
imageSize=[256 256];
image = imresize(image,imageSize); %缩放% LBP[row,col,m]=size(image);if m>1image=rgb2gray(image);end   lpqfeatures=mylpq(image,row,col,lpqcellsize,lpqcellsize,winSize,decorr,freqestim,mode);


% % clear;
% % clc;
% %  %分成64x64的子块
% % img = imread('rice.png');
% % mapping=getmapping(8,'u2');%以统一模式lbp去映射
% % radius=1;
% % neighbors=8;
% % mode='h'
% % [row,col,k]=size(img);
% % if  k>1
% %      img=rgb2gray(img);
% % end
% %
% % %% resize the image into the new size with 500x*500y
% %
% % blocksizerow=64;
% % blocksizecol=64;
% %
% % new_row = ceil(row/blocksizerow) * blocksizerow;%ceil是向上取整
% % new_col = ceil(col/blocksizecol) * blocksizecol;
% %
% % % new_r_img = imresize(r_img, [new_row new_col], 'bilinear');
% % % new_g_img = imresize(g_img, [new_row new_col], 'bilinear');
% % % new_b_img = imresize(b_img, [new_row new_col], 'bilinear');
% %
% % new_img = imresize(img, [new_row new_col], 'bilinear');%以双线性插值来缩放
% %
% %
% % [y_row y_col dim] = size(new_img);
% % row_blk_num = y_row/blocksizerow;  % 3
% % col_blk_num = y_col/blocksizecol;  % 6
% %
% %
% %
% % blocks = 1;
% % for i = 1:row_blk_num
% %     for j = 1:col_blk_num
% %         disp(blocks);
% %         block = new_img((i - 1) * blocksizerow + 1 : i * blocksizerow, (j - 1) * blocksizecol + 1 : j * blocksizecol, :);
% %         H1(blocks,:)=lbp(block,radius,neighbors,mapping,mode);
% %
% % %         imshow(block);
% %         %imwrite(block, ['./' num2str(blocks) '.jpg']);
% %         blocks = blocks + 1;
% %     end
% % end
% % H2=reshape(H1,1,[]);%变成行向量function H2=mylpq(img,row,col,blocksizerow,blocksizecol,winSize,decorr,freqestim,mode)
% [row,col,k]=size(img);
% if  k>1
%      img=rgb2gray(img);
% end
new_row = ceil(row/blocksizerow) * blocksizerow;%ceil是向上取整
new_col = ceil(col/blocksizecol) * blocksizecol;
new_img = imresize(img, [new_row new_col], 'bilinear');%以双线性插值来缩放[y_row y_col dim] = size(new_img);
row_blk_num = y_row/blocksizerow;  % 3
col_blk_num = y_col/blocksizecol;  % 6blocks = 1;
for i = 1:row_blk_numfor j = 1:col_blk_num
%         disp(blocks);block = new_img((i - 1) * blocksizerow + 1 : i * blocksizerow, (j - 1) * blocksizecol + 1 : j * blocksizecol, :);H1(blocks,:)=lpq(block,winSize,decorr,freqestim,mode);%         imshow(block);%imwrite(block, ['./' num2str(blocks) '.jpg']);blocks = blocks + 1;end


