最近做的一个项目是短文本关键词提取(twitter, linkedin post),这里主要用到了两个算法,一个是TextRank, 一个是RAKE,总的来说,这两个算法思路上差别很大,但对于短文本的关键词提取来说,RAKE算法效果更为明显。

TextRank 介绍

 TextRank 算法是一种用于文本的基于图的排序算法。其基本思想来源于谷歌的 PageRank算法, 通过把文本分割成若干组成单元(单词、句子)并建立图模型, 利用投票机制对文本中的重要成分进行排序, 仅利用单篇文档本身的信息即可实现关键词提取、文摘。和 LDA、HMM 等模型不同, TextRank不需要事先对多篇文档进行学习训练, 因其简洁有效而得到广泛应用。
  TextRank 一般模型可以表示为一个有向有权图 G =(V, E), 由点集合 V和边集合 E 组成, E 是V ×V的子集。图中任两点 Vi , Vj 之间边的权重为 wji , 对于一个给定的点 Vi, In(Vi) 为 指 向 该 点 的 点 集 合 , Out(Vi) 为点 Vi 指向的点集合。点 Vi 的得分定义如下:

  其中, d 为阻尼系数, 取值范围为 0 到 1, 代表从图中某一特定点指向其他任意点的概率, 一般取值为 0.85。使用TextRank 算法计算图中各点的得分时, 需要给图中的点指定任意的初值, 并递归计算直到收敛, 即图中任意一点的误差率小于给定的极限值时就可以达到收敛, 一般该极限值取 0.0001。



  1. 把给定的文本T按照完整句子进行分割,即

  2. 对于每个句子,进行分词和词性标注处理,并过滤掉停用词,只保留指定词性的单词,如名词、动词、形容词,即,其中是保留后的候选关键词。

  3. 构建候选关键词图G = (V,E),其中V为节点集,由(2)生成的候选关键词组成,然后采用共现关系(co-occurrence)构造任两点之间的边,两个节点之间存在边仅当它们对应的词汇在长度为K的窗口中共现,K表示窗口大小,即最多共现K个单词。

  4. 根据上面公式,迭代传播各节点的权重,直至收敛。

  5. 对节点权重进行倒序排序,从而得到最重要的T个单词,作为候选关键词。

  6. 由(5)得到最重要的T个单词,在原始文本中进行标记,若形成相邻词组,则组合成多词关键词。例如,文本中有句子“Matlab code for plotting ambiguity function”,如果“Matlab”和“code”均属于候选关键词,则组合成“Matlab code”加入关键词序列。


RAKE(Rapid Automatic keyword extraction) 介绍





  • wordScore = wordDegree(w) / wordFrequency(w)



  另外,值得说明的是,关于分数计算这部分,wordDegree(w)实际上是等于word和每一个phrase里面的词共现的次数加上word的frequency。具体算法请看附件论文,《Automatic Keyword Extraction from IndividualDocumen》




“Great interview by Gerry Dick with Ball State University’s new president, Geoffrey Mearns, who recognizes the need to offer curriculum that meets students’ needs. Aidex would welcome the opportunity to introduce our latest learning technologies, including Desktop Metal, metal 3D printing; SynDaver Labs and its lifelike human cadavers; and FANUC America Corporation robotics and CNC technology. These technologies elevate the educational experience and prepare students for fantastic careers. We hope to visit Muncie soon to present these and other STEM technologies.”


[('fanuc america corporation robotics', 16.0), ('ball state university', 9.0), ('lifelike human cadavers', 9.0), ('including desktop metal', 9.0), ('metal 3d printing', 9.0), ('latest learning technologies', 8.333333333333334), ('stem technologies', 4.333333333333334), ('technologies elevate', 4.333333333333334), ('educational experience', 4.0), ('geoffrey mearns', 4.0), ('syndaver labs', 4.0), ('great interview', 4.0), ('prepare students', 4.0), ('visit muncie', 4.0), ('meets students', 4.0), ('cnc technology', 4.0), ('offer curriculum', 4.0), ('gerry dick', 4.0), ('fantastic careers', 4.0), ('aidex', 1.0), ('recognizes', 1.0), ('introduce', 1.0), ('president', 1.0), ('opportunity', 1.0), ('present', 1.0), ('hope', 1.0)]



“Yesterday, Desktop Metal CEO Ric Fulop joined Bloomberg Radio to discuss the future of metal 3D printing. Listen to the interview here”


[('desktop metal ceo ric fulop joined bloomberg radio', 61.5), ('metal 3d printing', 11.5), ('yesterday', 1.0), ('interview', 1.0), ('future', 1.0), ('discuss', 1.0), ('listen', 1.0)]


“3D printing metal on a desktop FDM printer, exclusive interview with The Virtual Foundry founder : Is 2017 going to be the year for 3D printing metal? Recently 3D Printing Industry reported announcements from Markforged about their forthcoming Metal X 3D “


[('recently 3d printing industry reported announcements', 31.25), ('3d printing metal', 9.916666666666666), ('virtual foundry founder', 9.0), ('desktop fdm printer', 9.0), ('forthcoming metal', 4.666666666666666), ('exclusive interview', 4.0), ('3d', 3.25), ('year', 1.0), ('markforged', 1.0), ('2017', 0)]



  • Desktop Metal is proud to welcome Morris Group, Inc.. as an authorized reseller of its metal 3D printing systems in 30 states. With the addition of Desktop Metal’s Studio System™ to its existing lineup of CNC machine tools, Morris Group’s extensive distributor network provides an end-to-end suite of advanced solutions to manufacturers of precision metal parts.

