
The look of the Windows Vista Sidebar is a little drab, and there’s no way to customize it with the default tools in Vista. Thankfully third party developers have stepped up to the plate and created an application that will let you re-theme the sidebar.

Windows Vista补充工具栏的外观有点单调,无法使用Vista中的默认工具对其进行自定义。 值得庆幸的是,第三方开发人员已步入正轨,并创建了一个应用程序,可让您重新设置边栏主题。

Note: After installing and launching this application you will need to restart the Vista sidebar.


When you launch the Windows Sidebar Styler application, it will give you this dialog that gives you a list of all the elements in the theme. You can select the items and see a preview on the right.

启动Windows Sidebar Styler应用程序时,它将为您提供此对话框,该对话框为您提供了主题中所有元素的列表。 您可以选择项目并在右侧查看预览。

The big Play button will apply the style, but first you’ll need to load it by clicking the button to the right for “Load a Windows Sidebar Style”, which will open up a file selection dialog so you can choose from the different themes.


There’s a bunch of themes that come with the application, or you can find more themes at the WinCustomize gallery.

该应用程序附带了很多主题,或者您可以在WinCustomize gallery中找到更多主题。

If you click the More button on the dialog, you can even select an option to make the sidebar resizable.


Once you select that option, you can resize the sidebar like any other window. You’ll notice a new option to “Lock” the sidebar, which will prevent resizing once you’ve chosen the size that you want.

选择该选项后,您可以像其他任何窗口一样调整边栏的大小。 您会注意到有一个新选项可以“锁定”侧边栏,一旦选择了所需的大小,它将防止调整大小。

Another benefit to this tool is that you can load more powerful gadgets utilizing WPF (Windows Presentation Framework).

此工具的另一个好处是,您可以使用WPF(Windows Presentation Framework)加载功能更强大的小工具。

Download Windows Sidebar Styler from stoyanoff.info

从stoyanoff.info下载Windows Sidebar Styler

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/applying-themes-to-your-windows-vista-sidebar/


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