
1. 如果是iPad,只能上apple store

2. 如果是Android可以去Google store:

3. 以下为desktop版本(建议用这个,最强大),

4. 手机版还木有放出来似乎;

Reference:GeoGebra Installation

GeoGebra Installation

  • Installation
  • Mass Installation
  • FAQ
If you plan to install GeoGebra on multiple devices you may be interested inGeoGebra Mass Installation


GeoGebra can be installed for Windows in two ways:

  • GeoGebra Installer for Windows (recommended)
  • GeoGebra Portable for Windows (runs from USB memory sticks for example)

Please note that the Installer will automatically update to newer versions.


We provide GeoGebra in two ways for Mac OS X:

  • GeoGebra in the Mac App Store (recommended)
  • GeoGebra Portable for OSX.

Please note that the Mac App Store will automatically update to newer versions.


The following GeoGebra Linux installers are available:

  • 64 bit /32 bit installers for .deb based systems (Debian, Ubuntu)
  • 64 bit /32 bit installers for .rpm based systems (Red Hat, openSUSE)
  • Portable Linux bundle for 64 and 32 bit Linux systems


The .deb and .rpm installers will automatically add the official GeoGebra repository to the package management system on the workstation. This will enable automatic update of GeoGebra every time a new version is released. Note that the portable version will not automatically update.

If you want to include GeoGebra in your custom Linux distribution with GeoGebra included, the best way is to add the official GeoGebra repository ( to your package management system. The GPG key of the repository is at The name of the package isgeogebra5. This will conflict with the earlier versions (4.0, 4.2 and 4.4), which are namedgeogebra (andgeogebra44 for 4.4) and should be deleted first.

All versions

Version Windows Mac OS X Linux
4.4 InstallerPortable Portable Portable
5.0 InstallerPortable Portable Portable
latest InstallerPortable Portable Portable

Supported devices and Troubleshooting

Please check the Supported devices page for further information about running GeoGebra on different devices, have a look atthe FAQ for more information and visit the forum for support.

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