1 Cento7 编译安装

yum install -y autoconf automake libtool gcc-c++ ncurses-devel make zlib-devel libjpeg-devel
yum install –y openssl-devel e2fsprogs-devel curl-devel pcre-devel speex-devel sqlite-devel
yum -y install  ldns ldns-devel
yum -y install   libedit-devel
yum -y install bzip2
wget https://files.freeswitch.org/releases/freeswitch/freeswitch-1.4.26.tar.bz2   -P  /opt/
tar xvjf /opt/freeswitch-1.4.26.tar.bz2  -C  /opt/
cd /opt/freeswitch-1.4.26
make install
make[2]: Entering directory `/opt/freeswitch-1.4.26/build'+---------- FreeSWITCH install Complete ----------++ FreeSWITCH has been successfully installed.     ++                                                 ++       Install sounds:                           ++       (uhd-sounds includes hd-sounds, sounds)   ++       (hd-sounds includes sounds)               ++       ------------------------------------      ++                make cd-sounds-install           ++                make cd-moh-install              ++                                                 ++                make uhd-sounds-install          ++                make uhd-moh-install             ++                                                 ++                make hd-sounds-install           ++                make hd-moh-install              ++                                                 ++                make sounds-install              ++                make moh-install                 ++                                                 ++       Install non english sounds:               ++       replace XX with language                  ++       (ru : Russian)                            ++       (fr : French)                             ++       ------------------------------------      ++                make cd-sounds-XX-install        ++                make uhd-sounds-XX-install       ++                make hd-sounds-XX-install        ++                make sounds-XX-install           ++                                                 ++       Upgrade to latest:                        ++       ----------------------------------        ++                make current                     ++                                                 ++       Rebuild all:                              ++       ----------------------------------        ++                make sure                        ++                                                 ++       Install/Re-install default config:        ++       ----------------------------------        ++                make samples                     ++                                                 ++                                                 ++       Additional resources:                     ++       ----------------------------------        ++       https://www.freeswitch.org                ++       https://freeswitch.org/confluence         ++       https://freeswitch.org/jira               ++       http://lists.freeswitch.org               ++                                                 ++       irc.freenode.net / #freeswitch            ++                                                 ++       Register For ClueCon:                     ++       ----------------------------------        ++       https://www.cluecon.com                   ++                                                 ++-------------------------------------------------+.=======================================================================================================.
|    ____ _             ____                                                                            |
|   / ___| |_   _  ___ / ___|___  _ __                                                                  |
|  | |   | | | | |/ _ \ |   / _ \| '_ \                                                                 |
|  | |___| | |_| |  __/ |__| (_) | | | |                                                                |
|   \____|_|\__,_|\___|\____\___/|_| |_|                                                                |
|                                                                                                       |
|   _____    _            _                          ____             __                                |
|  |_   _|__| | ___ _ __ | |__   ___  _ __  _   _   / ___|___  _ __  / _| ___ _ __ ___ _ __   ___ ___   |
|    | |/ _ \ |/ _ \ '_ \| '_ \ / _ \| '_ \| | | | | |   / _ \| '_ \| |_ / _ \ '__/ _ \ '_ \ / __/ _ \  |
|    | |  __/ |  __/ |_) | | | | (_) | | | | |_| | | |__| (_) | | | |  _|  __/ | |  __/ | | | (_|  __/  |
|    |_|\___|_|\___| .__/|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\__, |  \____\___/|_| |_|_|  \___|_|  \___|_| |_|\___\___|  |
|                  |_|                      |___/                                                       |
|   _____                           _                         _                                         |
|  | ____|_   _____ _ __ _   _     / \  _   _  __ _ _   _ ___| |_                                       |
|  |  _| \ \ / / _ \ '__| | | |   / _ \| | | |/ _` | | | / __| __|                                      |
|  | |___ \ V /  __/ |  | |_| |  / ___ \ |_| | (_| | |_| \__ \ |_                                       |
|  |_____| \_/ \___|_|   \__, | /_/   \_\__,_|\__, |\__,_|___/\__|                                      |
|                        |___/                |___/                                                     |
|                                       ____ _             ____                                         |
|  __      ____      ____      __      / ___| |_   _  ___ / ___|___  _ __         ___ ___  _ __ ___     |
|  \ \ /\ / /\ \ /\ / /\ \ /\ / /     | |   | | | | |/ _ \ |   / _ \| '_ \       / __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \    |
|   \ V  V /  \ V  V /  \ V  V /   _  | |___| | |_| |  __/ |__| (_) | | | |  _  | (_| (_) | | | | | |   |
|    \_/\_/    \_/\_/    \_/\_/   (_)  \____|_|\__,_|\___|\____\___/|_| |_| (_)  \___\___/|_| |_| |_|   |
|                                                                                                       |
.=======================================================================================================.Checking module integrity in target [/usr/local/freeswitch/mod]make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/freeswitch-1.4.26/build'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/freeswitch-1.4.26'
[root@localhost freeswitch-1.4.26]# ./configure


make sounds-install
# /opt/freeswitch-1.4.26/build/getsounds.sh freeswitch-sounds-en-us-callie-8000-1.0.50.tar.gz /usr/local/freeswitch/sounds/
--2021-02-19 15:31:02--  http://files.freeswitch.org/freeswitch-sounds-en-us-callie-8000-1.0.50.tar.gz
Resolving files.freeswitch.org (files.freeswitch.org)..., 2803:d000:fffe::174
Connecting to files.freeswitch.org (files.freeswitch.org)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: http://files.freeswitch.org/releases/sounds/freeswitch-sounds-en-us-callie-8000-1.0.50.tar.gz [following]
--2021-02-19 15:31:03--  http://files.freeswitch.org/releases/sounds/freeswitch-sounds-en-us-callie-8000-1.0.50.tar.gz
Reusing existing connection to files.freeswitch.org:80.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 18657616 (18M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ‘freeswitch-sounds-en-us-callie-8000-1.0.50.tar.gz’100%[==================================================================================================================>] 18,657,616  6.94KB/s   in 48m 8s 2021-02-19 16:19:10 (6.31 KB/s) - ‘freeswitch-sounds-en-us-callie-8000-1.0.50.tar.gz’ saved [18657616/18657616]
make moh-install
cp /usr/local/freeswitch/bin/freeswitch   /usr/bin/
cp /usr/local/freeswitch/bin/fs_cli    /usr/bin/

2 启动




freeswitch@localhost.localdomain> shutdown


freeswitch -nc
15252 Backgrounding.


freeswitch -stop
Killing: 15252

3 fs_cli 客户端工具


freeswitch -nc

客户端连接不急fs 服务端




4 eyeBeam 软电话 使用 fs默认用户密码注册

5 Zoiper 安装


拨打 9664 进行测试

拨打 1000


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