
CMOS is a short form of the complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor which is a small amount of memory generally used in computer motherboard, mainboard in order to store BIOS settings. CMOS can also be named as Real-Time Clock(RTC), CMOS RAM, Non-Volatile RAM(NVRAM), Non-Volatile BIOS Memory, and COS-MOS.

CMOS是complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor的缩写形式,它是计算机主板,主板中常用的少量内存,用于存储BIOS设置。 CMOS也可以命名为实时时钟(RTC),CMOS RAM,非易失性RAM(NVRAM),非易失性BIOS内存和COS-MOS。

CMOS历史 (CMOS History)

The first CMOS chip was used in early IBM computers. This CMOS chip was two main components of RTC and CMOS RAM. This CMOS also has 64-byte memory where 14 bytes were used system clock RAM and 50 bytes of storage were used for system settings.

第一个CMOS芯片用于早期的IBM计算机中。 该CMOS芯片是RTC和CMOS RAM的两个主要组件。 该CMOS还具有64字节的内存,其中14字节用于系统时钟RAM,而50字节的存储用于系统设置。

使用CMOS的硬件 (Hardware Using CMOS)

There is a lot of different type of computer hardware which is using the CMOS. Here are some of them.

有很多使用CMOS的不同类型的计算机硬件。 这里是其中的一些。

  • Digital Circuits数字电路
  • SRAM (Static RAM)SRAM(静态RAM)
  • Microprocessors微处理器
  • Microcontrollers微控制器

CMOS的主要功能(Main Functions of CMOS)

As stated previously CMOS is used to store BIOS and Clock/Date settings.


  • From the beginning of the computers, BIOS data is used to stored in CMOS where there are a lot of BIOS data like boot priority, PC configuration, virtualization and GPU settings, BIOS administrative password.从计算机开始,BIOS数据就用于存储在CMOS中,其中有很多BIOS数据,例如启动优先级,PC配置,虚拟化和GPU设置,BIOS管理密码。
  • The clock is another important component because even a computer is disconnected from the electricity and internet it should store and track the correct date/time configuration. CMOS is used to store this date/time configuration.时钟是另一个重要组成部分,因为即使计算机断开了电源和互联网的连接,它也应该存储并跟踪正确的日期/时间配置。 CMOS用于存储此日期/时间配置。

使用CMOS重置BIOS配置 (Reset BIOS Configuration with CMOS)

CMOS stores the BIOS and Clock information where the power source is a little CMOS battery. If we need to reset the BIOS and Clock information we can remove the battery for 3-5 minutes. This will cut the power of CMOS and data stored in the CMOS ram will be lost.

CMOS存储BIOS和时钟信息,其中电源是一块CMOS电池。 如果需要重置BIOS和时钟信息,我们可以在3-5分钟内取出电池。 这将切断CMOS的功率,并且存储在CMOS内存中的数据将丢失。

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