js 标签距离文档边距

Margins in a document are the white space that surrounds the text in your file. They appear at the top, bottom, left, and right sides. While the default margins are fine most of the time, sometimes you’ll need to change them. Here’s how.

文档中的页边空白是包围文件中文本的空白。 它们出现在顶部,底部,左侧和右侧。 虽然默认边距在大多数情况下都很好,但是有时您需要更改它们。 这是如何做。

如何控制Google文档中的边距 (How to Control Margins in Google Docs)

Controlling margins in your document is a simple process that can you can do in a couple of ways: from the ruler or the menu bar.


Note: Changing the margins affects every page in the document. You are unable to change a single page’s margins separately from another.

注意:更改页边距会影响文档中的每一页。 您无法单独更改单个页面的页边距。

使用标尺控制边距 (Control Margins Using the Ruler)

After you open your file, look at the rulers along the top and the left side of the document. The top ruler controls the left and right margins while the other one controls the top and bottom margins. The gray area on the ruler indicates the current margin.

打开文件后,请查看文档顶部和左侧的标尺。 上标尺控制左边缘和右边缘,而另一个则控制上边缘和下边缘。 标尺上的灰色区域表示当前边距。

The margin line is the line on the ruler between the margin and the usable area of the document. Click and drag the margin line to adjust the padding. The default is one inch or 2.54 cm, depending on what unit you’re using.

页边距线是标尺上页边距和文档可用区域之间的线。 单击并拖动边界线以调整填充。 默认值为1英寸或2.54厘米,具体取决于所使用的单位。

Note that the top margin line is hiding behind the blue line and arrow. These are the indentation indicators which let you control, you guessed it, the indentations of your document’s paragraphs.

请注意,顶部边距线隐藏在蓝色线和箭头的后面。 这些是缩进指示符 ,您可以猜到来控制文档段落的缩进。

Repeat this step for each side you wish to adjust.


Google Docs changes the margin dynamically as you fiddle with the ruler’s lines.


使用菜单栏控制边距 (Control Margins Using the Menu Bar)

You can also set specific margins using menu commands rather than by dragging the margin line on the ruler.


Open the “File” menu and then click “Page Setup.”


In the Page Setup window, type the margin changes you want and then click “OK.”


That’s all there is to it! You are now the master of your domain, and your document’s margins are under your complete control.

这里的所有都是它的! 您现在是域的主人,文档的边距在您的完全控制之下。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/401220/how-to-control-margins-in-google-docs/

js 标签距离文档边距

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