, this method is difficult to achieve.

For mold design and injection molding parameters, simulation application provides almost all the important aspects in the process is expected to impact on each variable parameter estimation method for engineers at the same time, provide the following advantages of simulation application:

* save raw materials

* shortening the time to market

* to improve quality and productivity

Save material, operation time and labor is the illusion of molding nature, molding machines and labor costs make the illusion is limited to only pay cost of computer and operator. The illusion model can also be the case in almost no cost to quickly modify the molding conditions. For the experimental trial and error estimation, for example to quickly modify the forming condition, the size of repair or mob

计算机辅助工程技术应用的说明报告,计算机辅助工程技术(cae)(Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)).doc...相关推荐

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