
课本Unit 1 to Unit 12的Section A 以及Unit 8 Computer Network的Section B: A Guide to Network Topology   Section C: Network Connecting Devices



1, Neural network神经网络

2, Parallel processing 并行处理

3, Cathode ray tube 阴极射线管

4, Assignment Statement 赋值语句

  1. storage register 存储寄存器
  2. Intermediate language 中间语言
  3. Interpreter Program .翻译程序
  4. Interprocess communication 进程间通信
  5. Software life style软件生命周期
  6. Dual ring topology 双环形拓扑结构


  1. 操作指令 Operation instructions
  2. 超大规模集成电路 very large-scale integrated circuit
  3. 数据的存储与处理 storage and handling of data
  4. 多媒体光盘 Multimedia CD
  5. 触摸屏 Touch-sensitive region
  6. 需求分析与定义 Requirements analysis and definition
  7. 目标代码 object code
  8. 基于组件的软件工程 component-based software engineering
  • 填空题(每空1分,共10分)
  1. A program is a sequence of instructions that tells the hardware of a computer what operations perform on data.


  1. A mouse is a pointing device designed to be gripped by one hand.


3.High-level languages must first be translated into a machine languageby another program called a compilerbefore they can be understood and processed by a computer.


4.A special applications program translates the source code into object code—a format that the operating system will recognize as a proper program and be able to execute.


5.The three-levelarchitecture for a DBMS consists of the internal, conceptual, and external level.


6.The client/server modelfor interprocess communication defines the basic roles played by the processes as either a client or a server.


三:(从下面方框中选择合适的词,以其适当的形式填空。)(16分, 每空1分)


A database is any collection of data organized for storage in a computer memory and designed for easy accessby authorized users. The data may be in the form of text, numbers, or encoded graphics. Small databases were first developedor funded by the U.S. government for agency or professional use. In the 1960s, some databases became commercially available, but their use was funnelled(传送) through a few so-called research centersthat collected information inquiries and handled them in batches. Onlinedatabases—that is, databases available to anyone who could linkup to them by computer—first appeared in the 1970s. Since their first, experimentalappearance in the 1950s, databases have become so important that they can be found in almost everyfield of information. Government, military, and ndustrial databases are often highly restricted, and professional databases are usually of limitedinterest. A wide range of commercial, governmental, and nonprofitdatabases are available to the general public, however, and may be used by anyone who owns or has access to the equipmentthat they require.



  • 翻译

High-level languages are relatively sophisticated sets of statements utilizing words and syntax from human language.


Unit 1 Section A: Computer Overview

Artificial intelligence—人工智能

Optical computer—光脑

Neural network—神经网络

Instruction set—指令集

Parallel processing—并行处理

Difference engine—差分机

Vacuum tube—真空管

Versatile logical element—通用逻辑元件

数据的存储与处理—storage and handling of data

超大规模集成电路—very large-scale integrated circuit

模拟计算机—analogue computer

数字计算机—digital computer

处理器芯片—processor chip

操作指令—operation instruction

输入设备—input device

  1. A computer is an electronic device that can receive a  set of instructions, or program, and then carry out this program by performing calculations on numerical data or by manipulating other forms of information.


2.  A digital computer is not a single machine: rather, it is a system composed of five distinct elements(1) a central processing unit; (2) input device;(3) memory storage devices;(4) output devices; and (5) a communication network, called a bus, which links all the elements of the system and connects the system to the external world.


3.  A program is a sequence of instructions that tells the hardware of a computer what operations to perform on data.


-----According to many historians, the true pioneers of the modern digital computer are Analytical Engine and Difference Engine.


------The microprocessor is a central processing unit on a single chip. It was made possible in the mid-1970s with the introduction of the LSI circuit and the VLSI (Very Large Integrated circuit)


------A program is a sequence of instructions that can be executed by the a computer. It can either be built into the hardware or exist independently in the form of software.


