
Amazon’s Fire Tablet, formerly known as Kindle Fire, comes in 7, 8, and 10 inch versions. Even if you know you have a Fire, Fire HD, or Fire HDX, there are several different generations of hardware. Here’s how to tell exactly which tablet model you have.

亚马逊的Fire Tablet(以前称为Kindle Fire)有7英寸,8英寸和10英寸版本 。 即使您知道您拥有Fire,Fire HD或Fire HDX,也存在几种不同的硬件。 以下是如何准确判断您拥有哪种平板电脑型号的方法。

如何找到型号名称 (How to Find the Model Name)

This information is easily accessible in the Fire Tablet’s settings screen. To open it, pull down from the top of the screen, and then tap the gear icon.

在Fire Tablet的设置屏幕中可以轻松访问此信息。 要打开它,请从屏幕顶部向下拉,然后点击齿轮图标。

Under the Device section on the Settings screen, tap the “Device Options” entry.


Look for the “Device Model” field. This displays the name (and generation) of your Fire Tablet.

查找“设备型号”字段。 这会显示您的Fire Tablet的名称(和世代)。

如何查找平板电脑的规格 (How to Find Your Tablet’s Specifications)

If you’d like more information about your Fire Tablet’s hardware specifications and how it compares against other Fire Tablets, you can view the Tablet Device Specifications page on Amazon’s website. It’s intended for app developers, but it provides detailed information about the hardware in all Amazon’s tablets.

如果您想了解有关Fire Tablet的硬件规格以及与其他Fire Tablets进行比较的更多信息,您可以查看亚马逊网站上的Tablet Device Specification页面。 它专为应用程序开发人员设计,但提供了有关所有Amazon平板电脑中硬件的详细信息。

For example, in the screenshot above, the device’s name is “Fire (5th Generation).” This tablet appears as the Fire (2015) “5th Generation” tablet on Amazon’s device list.

例如,在上面的屏幕截图中,设备的名称为“ Fire(第5代)”。 该平板电脑在亚马逊的设备列表中显示为Fire(2015)“第五代”平板电脑。

您有多少存储空间? (How Much Storage Do You Have?)

Amazon’s Fire Tablets are available with different capacities. For example, there are versions of the 7th generation Fire Tablet, also known as the Fire Tablet (2017), with either 8 GB or 16 GB of storage.

亚马逊的Fire Tablets具有不同的容量。 例如,存在第7代Fire Tablet的版本,也称为Fire Tablet(2017),具有8 GB或16 GB的存储空间。

To find out how much storage your tablet has, head to Settings > Storage on your Fire Tablet and look at the total number under “Internal Storage.”

要了解您的平板电脑有多少存储空间,请转到Fire Tablet上的设置>存储,然后在“内部存储空间”下查看总数。

Your tablet won’t have quite as much storage as you might expect, since the Fire Tablet’s operating system—the Android-based Amazon Fire OS—takes up some of the space. For example, in the screenshot below, our tablet says it has a total of 5.62 GB of space. This means it’s an 8 GB model. If your tablet says you have closer to 16 GB, you have a 16 GB model.

由于Fire Tablet的操作系统(基于Android的Amazon Fire OS)占用了一些空间,因此您的平板电脑将没有您期望的存储量。 例如,在下面的屏幕截图中,我们的平板电脑说它总共有5.62 GB的空间。 这意味着它是一个8 GB的模型。 如果平板电脑说您有接近16 GB的空间,则说明您有16 GB的模型。

Image Credit: Amazon

图片来源: 亚马逊



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