OK:Olla Kalla或Oll Korrect (OK: Olla Kalla or Oll Korrect)

OK is an abbreviation of Olla Kalla or Oll Korrect. It is also used to spell in some other ways such as "okay", "ok", or "O.K.". It is a word used to signify acceptance, agreement, approval, or acknowledgment. OK develop as Olla Kalla. It is a word of Greek whose meaning expressed as all correct. This word is mostly used in conversation in general when a person agrees with the other person in conversation. It is also used in text messaging, instant messaging and chatting, etc.

OK是Olla Kalla或Oll Korrect的缩写 。 它也可以通过其他方式来拼写,例如“ okay”“ ok”“ OK” 。 它是用来表示接受,同意,认可或确认的词。 确定<


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