Unit 2 Section A: Computer Hardware

Voice recognition module—语音识别模块

Touch-sensitive region—触摸屏

Address bus—地址总线

Dot-matrix printer—点阵打印机

Parallel connection—并行连接

Cathode ray tube—阴极射线管

Video game—电子游戏

Audio signal—音频信号

操作系统—Operating system

液晶显示器—Liquid Crystal display

喷墨打印机—Inkjet printer

串行连接—Serial Connection

易失性存储器—Volatile memory

激光打印机—Laser printer

基本输入输出系统—Basic Input/Output System

视频显示器—video display

  1. Computer hardware is the equipment involved in the function of a computer and consist of the components that can be physically handled.


  1. Software, on the other hand, is the set of instruction a computer uses to manipulate data, such as a word-processing program or a video game.


  1. A mouse is a pointing device designed to be gripped by one hand.


  1. An optical scanner uses light-sensing equipment to convert images such as a picture or text into electronic signals that can be manipulated by a computer.


  1. A modem, which stands for modulator-demodulator, is a device that connects a computer to a telephone line and allows information to be transmitted to or received from another computer.


------The software that controls the interaction between the input and output hardware is called BIOS, which stands forBasic Input/Output System.


------The two main types of storage devices are disk drives andmemory.


------A serial connection transfers only one piece of data at a time while a parallel

connection transfer blocks of information at the same time.


Storage hardware provides permanent storage of information and programs for retrieval by the computer. The two main types of storage device are disk drives and memory. These are several types of disk drives: hard, floppy, magneto-optical, and compact. Hard disk drives store information in magnetic particles embedded in a disk. Usually a permanent part of the computer, hard disk drives can store large amounts of information and retrieve that information very quickly. Floppy disk drives also store information in magnetic particles embedded in removable disks that may be floppy or rigid. Magneto-optical disc drives store information on removable discs that are sensitive to both laser light and magnetic fields. They can typically store as much information as hard disks but have slightly slower retrieval speeds. Compact disc drives (CD-ROM) store information on pits burned into the surface of a disc of reflective material.


Unit 3 Section A: Programming Language

Storage register—存储寄存器

Function statement—函数语句

Program statement—程序语句

Object-oriented language—面向对象语言

Assembly language—汇编语言

Intermediate language—中间语言

Relational language—关系语言

Data declaration—数据声明

可执行程序—Executable program

程序模块—Program module

条件语句—Conditional statement

赋值语句—Assignment statement

逻辑语句—Logic language

机器语言—Machine language

函数式语言—Functional language

程序设计语言—Programming Language

Unit 4 Section A: Computer Program

Inference engine—推理机

System call—系统调用

Compiled language—编译执行的语言

Interpreter program—解释程序

Parallel computing—并行计算

Library routine—库程序(程序库例行程序)

Intermediate program—中间程序

Source file—源文件

解释执行的语言—Interpreted language

设备驱动程序—device drivers

源程序—source program


目标代码—object code

应用程序—Application program

实用程序—utility program

存储单元—Memory Location

Programming languages, in computer science, are the artificial languages used to write a sequence of instructions ( a computer program ) that can be run by a computer.


Programming languages can be classified as either low-level languages or high-level languages.


High-level languages are relatively sophisticated sets of statements utilizing words and syntax from human language.


------A machine languageis a low-level language in binary code that a computer can understand and execute directly.


------High-level languages must first be translated into a machine languageby another program called a compilerbefore they can be understood and processed by a computer.


Statements known as data declarations give names and properties to elements of a program called variables. Variables can be assigned different values within the program. The properties variables can have are called types, and they include such things as what possible values might be saved in the variables, how much numerical accuracy is to be used in the values, and how one variable may represent a collection of simpler values in an organized fashion, such as a table or array. In many programming languages, a key data type is a pointer. Variables that are pointers do not themselves have values; instead, they have information that the computer can use to locate some other variable—that is, they point to another variable.


An operating system is a program that manages the computer and the various resources and devices, monitors, keyboards, printers, and modems, so that they may be used by other programs.


The individual instructions that make up the program source file are called source code.


A special applications program translates the source code into object code—a format that the operating system will recognize as a proper program and be able to execute.


