Impact of the PWM input frequency?
Please be aware that the PWM input frequency in use also determines how fast updated set values can be identified and processed because one period has to measured before the PWM duty cycle can be determined. High PWM input frequencies mean shorter periods and a more dynamic reaction on any set value change.

  • In case of the minimum PWM input frequency of 10 Hz each measurement lasts 100 ms before an updated set value can be determined and processed by the control loop.
  • In case of the maximum PWM input frequency of 5 kHz each measurement last just 0.2 ms before an updated set value can be determined and processed by the control loop.
  • A good compromise in practice offering fast reaction and precise duty cycle measurement is to use 1 kHz which needs 1 ms for signal processing.

以下来源:Understanding the effect of PWM when controlling a brushless dc motorhttps://www.controleng.com/articles/understanding-the-effect-of-pwm-when-controlling-a-brushless-dc-motor/
Brushless dc motors have an electrical time constant τ of a few hundred microseconds. The current will therefore have the time to react during each PWM cycle (see Figure 11). However, the mechanical time constant is in the range of a few milliseconds, so there is a factor of 10 between the mechanical and the electrical time constant. Therefore, the rotor of the motor itself will not have enough time to react when the voltage is switched at typical PWM frequencies. Low PWM frequencies of a few thousand Hertz may generate rotor vibrations and audible noise. It is advisable to go above the audible spectrum, meaning at least above 20 kHz.

以下来源:Smooth PWM current control of a Maxon DC Motor
The electrical time constant of your motor is about 375 microseconds. With that time constant I would use PWM frequencies above 30 kHz. Maybe even 40…60 kHz if you can get enough resolution from your microcontroller.


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