
With Spotify Premium, you get access to higher quality music streaming. By default (and if you’re on the free plan), Spotify streams at 96kbps on mobile and 160kbps on your computer. At these sort of bitrates, you’ll hear a small but noticeable drop in quality compared to a CD.

借助Spotify Premium,您可以访问更高质量的音乐流。 默认情况下(如果您处于免费计划中),Spotify在移动设备上的传输速率为96kbps,在计算机上的传输速率为160kbps。 在这种比特率下,与CD相比,您会听到质量的细小但明显的下降。

With Premium, however, you can stream tracks at up to 320kbps; that’s pretty much the gold standard of lossy bitrates and most people can’t reliably tell the difference between it and a lossless format like a CD.

但是,使用Premium,您可以以高达320kbps的速度流式传输曲目; 这几乎是有损比特率的黄金标准,大多数人无法可靠地分辨出它与无损格式(如CD)之间的区别。

If you’re curious, check out this test from NPR. It presents you with the same track in three formats: a 128kbps MP3, a 320kbps MP3, and an uncompressed WAV. You just have to select the highest quality track from the selection. While I could pretty easily avoid the lowest quality track, I wasn’t able to pick between 320kbps and lossless with any consistency.

如果您感到好奇,请从NPR查看此测试。 它以三种格式为您提供相同的曲目:128kbps MP3、320kbps MP3和未压缩的WAV。 您只需要从选择中选择最高质量的曲目即可。 虽然我可以很容易地避免获得最低质量的音轨,但我无法在320kbps和无损之间做出任何一致性的选择。

Want to get your Spotify tracks at that higher, 320kbps quality? Here’s how.

是否想以320kbps的更高质量获得Spotify曲目? 这是如何做。

在移动 (On Mobile)

Open Spotify, go to the Your Library tab and tap settings icon in the top right. On iOS, select Music Quality. On Android, scroll down until you find it.

打开Spotify,转到“您的媒体库”标签,然后点击右上角的设置图标。 在iOS上,选择“音乐质量”。 在Android上,向下滚动直到找到它。

Spotify has three different audio qualities available on mobile: Normal (96kbps), High (160kbps), and Extreme (320kbps). There’s also an Automatic option that will dynamically adjust the bitrate based on your network quality and what kind of network you’re on.

Spotify在移动设备上具有三种不同的音频质量:“正常”(96kbps),“高”(160kbps)和“极限”(320kbps)。 还有一个自动选项,可根据您的网络质量和所使用的网络类型动态调整比特率。

You can set one audio quality for streaming and another for tracks you download. Remember, the higher the bitrate the more data you will use while streaming and the more space the tracks will take up when downloaded.

您可以为流设置一种音频质量,为下载的轨道设置另一种音频质量。 请记住,比特率越高,您在流式传输时将使用的数据越多,并且下载轨道时将占用更多的空间。

My own personal choice is High for Streaming and Extreme for Downloads. I feel this strikes the best balance between having high quality music while still being able to stream over cellular data in most places without any issues.

我自己的个人选择是“高流量”和“极速下载”。 我觉得这在拥有高品质音乐与仍然能够在大多数地方流式传输蜂窝数据而没有任何问题之间达到了最佳平衡。

在桌面上 (On the Desktop)

Open Spotify, click the downward facing arrow next to your username and select Settings.


Under Music Quality, turn on High Quality Streaming.


This enables streaming at 320kbps.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/332324/how-to-stream-high-quality-music-on-spotify/



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