
I have a date tonight.(这里date用作名词,译为:我今晚有个约会)

Jack dates me tonight (这里date用作动词,译为:杰克今晚约了我)除了日期,还有约会,约定的意思,可以做动词使用


date 1 / det; det/ n [C] (a) specific numbered day of the month, or specific year, usu given to show when sth happened or is to happen 日期; 日子; 年份: Today's date is the 23rd of June. 今天是6月23日. * `What's the date?' `The 10th.' ‘日期是几号?’‘10号.’ * Has the date of the meeting been fixed? 开会的日期决定了吗? *`When was the date of the Battle of Waterloo? ' `June 1815.'‘滑铁卢战役是在何时?’‘1815年6月.’ (b) indication written, printed or stamped (on a letter, coin, etc) of the time when it was written, made, etc (信件﹑ 硬币等)注明的日期: There's no date on this cheque. 这张支票上没有日期. * The manuscript bears the date 10 April 1937. 手稿上注着1937年4月10日. =>App 4 见附录4. [U] period of time in history, eg one to which antiquities belong (古物等所属的)时代, 年代: This vase is of an earlier date (ie is older) than that one. 这个花瓶的年代比那个的早. [C] (infml 口) (a) appointment to meet sb at a particular time (约好时间的)会晤: We made a date to go to the opera. 我们约好去看歌剧. (b) meeting with a person of the opposite sex (和异性的)约会: I have a date (with my girl-friend) tonight. 我今晚(和女朋友)有个约会. (c) (esp US) person with whom one has a date1(3b) (异性的)约会对象: My date is meeting me atseven. 我的对象七点钟跟我见面. (idm 习语) (be/go),out of `date (a) no longer fashionable 不再流行的; 过时的: Will denim jeans ever go out of date? 粗布牛仔裤会过时吗? * [attrib 作定语] ,out-of-date `clothes, i`deas, `slang 过时的衣服﹑ 陈旧的思想﹑ 已废的俚语. (b) no longer valid 过期的; 失效的: My passport is out of date. 我的护照已经过期了. to date so far; up to now 迄今; 至今; 到目前为止: To date, we have not received any replies. 我们至今还未接到答覆. * This is the biggest donation we've had to date. 这是到目前为止我们所收到的最大一项捐赠. (be/bring sb/sth) ,up to `date (a) modern; fashionable 现代的; 时新的: She wears clothes that are right up to date. 她穿着最时新的衣服. (b) according to what is now known or required 据目前所知或所要求的: The list is up to date now that we've added the new members' names. 我们把新成员的名字已经加进去了, 这份名单是最全的了. * [attrib 作定语],up-to-date `styles, `methods, `books 最新的式样﹑ 方法﹑ 书籍. > dateless adj never becoming unfashionable or dated 历久弥新的; 永不过时的. # `date-line n (a) (also international date-line) imaginary line running from north to south 180 from Greenwich, east and west of which the date differs by one day (国际)日界线(距格林威治180自北向南的一条假想线, 此线以东及以西的地区日期相差一日). (b) line in a newspaper above an article, etc, that shows the time and place of writing 日期行(报章中一篇文字上方注明撰写时间和地点的一行文字). `date-stamp n adjustable rubber stamp for printing the date on documents, etc 日期戳子. date 2 / det; det/ v [Tn] write a date1(1a) on (sth) 在(某物)上写上日期: Don't forget to date your cheque. 不要忘记在支票上写上日期. * His last letter was dated 24 May. 他最後一封信的日期是5月24日. [Tn] determine the age of (sth) 鉴定(某物)的年代: the method of dating rocks, fossils, tools, paintings 鉴定岩石﹑ 化石﹑ 工具﹑ 绘画的年代的方法. [I, Tn] seem or make (sb/sth) seem old-fashioned 显得过时; 使(某人[某物])显得过时: Young people's clothes date quickly nowadays. 现在年轻人的衣服转眼就过时. * Your taste in pop music really dates you. 你所喜爱的流行音乐真使你显得脱离了时代. [Ipr] ~ back to/from... have existed since 自某时代存在至今: This castle dates from the 14th century, ie was built then. 这座城堡建於14世纪. * Our partnership dates back to (ie We have been partners since) 1960. 我们从1960年就合伙了. [I, Tn] (infml 口 esp US) go on a date1(3b) with (sb), once or regularly (与异性)约会: They've been dating for a long time. 他们一直频频约会. * I only dated her once. 我和她只约会过一次. > datable adj. dated adj old-fashioned; no longer in use 旧式的; 不时兴的; 过时的: His clothes look so dated. 他的衣服早就过时了. * She uses rather dated words and phrases. 她使用的词语未免太陈旧了. date 3 / det; det/ n brown sweet edible fruit of a palm tree common


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