思科 PIX 防火墙和思科 ASA自适应安全工具模型和特点



思科PIX 防火墙 501 安全工具 

•Designed for small offices andteleworkers
•7500 concurrent connections
•60-Mbps throughput
•Interface support
–Supports one 10/100BASE-T* Ethernetinterface (outside)
–Has four-port 10/100 switch (inside)
•VPN throughput
–3-Mbps 3DES
–4.5-Mbps 128-bit AES
•Ten simultaneous VPN peers

100BASE-Tspeed option is available in release 6.3.

PIX防火墙 501: 前面板 LEDs

PIX防火墙 501: 后面板

PIX防火墙506E 安全工具 

•Is designed for remote offices and small-to medium-sized businesses
•Provides 25,000 concurrent connections
•Provides 100-Mbps clear text throughput
•Supports Two interfaces
–Two VLANs*
•Provides VPN throughput
–17-Mbps 3DES
–30-Mbps 128-bit AES
•Provides 25 simultaneous VPN peers

*100BASE-Tspeed option is available in PIX Firewall Security Appliance Software v6.3 for506E only. Two VLANs are supported in release 6.3(4).

PIX防火墙 506E:前面板 LEDs

PIX防火墙 506E:后面板

PIX防火墙 515E 安全工具 

•Isdesigned for small- to medium-sized businesses and enterprise networks
•Provides130,000 concurrent connections
•Provides190-Mbps clear text throughput
•ProvidesInterface support
–Up tosix 10/100 Fast Ethernet interfaces
–Up to25 VLANs
–Up tofive contexts
•SupportsVPNs (2,000 tunnels)
–Siteto site

PIX防火墙 515E:前面板 LEDs

PIX防火墙 515E:后面板


PIXFirewall 515E: Expansion Slot Option Cards

PIXFirewall 515E: Fast Ethernet Card Port Numbering

PIXFirewall 525 Security Appliance 

•Isdesigned for enterprise networks
•Provides280,000 concurrent connections
•Provides330-Mbps clear text throughput
•ProvidesInterface support
–Up toten 10/100 Fast Ethernet interfaces
–Up to100 VLANs
–Up to50 contexts
•SupportsVPNs (2,000 tunnels)
–Siteto site

PIXFirewall 525: 前面板 LEDs

PIXFirewall 525: 后面板

PIXFirewall 525: 固定接口连接器

PIXFirewall 525: Expansion Cards and VACs

PIXFirewall 535 Security Appliance

•Isdesigned for enterprise and service providers
•Provides500,000 concurrent connections
•Provides1.65-Gbps clear text throughput
•ProvidesInterface support
–Up to14 Fast and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
–Up to150 VLANs
–Upto  50 contexts
•SupportsVPNs (2,000 tunnels)
–Siteto site

PIX535: Front Panel LEDs

PIX535: Back Panel

PIXFirewall 535: Option Cards

ASA 5500 自适应安全工具家族


思科ASA5510 自适应安全工具 

•Delivers all-in-one enterprise, remoteoffice, and small- to medium-sized business security and VPN gateway
•Provides 64,000 concurrent connections
•Provides 300-Mbps firewall throughput
•Provides interface support
–Up to five 10/100 Fast Ethernetinterfaces
–Up to ten VLANs
•Supports failover
•Supports VPNs
–Site to site
–Remote access
•Supports AIP-SSM-10 (optional)

思科ASA5520 自适应安全工具 

•Delivers all-in-one enterprise and small-to medium-sized business headend security and VPN gateway
•Provides 130,000 concurrent connections
•Provides 450-Mbps firewall throughput
•Provides Interface support
–Four 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernetinterfaces
–One 10/100 Fast Ethernet  interface
–Up to 25 VLANs
–Up to 10 contexts
•Supports failover
•Supports VPNs
–Site to site
–Remote access
•Supports AIP-SSM-10 (optional)

思科ASA5540 自适应安全工具 

•Delivers all-in-one enterprise and small-to medium-sized business headend security and VPN Gateway
•Provides 280,000 concurrent connections
•Provides 400-Mbps firewall throughput
•Provides Interface support
–Four 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernetinterfaces
–One 10/100 Fast Ethernet interface
–Up to 100 VLANs
–Up to 50 contexts
•Supports failover
•Supports VPNs
–Site to site (5,000 peers)
–Remote access
•Supports AIP-SSM-20 (optional)

ASA5500 Series: 前面板

ASA5500 Series: 后面板

ASA5500 Series: 连接器

ASA5500  后面板

安全服务模块( FWSM,Firewall Services Module )

•在Cisco 6500 系列交换机和Cisco 7600 系列Internet 路由器上集成
•High-performance module designed toprovide additional security services
•Diskless (Flash-based) design forimproved reliability
•Gigabit Ethernet port for out-of-bandmanagement


1. 高性能, 5Gbit/s的吞吐量,全双工防火墙功能。
2. 每秒 300 万个数据包的吞吐量。
3. 支持 100 个 VLAN。
4. 100 万个并发连接。
5. LAN 故障倒换
6. OSPF 协议和 RIP 协议支持
7. 每台设备支持多个 FWSM 模块。

FWSM在 Catalyst6500 中的安装

FWSM在 Cisco7609 路由器中的安装




PIX 防火墙安全工具授权


•UR: Allows installation and use of themaximum number of interfaces and RAM supported by the platform.
•Restricted: Limits the number ofinterfaces supported and the amount of RAM available within the system (nocontexts and no failover).
•Active/standby failure: Places onesecurity appliance in a failover mode for use alongside a security appliancethat has a UR license. Only one unit can be actively processing user traffic;the other unit acts as a hot standby.
•Active/active failover: Places a securityappliance that has a UR license in a failover mode for use alongside anothersecurity appliance that has a UR license, or two UR licenses. Both units canactively process traffic while serving as a backup for each other. 

Appliesto PIX Firewall 515/515E, 525, and 535


•DES license 
–Provides 56-bit DES
•3DES/AES license
–Provides 168-bit 3DES
–Provides up to 256-bit AES

PIX515E, 525, and 535 Licensing

ASA 系列产品Licensing

ASA 安全上下文授权


•Two contexts

可行的 ContextLicenses

•5 contexts
•10 contexts
•20 contexts
•50 contexts

Upgrade Licenses

•From Five to Ten contexts
•From Ten to 20 contexts
•From 20 to 50 contexts


•AIP-SSM模块: PIX不支持

汇 总

•当前有8个PIX 防火墙和ASA 自适应安全工具模型.
–思科500 PIX 防火墙系列: 501, 506E, 515E, 525, and 535
–思科ASA 5500 Series: 5510, 5520 and 5540
•Your security appliance licensedetermines the level of service and available features of your securityappliance, and the number of interfaces it supports.
•Restricted, unrestricted, and failoverlicenses are available for PIX Firewall Security Appliance models 515E, 525,and 535.
•The Cisco Firewall Services Module forthe Cisco Catalyst 6500 Switches and the Cisco 7600 Series Internet Routersprovides an alternative to the security appliance.


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