  • In the latest episode of podcast, The Digital Factory, Desktop Metal CEO Ric Fulop shares his thoughts on the state of the metal 3D printing industry.

  • We’re excited to announce our Series D Funding with support from our strategic partners NEA, GV, GE Ventures, among others.

  • Register now for ‘s Metal 3D Printing webinar featuring Desktop Metal and the Studio System, the world’s first office-friendly metal 3D printing system.

  • The latest issue of examines how recent advances make 3D printing a powerful competitor to conventional mass production. Read the full article here, including commentary from Desktop Metal CEO Ric Fulop.

  • We’re honored to be recognized as one of ‘s 50 Smartest Companies of 2017.

  • Desktop Metal is honored to join the prestigious roster of recipients of the World Economic Forum Technology Pioneers program. For the press release, please visit: .

  • See the full list of Technology Pioneers 2017 here: .

  • At RAPID+TCT last month, Desktop Metal CTO Jonah Myerberg spoke with about leveraging metal 3D printing for the full product life cycle, from prototyping to mass production.

  • At RAPID+TCT, Desktop Metal CTO Jonah Myerberg talked to TechCrunch about our metal 3D printing solutions. Check out the video here:

  • This past weekend, Desktop Metal was honored to be recognized as Startup of the Year by the 3D Printing Industry awards. Thank you to all who voted!

  • Yesterday, Desktop Metal CEO Ric Fulop joined Bloomberg Radio to discuss the future of metal 3D printing. Listen to the interview here:

  • Today in the Wall Street Journal: 3D printing is transforming manufacturing, from prototyping to mass production.

  • Desktop Metal CEO Ric Flop joined CNBC’s Squawk Box to discuss the latest in metal 3D printing–from prototyping to mass production.


str score
desktop metal ceo ric fulop joined bloomberg radio 52.1515151515
desktop metal ceo ric flop joined cnbc 43.8181818182
metal 3d printing webinar featuring desktop metal 36.1090909091
desktop metal ceo ric fulop shares 34.6515151515
desktop metal cto jonah myerberg spoke 33.3181818182
desktop metal cto jonah myerberg talked 33.3181818182
world economic forum technology pioneers program 29.5
desktop metal ceo ric fulop 28.6515151515
recent advances make 3d printing 23.2909090909
office-friendly metal 3d printing system 20.7909090909
metal 3d printing industry 16.7909090909
metal 3d printing systems 16.7909090909
leveraging metal 3d printing 16.7909090909
3d printing industry awards 16.2909090909
metal 3d printing solutions 15.7909090909
full product life cycle 14.6666666667
metal 3d printing 12.7909090909
metal 3d printing– 11.5909090909
precision metal parts 10.5
desktop metal 9.31818181818
desktop metal’ 9.31818181818
strategic partners nea 9.0
extensive distributor network 9.0
wall street journal 9.0
cnc machine tools 9.0
3d printing 8.29090909091
technology pioneers 2017 8.0
conventional mass production 7.5
studio system 5.0
advanced solutions 5.0
studio system™ 5.0
full list 4.66666666667
full article 4.66666666667
mass production 4.5
50 smartest companies 4.0
transforming manufacturing 4.0
including commentary 4.0
authorized reseller 4.0
ge ventures 4.0
squawk box 4.0
end-to-end suite 4.0
prestigious roster 4.0
digital factory 4.0
morris group 4.0
past weekend 4.0
press release 4.0
existing lineup 4.0
morris group’ 4.0
powerful competitor 4.0
latest episode 3.66666666667
latest issue 3.66666666667
world 3.5
latest 1.66666666667
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month 1.0
voted 1.0
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today 1.0
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30 states 1.0
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video 1.0
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2017 0


str str str str
desktop metal d printing production
product join joined morris
myerberg latest advances advanced solutions
fulop distributor network ric machine
partners ge pioneers economic


str mean score
desktop metal desktop metal 49.5083333333
desktop metal 49.5083333333
morris 42.1666666667
metal 3d printing tool 38.9375
morris group 37.0
metal 3d printing solutions 36.8333333333
make metal 3d printing 35.1583333333
represent desktop metal 34.1166666667
desktop metal offers 34.1166666667
desktop metal products 34.1166666667
metal additive manufacturing 33.3388888889
office-friendly metal 3d printing system 32.7966666667
end-to-end metal 3d printing solutions 30.8066666667
innovative metal 3d printing systems 29.9566666667
metal cutting manufacturers 29.6722222222
precision metal parts 29.0611111111
morris group distributor 28.3055555556
morris company 27.25
bound metal deposition 26.8388888889
3d printing process 23.9
morris group distribution network 23.125
local morris group distributor 22.2916666667
groundbreaking 3d printing technology 21.5083333333
studio system 21.3



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