function LPQdesc = lpq(img,winSize,decorr,freqestim,mode)
% Funtion LPQdesc=lpq(img,winSize,decorr,freqestim,mode) computes the Local Phase Quantization (LPQ) descriptor
% for the input image img. Descriptors are calculated using only valid pixels i.e. size(img)-(winSize-1).
% Inputs: (All empty or undefined inputs will be set to default values)
% img = N*N uint8 or double, format gray scale image to be analyzed.
% winSize = 1*1 double, size of the local window. winSize must be odd number and greater or equal to 3 (default winSize=3).
% decorr = 1*1 double, indicates whether decorrelation is used or not. Possible values are:
%                      0 -> no decorrelation,
%            (default) 1 -> decorrelation
% freqestim = 1*1 double, indicates which method is used for local frequency estimation. Possible values are:
%               (default) 1 -> STFT with uniform window (corresponds to basic version of LPQ)
%                         2 -> STFT with Gaussian window (equals also to Gaussian quadrature filter pair)
%                         3 -> Gaussian derivative quadrature filter pair.
% mode = 1*n char, defines the desired output type. Possible choices are:
%        (default) 'nh' -> normalized histogram of LPQ codewords (1*256 double vector, for which sum(result)==1)
%                  'h'  -> un-normalized histogram of LPQ codewords (1*256 double vector)
%                  'im' -> LPQ codeword image ([size(img,1)-r,size(img,2)-r] double matrix)
% Output:
% LPQdesc = 1*256 double or size(img)-(winSize-1) uint8, LPQ descriptors histogram or LPQ code image (see "mode" above)
% Example usage:
% img=imread('cameraman.tif');
% LPQhist = lpq(img,3);
% figure; bar(LPQhist);
%% Version published in 2010 by Janne Heikkil?, Esa Rahtu, and Ville Ojansivu
% Machine Vision Group, University of Oulu, Finland%% Defaul parameters
% Local window size
if nargin<2 || isempty(winSize)winSize=3; % default window size 3
end% Decorrelation
if nargin<3 || isempty(decorr)   decorr=1; % use decorrelation by default
rho=0.90; % Use correlation coefficient rho=0.9 as default% Local frequency estimation (Frequency points used [alpha,0], [0,alpha], [alpha,alpha], and [alpha,-alpha])
if nargin<4 || isempty(freqestim)freqestim=1; %use Short-Term Fourier Transform (STFT) with uniform window by default
STFTalpha=1/winSize;  % alpha in STFT approaches (for Gaussian derivative alpha=1)
sigmaS=(winSize-1)/4; % Sigma for STFT Gaussian window (applied if freqestim==2)
sigmaA=8/(winSize-1); % Sigma for Gaussian derivative quadrature filters (applied if freqestim==3)% Output mode
if nargin<5 || isempty(mode)mode='nh'; % return normalized histogram as default
end% Other
convmode='valid'; % Compute descriptor responses only on part that have full neigborhood. Use 'same' if all pixels are included (extrapolates image with zeros).%% Check inputs
if size(img,3)~=1error('Only gray scale image can be used as input');
if winSize<3 || rem(winSize,2)~=1error('Window size winSize must be odd number and greater than equal to 3');
if sum(decorr==[0 1])==0error('decorr parameter must be set to 0->no decorrelation or 1->decorrelation. See help for details.');
if sum(freqestim==[1 2 3])==0error('freqestim parameter must be 1, 2, or 3. See help for details.');
if sum(strcmp(mode,{'nh','h','im'}))==0error('mode must be nh, h, or im. See help for details.');
end%% Initialize
img=double(img); % Convert image to double
r=(winSize-1)/2; % Get radius from window size
x=-r:r; % Form spatial coordinates in window
u=1:r; % Form coordinates of positive half of the Frequency domain (Needed for Gaussian derivative)%% Form 1-D filters
if freqestim==1 % STFT uniform window% Basic STFT filtersw0=(x*0+1);w1=exp(complex(0,-2*pi*x*STFTalpha));w2=conj(w1);elseif freqestim==2 % STFT Gaussian window (equals to Gaussian quadrature filter pair)% Basic STFT filtersw0=(x*0+1);w1=exp(complex(0,-2*pi*x*STFTalpha)); w2=conj(w1);% Gaussian windowgs=exp(-0.5*(x./sigmaS).^2)./(sqrt(2*pi).*sigmaS);% Windowed filtersw0=gs.*w0;w1=gs.*w1;w2=gs.*w2;% Normalize to zero mean w1=w1-mean(w1);w2=w2-mean(w2);elseif freqestim==3 % Gaussian derivative quadrature filter pair% Frequency domain definition of filtersG0=exp(-x.^2*(sqrt(2)*sigmaA)^2);G1=[zeros(1,length(u)),0,u.*exp(-u.^2*sigmaA^2)];% Normalize to avoid small numerical values (do not change the phase response we use)G0=G0/max(abs(G0));   G1=G1/max(abs(G1));% Compute spatial domain correspondences of the filtersw0=real(fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(G0))));w1=fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(G1)));w2=conj(w1);% Normalize to avoid small numerical values (do not change the phase response we use) w0=w0/max(abs([real(max(w0)),imag(max(w0))]));w1=w1/max(abs([real(max(w1)),imag(max(w1))]));w2=w2/max(abs([real(max(w2)),imag(max(w2))]));
end%% Run filters to compute the frequency response in the four points. Store real and imaginary parts separately
% Run first filter
% Initilize frequency domain matrix for four frequency coordinates (real and imaginary parts for each frequency).
% Store filter outputs
% Repeat the procedure for other frequencies
freqResp(:,:,8)=imag(filterResp);% Read the size of frequency matrix
[freqRow,freqCol,freqNum]=size(freqResp);%% If decorrelation is used, compute covariance matrix and corresponding whitening transform
if decorr == 1% Compute covariance matrix (covariance between pixel positions x_i and x_j is rho^||x_i-x_j||)[xp,yp]=meshgrid(1:winSize,1:winSize);pp=[xp(:) yp(:)];dd=dist(pp,pp');C=rho.^dd;% Form 2-D filters q1, q2, q3, q4 and corresponding 2-D matrix operator M (separating real and imaginary parts)q1=w0.'*w1;q2=w1.'*w0;q3=w1.'*w1;q4=w1.'*w2;u1=real(q1); u2=imag(q1);u3=real(q2); u4=imag(q2);u5=real(q3); u6=imag(q3);u7=real(q4); u8=imag(q4);M=[u1(:)';u2(:)';u3(:)';u4(:)';u5(:)';u6(:)';u7(:)';u8(:)'];% Compute whitening transformation matrix VD=M*C*M';A=diag([1.000007 1.000006 1.000005 1.000004 1.000003 1.000002 1.000001 1]); % Use "random" (almost unit) diagonal matrix to avoid multiple eigenvalues.  [U,S,V]=svd(A*D*A);% Reshape frequency responsefreqResp=reshape(freqResp,[freqRow*freqCol,freqNum]);% Perform whitening transformfreqResp=(V.'*freqResp.').';% Undo reshapefreqResp=reshape(freqResp,[freqRow,freqCol,freqNum]);
end%% Perform quantization and compute LPQ codewords
LPQdesc=zeros(freqRow,freqCol); % Initialize LPQ code word image (size depends whether valid or same area is used)
for i=1:freqNumLPQdesc=LPQdesc+(double(freqResp(:,:,i))>0)*(2^(i-1));
end%% Switch format to uint8 if LPQ code image is required as output
if strcmp(mode,'im')LPQdesc=uint8(LPQdesc);
end%% Histogram if needed
if strcmp(mode,'nh') || strcmp(mode,'h')LPQdesc=hist(LPQdesc(:),0:255);
end%% Normalize histogram if needed
if strcmp(mode,'nh')LPQdesc=LPQdesc/sum(LPQdesc);


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