
Some time ago I was asked to work on the design team for a small promotional game as part of an online ad campaign.


As it turns out, UX fits perfectly with game design, because games are systems and the systems contain rules and rules can be turned into heuristics. Everyone else on the team knew how to create ad campaigns, so I took on the role around game mechanics and “what will users do” (aka psychic UX).

事实证明,UX非常适合游戏设计,因为游戏是系统,并且系统包含规则,并且规则可以转化为启发式。 团队中的其他所有人都知道如何创建广告活动,因此我担任了游戏机制和“用户将做什么”(又称通灵UX )的角色。

At the time game design was something I hadn’t done before, coming from a traditional web and digital background and of course, there wasn’t time or budget for actual primary research, but as my knowledge base was minimal, even desk research was going to add a lot of value. So I delved into game design and player psychology and distilled a hell of a lot of other peoples’ expertise (thank you Google Scholar!) down to the most basic set of heuristics possible to guide the creative agency I was working with.

当时,游戏设计是我以前从未做过的,它来自传统的网络和数字背景,当然,没有时间或预算进行实际的基础研究,但是由于我的知识基础很少,所以即使案头研究也是将增加很多价值。 因此,我深入研究了游戏设计和玩家心理,并总结了许多其他人的专业知识(非常感谢Google Scholar!),以最基本的启发式方法指导我与之合作的创意代理。

Apart from my own self-edification, there turned out to be a few other benefits:


  1. We could assess every external example of a “good” game that was introduced into the creative process, ensuring that teams didn’t get excited about something that looked exciting on the surface but fundamentally wouldn’t engage users through the gameplay.我们可以评估在创意过程中引入的所有“优秀”游戏的外部示例,以确保团队不会因表面上看起来令人兴奋的事物而感到兴奋,但从根本上不会通过游戏玩法吸引用户。
  2. We could assess any new concepts against the heuristics and either align them or shelve them if they couldn’t be aligned.我们可以根据启发式方法评估任何新概念,并统一或搁置它们(如果无法统一)。
  3. It kept the user at the centre of the design process, in a fundamentally non-user-centred environment在根本非以用户为中心的环境中,它使用户始终处于设计过程的中心
  4. It reduced risk for overall campaign effectiveness, which was the ultimate client KPI.它降低了总体营销活动有效性的风险,这是最终的客户关键绩效指标。

有关设计基本促销游戏的注意事项 (Things to know about designing basic promotional games)

The heuristics I compiled can be used as a base line for designing any games, however before I share the heuristics themselves, here are some general principles I learned specifically about designing promotional games:


  • Gameplay is about desire for mastery (Przybylski & Rigby 2010)— you should be thinking about how quickly you can get your users feeling like they know what they’re doing, especially as your game and your campaign probably has a short lifespan.

    游戏玩法关乎对掌握的渴望( Przybylski和Rigby,2010年 ),您应该考虑如何让用户感觉自己知道自己在做什么,尤其是在您的游戏和广告系列寿命短的情况下。

  • Your users are more likely to be less tech savvy and not hardcore gamers — so you need a quick and easy way to get them onboard and playing. The easiest way to achieve this is by understanding the users’ mental model of similar games or interactions (yes, research, soz).您的用户更有可能不那么精通技术,而不是铁杆游戏玩家-因此,您需要一种快速简便的方法来使他们入职并玩游戏。 实现此目的的最简单方法是通过了解相似游戏或互动(是,研究,社交)的用户心理模型。
  • It’s got to be fun, it’s got to be positive (Sweetser & Wyeth, 2009). If any user is tolerating advertising, under any conditions, it’s got to add value to them and that usually means entertainment. It’s got to support the user entering a state of Flow (Johnson & Wiles 2003, Csikszentmihalyi 1992)

    它必须是有趣的,它必须是积极的( Sweetser&Wyeth,2009年 )。 如果任何用户在任何情况下都可以容忍广告,那就必须为其增加价值,这通常意味着娱乐。 它必须支持用户进入Flow状态( Johnson&Wiles 2003 ,Csikszentmihalyi 1992)

  • You’re going to have some edge case users who really want to become experts or hit the top of a leaderboard. Think about the two different mindsets of casual, and (temporarily) less casual players.您将拥有一些真正想成为专家或跻身排行榜榜首的用户。 考虑一下休闲玩家和(暂时)休闲玩家的两种不同心态。
  • You need to be clever about how you design “help” — contextual help needs to be there, but it needs to be light touch and super quick and/or out of the way of the main gameplay.您需要对“帮助”的设计方式很聪明-上下文帮助必须存在,但需要轻触,超快速和/或避免主要游戏玩法。
  • You’re going to have to bake in social elements — leaderboards, sharing etc. If you’re designing inside a social platform, you have the additional challenges of their UI and interaction patterns.您将不得不融入社交元素—排行榜,共享等。如果您在社交平台中进行设计,则它们的UI和交互模式还面临其他挑战。
  • You need this thing not to bloat, under any circumstances. The bigger and more complex the game play becomes, the greater the development time and the bigger the potential user learning curve — you have time for neither.在任何情况下,您都需要这东西不要膨胀。 游戏玩法越大,越复杂,开发时间就越​​长,潜在的用户学习曲线就越大,您就没有时间去做。

30种启发式方法,可在基本游戏中实现出色的用户体验,设计和交互 (30 heuristics for good UX, design and interaction in basic game play)

I divided the heuristics into four categories, and assigned them a fairly brutal scorecard, so that there was minimal room for something poor to slip through — all of these were essentially so basic that anything below “partial adherence” should get it fired anyway.


