Real Programmers don't write specs—— users should consider themselves

lucky to get any programs at all and take what they get.真正的程序员不

循规蹈矩,他们对用户说:拿到你想要的,然后滚蛋,你已经很幸运了!* Real Programmers don't comment their code. If it was hard to write,

it should be hard to understand and even harder to modify.真正的程序员


* Real Programmers don't write application programs ; they program

right down on the bare metal. Application programming is for feebs who

can't do systems programming. 真正的程序员不写应用程序。他们爱白手起家。


* Real Programmers don't eat quiche. In fact, real programmers don't

know how to SPELL quiche. They eat Twinkies , and Szechwan food. 真正




* Real Programmers only write specs for languages that might run on

future hardware. Noboby trusts them to write specs for anything homo sapiens

will ever be able to fit on a single planet.真正的程序员只为未来机器上


* Real Programmers never program in COBOL , money is no object.真

正的程序员不用cobol 编程,金钱如粪土。


* Real Programmers never right justify text that will be read on a

fixed-character-width medium. 真正的程序员将文本写得错落有致。

* Real Programmers wear hiking boots only when it's much too cold

to wear sandals. When it's only too cold, they wear socks with their



* Real Programmers don't think that they should get paid at all for

their work, but they know that they're worth every penny that they do

make. 真正的程序员并不奢求取得每一分该得的钱,但任何拿到手的钱都问心无


* Real Programmers log in first thing in the morning, last thing

before they go to sleep , and stay logged in for lots of time in between.



* Real programmers don't draw flowcharts. Flowcharts are after all,

the illerate's form of documentation. 真正的程序员不画流程图。流程图是


* Real Programmers don't use Macs. Computers which draw cute little

pictures * Real Programmers never program in COBOL, money is no object.

真正的程序员不用cobol 编程,金钱如粪土。


* Real Programmers don't use Macs. Computers which draw cute little

pictures真正的程序员不用MAC 机。能画可爱的卡通的电脑是给胆小鬼用的。

* Real Programmers don't read manuals. Reliance on a reference is

the hallmark of a novice and a coward.真正的程序员不看使用指南。只有初


* Real Programmers don't write in COBOL. COBOL is for gum chewing

twits who maintain ancient payroll programs.真正的程序员不用cobol.cobol


* Real Programmers don't write in FORTRAN. FORTRAN is for wimpy engineers

who wear white socks. The get excited over finite state analysis and nuclear

reactor simulations.真正的程序员不写fortran 程序。fortran 是让畏缩的白



* Real Programmers don't write in Modula-2. Modula-2 is for insecure

analretentives who can't choose between Pascal and COBOL. 真正的程序员

不用modula-2编程。modula-2集合了pascal和cobol 的缺点。

* Real Programmers don't write in APL , unless the whole program

can be written on one line. 真正的程序员不写apl 程序,除非他能在一行内


* Real Programmers don't write in Lisp. Only effeminate programmers

use more parentheses than actual code.真正的程序员不用lisp编程。只有女


for compulsive neurotics who were prematurely toilet trained. They

wear neckties and carefully line up sharp pencils on an otherwise clear

desk. 真正的程序员鄙视结构化编程。结构化编程是让过早被训练怎样上厕所的



* Real Programmers scorn floating point arithmetic. The decimal point

was invented for pansy bedwetters who are unable to think big.真正的程


* Real Programmers know every nuance of every instruction and use

them all in every Real Program. Some candyass architectures won't allow

EXECUTE instructions to address another EXECUTE instruction as the target

instruction. Real Programmers despise petty restrictions. 真正的程序员


译器不允许EXECUTE 指令象对目标指令那样对另一个EXECUTE 指令寻址。真正的


* Real Programmers Don't use PL/I. PL/I is for insecure momma's boys

who can't choose between Cobol and Fortran. 真正的程序员不用PL/I.PL/I

是让偎依在妈妈身边的小男孩在无法从cobol 和pascal中选择时用的。

* Real Programmers don't like the team programming concept. Unless,

of course , they are the Chief Programmer. 能摆平那些有心智缺陷的人,


* Real programmers ignore schedules.真正的程序员不按日程表办事。

* Real Programmers don't bring brown bag lunches to work. If the vending

machine sells it, they eat it. If the vending machine doesn't sell it,

they don't eat it.真正的程序员不带午餐上班。有得吃就吃,没得吃就饿着。

* Real Programmers think better when playing Adventure or Rogue.真


* Real Programmers use C since it's the easiest language to spell.

真正的程序员用C ,因为C 是最容易拼的语言,只有一个字母。

* Real Programmers don't use symbolic debuggers , who needs symbols.


* Real Programmers only curse at inanimate objects. 真正的程序员只


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