
Mozilla Firefox uses a Firefox account to sync your passwords, bookmarks, and other browsing data between devices. If you’re leaving Firefox behind, you may want to delete your account to remove all your personal data from Firefox’s servers.

Mozilla Firefox使用Firefox帐户在设备之间同步您的密码,书签和其他浏览数据。 如果您将Firefox抛在身后,则可能要删除帐户,以从Firefox的服务器中删除所有个人数据。

Warning: This will delete any Firefox browser data saved online. Any data stored in the Firefox browser on your computer will still exist, however—it just won’t sync to your other devices.

警告:这将删除所有在线保存的Firefox浏览器数据。 但是,存储在计算机上Firefox浏览器中的所有数据仍然会存在-只是不会同步到您的其他设备。

从Mozilla Firefox中删除您的帐户 (Delete Your Account from Within Mozilla Firefox)

If you’re still signed into your account from within Firefox, click the menu button and then click your account name at the bottom of Firefox’s menu.


Click the “Manage Account” link on the Sync options page. You’ll be taken to the account management page on Firefox’s website.

点击“同步选项”页面上的“管理帐户”链接。 您将被带到Firefox网站上的帐户管理页面。

Click the “Delete” button to the right of Delete Account at the bottom of the page.


Enter your Firefox account password and click the “Delete account” button. Your account will be erased. If you want to create a new Firefox Sync account, you can.

输入您的Firefox帐户密码,然后单击“删除帐户”按钮。 您的帐户将被删除。 如果您想创建一个新的Firefox Sync帐户,则可以。

从另一个浏览器删除您的Firefox帐户 (Delete Your Firefox Account from Another Browser)

To delete your Firefox Sync account without using Firefox, head to the Firefox Account Sign-in page. Sign in with the email address and password you used for your Firefox account.

要在不使用Firefox的情况下删除Firefox Sync帐户,请转到Firefox帐户登录页面。 使用您用于Firefox帐户的电子邮件地址和密码登录。

Scroll down and click the “Delete” button to the right of the Delete Account.


Enter your Firefox account password again and click the “Delete Account” button. Your account will be erased.

再次输入您的Firefox帐户密码,然后单击“删除帐户”按钮。 您的帐户将被删除。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/281097/how-to-delete-your-firefox-account/



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