Next major release R13B
The next major release R13B is planned for [color=red]April 2009[/color]
A beta called R13A planned for March
Service releases approximately [color=red]every second month[/color]

[color=red]1 SMP with multiple run-queues and other optimizations[/color]
2 re, new regular expression implementation officially supported
[color=red]3 More features in the ”standalone” Erlang direction[/color]
4 Completed the distribution of doc source with built support to
produce html and pdf.
[color=red]5 WxWidgets based GUI library included in the distribution, plan to
remove GS from R14
[/color]6 Major XML improvements, both speed and functions
7 Unicode support as described in EEP-10
8 Fast search in binaries
[color=red]9 FFI, Foreign Function Interface or loadable BIF’s[/color]
10 Scanner which can preserve complete source (withespace,
11 Megaco improved SMP performance

其中我最感兴趣的是 1,3,5,9. 特别是1对提高整个系统的性能太重要了。


Tentative new functions in R13B相关推荐

  1. Scala:Functions and Closures

    1 object Functions { 2 def main(args: Array[String]) { 3 // 本地函数 4 def localFun(msg: String) = print ...

  2. JAVA Functions in XI(转)

    1. String [ ] StrArray = LGORT.split(",") //-- pass LGORT to this UDF           int len1 = ...

  3. fcm和firebase_我如何最终使Netlify Functions,Firebase和GraphQL一起工作

    fcm和firebase In a previous post I confessed defeat in attempting to get an AWS Lambda GraphQL server ...

  4. Oracle 聚合函数(Aggregate Functions)说明

    Oracle Aggregate Functions用过很多,官网的说明如下: Aggregate Functions ...

  5. Analytic Functions 分析函数(rank over)

    此篇文章是为了学会rank() over()所写. 官方文档 (DENSE_)RANK( ) OVER ([ query_partition_clause ] order_by_clause) ran ...

  6. 2017 多校3 hdu 6061 RXD and functions

    2017 多校3 hdu 6061 RXD and functions(FFT) 题意: 给一个函数\(f(x)=\sum_{i=0}^{n}c_i \cdot x^{i}\) 求\(g(x) = f ...

  7. R语言笔记6:在R中写一些简单的函数、functions基础和作用域

    R语言基础系列: 1数据类型(向量.数组.矩阵. 列表和数据框) 2读写数据所需的主要函数.与外部环境交互 3数据筛选--提取对象的子集 4向量.矩阵的数学运算 5控制结构 Your first R ...

  8. 微软宣布Azure Functions正式支持Java

    微软宣布Azure Functions V2.0支持Java.开发人员现在可以用Java 8编写Function,并利用Visual Studio Code.IntelliJ.Eclipse和跨平台F ...

  9. SAP Explore hidden functions in MD04

    MD04 has many hidden powerful and useful functions. Knowing them could make our daily work easier to ...


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