  1. Gameplay — how easy is it to understand and start to play

    游戏性 -理解和开始游戏有多容易

  2. Game story — the user can connect with the game on an emotional level

    游戏故事 -用户可以在情感层面上与游戏联系

  3. Mechanics — the user understands the tasks and motor skills needed to engage with the game

    机械原理 -用户了解与游戏互动所需的任务和运动技能

  4. Usability — basic Nielsen Norman heuristics, but with some game play flavour to them.

    可用性 - 基本的Nielsen Norman启发式方法 ,但具有一些游戏趣味。

Here they are for posterity, in case anyone else finds themselves in the same situation! As always, please feel free to add to this in the responses:

在此,它们是供后代使用的,以防其他任何人遇到同样的情况! 与往常一样,请随时在回复中添加以下内容:

1.游戏玩法 (1. Gameplay)

  • The goals of the game are clear游戏的目标很明确
  • The game is enjoyable to play这款游戏很有趣
  • There are multiple ways to win有多种获胜方式
  • “Fun” comes first, appealing to non-expert players“乐趣”第一,吸引非专业玩家
  • The first action results in immediate positive feedback第一步就是立即获得积极的反馈
  • The game offers no immediate frustration — it is easy to learn and hard to master游戏不会立即产生挫败感,易于学习且难以掌握
  • Challenges are positive rather than negative (the player wants to play more)挑战是积极的,而不是消极的(玩家想玩更多)

2.游戏故事 (2. Game story)

  • There is a single, consistent vision/story有一个一致的愿景/故事
  • The player senses they have control over the ‘character’玩家感觉到他们已经控制了“角色”
  • The player experiences fairness of outcomes玩家体验结果的公平
  • The game provides a level of personal emotional involvement (scare, thrill, reward, punishment)该游戏提供了一定程度的个人情感投入(惊吓,激动,奖赏,惩罚)
  • The player identifies with the character (it is like me, it interests me, it evolves)玩家用角色识别(就像我一样,它使我感兴趣,它在进化)

3.力学 (3. Mechanics)

  • There are consistent reactions to players actions (sounds, haptics)对玩家的动作(声音,触觉)有一致的React
  • The player always knows the score and current goal玩家总是知道得分和当前目标
  • The controls are consistent and learnable控制是一致且可学习的
  • The game follows industry trends to reduce learning curve and meet player expectations游戏遵循行业趋势,以减少学习曲线并满足玩家期望
  • Controls are intuitive控制直观
  • Controls are basic enough to learn quickly控制足够基本,可以快速学习
  • Controls are expandable for advanced gameplay控件可扩展用于高级游戏

4.可用性 (4. Usability)

  • There is immediate feedback to player actions即时反馈玩家的行为
  • The player perceives the interface as consistent (NB. Gameplay can be varied)玩家将界面视为一致(注意:游戏玩法可以改变)
  • The player experiences the menu as part of the game玩家在游戏中体验菜单
  • Menus are minimal, intuitive and well-organised菜单最少,直观且组织合理
  • At first use, the player has enough information to play immediately初次使用时,播放器有足够的信息可立即播放
  • Short tutorials are available to support immediate play提供了简短的教程来支持即时播放
  • Contextual/in-play help is available提供上下文/游戏中帮助
  • Player does not have to rely on a manual玩家不必依赖手册
  • Design elements are recognisable and function-appropriate设计元素是可识别且功能适当的
  • Game sounds are used to provide either feedback or evoke emotional response游戏声音用于提供反馈或引起情感React

Clearly I wasn’t going to become a game designer in the space of a couple of days, I wasn’t trying to carry out a full audit of an existing game, and I couldn’t spend too long knee deep in mastery, autonomy and self-determination theory — there’s so much more that could have gone into this.

显然,我不会在短短几天内成为一名游戏设计师,我并不想对现有游戏进行全面审核 ,并且我不能花太多时间在精通,自主性上和自决理论 –可能还有更多的东西。

However, this is an example of how even a small amount of contextual/platform knowledge, combined with a fundamental understanding of NN heuristics and basic platform-agnostic best practice, can lead to a decent safety net of UX, design and interaction guidelines.


Here are links to my sources, in case you want to distill your own version of gameplay heuristics or start off on a wider exploration of game design. It’s fascinating stuff.

如果您想提取自己的游戏试玩法版本或开始更广泛的游戏设计探索,请访问以下链接。 令人着迷的东西。

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/basic-design-heuristics-for-online-promotional-games-946c5d9116a




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