B3U1 Text A Language Focus

  1. insight: n. the ability to gain an accurate and deep understanding of people or things; a sudden clear understanding of sth. 洞察力,眼光;顿悟

    e.g. This Baidu researcher offered some new insight into the company’s self-driving car program at the academic conference today.


    Data collected by scientists led to the insight that part of the South Pacific Ocean floor has been pushed downward.


  2. vanity: n. excessive pride in one’s own appearance, abilities or achievements 虚荣,自负

    e.g. Many people diet for reasons of vanity even when the weight loss is bad for their health.


    Vanity is so secure in the heart of man that everyone wants to be admired: even I who write this, and you who read it.


  3. for sb.’s (own) part: used for emphasizing who you are referring to in a statement about sth. 就…而言

    e.g. For my part I prefer living in the country.


    Some young students, for their part, stay up late playing computer games.


  4. reflection: n. an idea or opinion based on careful thought(经过仔细考虑形成的)想法,见解

    e.g. I enjoy reading your reflections on the joy of teaching as a volunteer in a rural school.


    The class blog enables students to share their reflections without worrying about being exposed to the public.


  5. occur to (sb.): (of an idea) come to (sb.’s) mind suddenly(主意或想法)突然浮现于脑海中

    e.g. It occurs to me that we have never travelled as a group.


    They had had quite a few drinks when the idea occurred to them that they could get married in Las Vegas.


  6. be (all) of a piece (with sth.): be the same (as sth.) in all parts; be (entirely) consistent (with sth.) 浑然一体;(与)…完全一致

    e.g. The style of the book is all of a piece, in both illustrations and text.


    The testimony was all of a piece with the professor’s version of the event.


  7. slender: a. thin in an attractive or graceful way 纤细的;修长的;苗条的

    e.g. Jenny has a tall slender figure.


    Victoria ran a slender finger across the phone screen, and an image popped up.


  8. wrinkle: vt. form small folds or lines in the surface 使起皱纹

    e.g. The woman was forty, but looked fifty. Her cheeks were sunken and her skin was wrinkled and yellow.


    He wrinkled his brows, lost in thought.


  9. in accordance with: in agreement or conformity with 与…一致;按照,依据

    e.g. Students will be criticized or punished if their behavior is not in accordance with school regulations.


    Some young people are self-centered, which is not in accordance with traditional Chinese values.


  10. elderly: a. (a polite way to indicate sb. is) old 上年纪的

    e.g. Do you think it is a good idea to gift my elderly parents with an African safari?


    Police say three people were arrested for robbing an elderly couple.


  11. affectionate: a. showing love or tender feelings; loving 充满爱的;亲切的

    e.g. Katie is a loyal and affectionate friend.


    When it was time to say goodbye, Lisa gave her daughter an affectionate kiss.


  12. mild: a. gentle or kind; not severe or harsh 温和的,文雅的;不严厉的

    e.g. Peter is a mild man, never getting angry easily.


    She can’t accept even mild criticism of her work.


  13. benign: a. showing kindness and gentleness; harmless 和善的;无害的,良性的

    e.g. I picked out Ben right away. He was a large bald man with a benign face.


    He was relieved when the doctor told him the tumor was benign.


  14. spicy: a. exciting, esp. because of being slightly indecent; containing or tasting like spice 有刺激性的,有点下流的;(食品)辛辣的

    e.g. You can often read spicy stories about film stars in the local newspapers.


    People from all over China now seem to like spicy food.


  15. something of a(n): 可以说是一个…;相当突出的一个

    e.g. Mrs. Hunt was something of a beauty in her days.


    It is something of a mystery why the trade union should continue to support this policy.


  16. instinct: n. the natural tendency that a person or animal has to behave or react in a particular way 本能,直觉

    e.g. It is the mother’s instinct to protect her children.


    I knew by instinct that he had come to deliver bad news.