Modern computers usually store programs on some form of magnetic storage media that can be accessed randomly by the computer, such as the hard driver disk permanently located in the computer, or a portable floppy disk. Additional information on such disks, called directories, indicates the names of the various programs on the disk, when they were written to the disk, and where the program begins on the disk media.


Unit 5 Section A: Software Process Models

System specification—系统规范

Unit testing—单元测试

Software life cycle—软件生命周期

System validation—系统验证

Evolutionary development process—进化发展过程

Program unit—程序单元

Throwaway prototype—抛弃式原型开发

系统设计范例—system design paradigm

需求分析与定义—Requirements analysis and definition

瀑布模型—Waterfall model

系统集成—system integration

商用现成软件—commercial off-the-shelf software

基于组件的软件工程—component-based software engineering

软件维护工具—software maintenance tool

软件复用—software reuse

A software process is a set of activities that leads to the production of a software product.


A software process model is an abstract representation of a software process.


Unit 6 Section A: Database overview

End user—终端用户

Database administrator—数据库管理员

Relational database model—关系数据库模型

Object-oriented database—面向对象数据库

Database management system—数据库管理系统

Entity-relationship model—实体关系模型

Distributed database—分布式数据库

Flat file—平面文件

二维表—two-dimensional table

数据属性—data attribute

层次数据库模型—Hierarchical database mode

数据库体系结构—Database Architecture

关系数据库管理系统—relational database management system

原子操作— atomic operations

A database management system (DBMS) defines, creates, and maintains a database. The DBMS also allows controlled access to data in the database. A DBMS is a combination of five components: hardware, software, data, users, and procedures.


A database model defines the logical design of data. The model also describes the relationships between different parts of the data. In the history of database design, three models have been in use: the hierarchical model, the network model, and the relational model.


------The three-levelarchitecture for a DBMS consists of the internal, conceptual, and external level.


------In the relational database model, data is organized in two-dimensional tablescalled relations.


Unit 7 Section A: Telecommunications and Computer

Analog transmission—模拟传输

Computer terminal—计算机终端

Radio telephone—无线电话

光缆—fiber-optic cable

无线通信—wireless communication

点对点通信—point-to-point communication

传输媒体—transmission media

无绳电话—cordless telephone

数字用户线路—Digital subscriber line

综合业务数字网—integrated services digital network

移动电话—cellular telephone

Telecommunications messages can be sent in a variety of ways and by a wide range of devices. The messages can be sent from one sender to a single receiver (point-to-point) or from one sender to many receivers (point-to-multipoint). Personal communications, such as a telephone conversation between two people or a facsimile (fax) message, usually involve point-to-point transmission. Point-to-multipoint telecommunications often called broadcasts, provide the basis for commercial radio and television programming.


Unit 8 Section A  Network Fundamentals

Carrier sense—载波监听

Protocol suit—协议集

Peer-to-peer model—对等模型

Bus topology network—总线拓扑结构网络

Proprietary network—专用网络

Utility package—实用软件包

Star network—星型网络

令牌环—token ring

环形拓扑结构—ring topology

客户机/服务器模型—client/server model

网络应用进程—network application process

打印服务器—print server

进程间通信—interprocess communication

-----A computer network is often classified as being either a local area network, a metropolitan area network , or a wide area network.


-----A network can also be classified as a open networkor a closed networkaccording to whether its internal operation is based on designs in the public domain or on innovations owned and controlled by a particular entity.


------A network can also be classified according to its topology. Among the most popular topologies are the bus topology, ring topology and star topology.


In a(n) Ethernet system, the right to transmit messages is controlled by the protocol known as CSMA/CD.


The client/server modelfor interprocess communication defines the basic roles played by the processes as either a client or a server.


The peer-to-peer model involves two processes communicating as equals and usually executing on a temporary basis.


The Internet is an open system. In particular, communication throughout the Internet is governed by an open collection of standards known as the TCP/IP protocol suite. Anyone is free to use these standards without paying fees or signing license agreements. In contrast, a company such as Novell Inc. might develop systems for which it chooses to maintain ownership rights, allowing the company to draw income from selling or leasing these products. Networks based on such systems are examples of closed networks.