  17. sip: v. drink (sth.), taking a very small amount each time 小口地喝,抿

    e.g. Jessica sipped her coffee, listening to music.


    He sipped at his glass and then put it down.


  18. stroke: vt. pass the hand gently over (a surface), usu. several times 轻抚,抚摩,捋

    e.g. At the sight of her husband getting off the train, the woman walked forward, embraced him, and stroked his grey hair.


    I reached out to stroke the baby’s cheek.


  19. transparent: a. allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be seen clearly 透明的

    e.g. Transparent plastic is often used for packaging foods, enabling the consumer to see the product inside.


    Policies should be as transparent as possible.


  20. go broke: have no money; go bankrupt 一文不名,破产

    e.g. Many multinational companies went broke during the financial crisis, not to speak of small businesses.


    He invested all his money in stocks; unfortunately he made one wrong choice after another and finally went broke.


  21. hitherto: ad. (fml) up to this time; until now 迄今;到目前为止

    e.g. The Hope Project sent money to students hitherto unable to afford tuition.


    He has hitherto achieved great success in his career.


  22. trim: vt. get the better of (sb.), typically by cheating them out of money; cut off irregular or unwanted parts 击败;修剪

    e.g. They were trimmed by 3 goals to 2.


    My friend trimmed my hair last week.


  23. down and out: without any means of livelihood 穷困潦倒

    e.g. When he was down and out, none of his friends gave him a helping hand.


    Shortly after his company was declared bankrupt, John became down and out.


  24. commit: vt. do sth. illegal or bad 犯(罪),做(坏事)

    e.g. It took the jury five hours to decide Gerard had committed murder.


    There are unconfirmed reports that Jack tried to commit suicide.


  25. be/go/fall (all) to pieces: lose one’s emotional or mental composure; fall apart 崩溃,垮掉

    e.g. In this novel, a housewife was all to pieces as one disaster struck after another.


    She nearly went to pieces when she heard that her husband was among those buried in the ruins of the World Trade Center.


    When he heard the bad news, he just fell to pieces.


  26. insane: a. (infml) very stupid; absurd; permanently and seriously mentally ill 蠢极的,荒唐的;精神错乱的

    e.g. You would be insane to refuse the invitation to attend the conference.


    Fan Jin went insane upon learning he had passed the provincial examination.


  27. drive at: be really trying to say 意指,要说

    e.g. I have no idea what you’re driving at.


    The teacher didn’t mention the word “cheating” but I knew what he was driving at.


  28. on account of: because of 由于,因为

    e.g. Mary is absent today on account of a car crash on her way to work.


    We bought this electric car on account of environmental concerns.


  29. be taken aback: be shocked or surprised 吃一惊

    e.g. It was her first visit to a city and she was taken aback by the volume of traffic.


    I was taken aback when I found my computer gone.


  30. in (good)/poor/etc. condition: 身体状况好/不好等

    e.g. He is in good condition again after a long holiday.


    She’s been exercising regularly to get in condition.


    In spite of the surgery the President is still in bad condition.


  31. turn up: arrive; make one’s appearance 来到;出现

    e.g. He didn’t turn up until the end of the examination.


    Some students always turn up late for class.


  32. constitution: n. the physical makeup of a person 体格,体质

    e.g. A boxer must have a strong constitution.


    Having been ill for several years, he has a particularly fragile constitution.


  33. a trifle: a little bit 稍微,有点儿

    e.g. Newly arrived tourists came out of the airport a trifle anxious.


    Haven’t you had a trifle too much to drink?


  34. rub: vt. press and move one’s hand(s) or an object over a surface 摩擦;搓揉

    e.g. She started rubbing some cream onto her face.


    He looked tired and sat rubbing his eyes.


  35. vacancy: n. unfilled position or post 空缺

    e.g. The company has a vacancy in the accounts department.


    He didn’t want to fill the short-term vacancy in the office.


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