因特网是一个开放的系统。特别是,整个Internet的通信由一组称为TCP/IP协议套件的开放标准控制。任何人都可以自由使用这些标准,而无需支付费用或签署许可协议。相反,Novell Inc.这样的公司可以开发它选择维护所有权的系统,允许公司从销售或租赁这些产品中获得收入。基于这种系统的网络就是封闭网络的例子

Unit 8 SectionB  A Guide to Network Topology

Routing path—路由选择同路

Dual-ring topology—双环形拓扑

Extended star topology—扩展星型拓扑

Backbone network—骨干网

Mesh topology—网状拓扑

同轴电缆—coaxial cable

逻辑拓扑结构—logical topology

树型拓扑结构—tree topology

-----Anetwork topologyis how computers, printers, and other devices are connected over a network.


Unit 8 Section C Network Connecting Devices

Destination address—目的地址

Performance degradation—性能下降

Four-interface bridge—四接口网桥

Common bus—公共总线

数据链路层—data-link layer

开放式系统互连—Open Systems Interconnection

物理地址—physical address

An repeateris a connecting  device that only regenerates the signal and does not recognize physical or logical addresses.


A routeris usually a computer installed with the necessary software and allows two networks, each with a completely different set of protocols, to communicate.


Unit 9 Section A The Internet

Cell phone—移动电话

Autonomous system—自治系统

Dial-up connection—拨号连接

Network identifier—网络标识符

Binary notation—二进制计数法

Mnemonic name—助记名

Internet infrastructure—因特网基础设施

Name server—名字服务器

网吧—cyber cafe

主机地址—host address

因特网服务提供商—Internet service provider

Unit 10 Section A Using E-mail

Mailing list—邮件列表

Proprietary software—专有软件

Forwarded e-mail messages—转发的电子邮件

Confidential document—机密文件

信息高速公路—information superhighway

文字处理程序—word processor

电子数据表程序—spreadsheet program

演示软件—presentation software

Unit 11 Section A Electronic Commerce

Customized marketing strategy—定制的市场策略

B2G transaction—企业对政府的交易

C2C transaction—消费者对消费者的交易

Digital piracy—数字盗版

Web auction site—网络拍卖网站

Fingerprint reader—指纹读取器

电子商务—electronic commerce

电子数据交换—electronic data interchange (EDI)

库存管理技术—inventory management technology

知识产权—intellectual property

视网膜扫描仪—retina scanner

个人数字助理—personal digital assistant

Unit 12 Section A Computer Security

encryption program—加密程序

Deletion command—删除命令

Authorized user—特许用户

Backup copy—备份副本

Voltage surge—电压浪涌

Circuit breaker—断路开关

Electronic component—电子元件

Data-entry error—数据输入错误

Electronic break-in—电子非法进入

检测程序—Detection program

破坏性计算机程序—destructive computer program

计算机病毒—computer virus

硬盘驱动器—hard-disk drive

病毒检查程序—virus checker

主存储器—primary storage

电子公告板—electronic bulletin board

浪涌电压保护器—surge protector

Passwords are secret words or numbers that must be keyed into a computer system to gain access.


Software piracy is the unauthorized copying of programs for personal gain.


hash table —杂凑(哈希)表

priority queues —优先队列

context-free —与上下文无关

优先队列—priority queues

效率、抽象性和复用性—efficiency, abstraction, and reusability

LIFO (last-in, first-out) 后进先出

FIFO (first-in, first-out) 先进先出

traverse —遍历

Head pointer —头指针 tail pointer —尾指针

circular queue —循环队列

side effect —副作用

The process of inserting an object on the stack is called a push operation, and the process of deleting an object is called a pop operation. Thus we speak of pushing an entry onto a stack and popping an entry off a stack


A process is an execution of a program or of a part of a program. It differs from a program when concurrent programming techniques are used for coding the program. In such a case many processes can execute a program or a part of a program.



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