Preparing to build RPMs

The main tasks in building RPMs are:

  • Planning what you want to build

    • 应用软件
    • 二进制程序、程序库
    • 一堆系统配置文件
    • 文档包
    • 创建一个二进制RPM或者是一个src.rpm包
      • tar.gz,spec
      • 手动去编译
  • Gathering the software to package

  • Patching the software as needed

  • Creating a reproducible build of the software

  • Planning for upgrades

  • Outlining any dependencies(Spec文件)

  • Building the RPMs

    • Set up the directory structure(禁止使用root用户)

      • BUILD 源代码解压后放的位置,只需要提供这个目录
      • RPMS 制作完成后的rpm包存放目录,里面还有子目录i386,交叉编译,noarch没有平台限制
      • SOURCES 原材料,tar.gz、补丁、配置文件
      • SPECS 存放spec文件,nginx.spec
      • SRPMS src格式的rpm包,src.rpm官方提供
      yum install rpm-build
      [root@oe-20-03-LTS ~]# rpmbuild --help
      Usage: rpmbuild [OPTION...]Build options with [ <specfile> | <tarball> | <source package> ]:-bp                        build through %prep (unpack sources and apply patches) from <specfile>-bc                        build through %build (%prep, then compile) from <specfile>-bi                        build through %install (%prep, %build, then install) from <specfile>-bl                        verify %files section from <specfile>-ba                        build source and binary packages from <specfile>-bb                        build binary package only from <specfile>-bs                        build source package only from <specfile>-rp                        build through %prep (unpack sources and apply patches) from <sourcepackage>-rc                        build through %build (%prep, then compile) from <source package>-ri                        build through %install (%prep, %build, then install) from <source package>-rl                        verify %files section from <source package>-ra                        build source and binary packages from <source package>-rb                        build binary package only from <source package>-rs                        build source package only from <source package>-tp                        build through %prep (unpack sources and apply patches) from <tarball>-tc                        build through %build (%prep, then compile) from <tarball>-ti                        build through %install (%prep, %build, then install) from <tarball>-ta                        build source and binary packages from <tarball>-tb                        build binary package only from <tarball>-ts                        build source package only from <tarball>--rebuild                  build binary package from <source package>--recompile                build through %install (%prep, %build, then install) from <source package>--buildroot=DIRECTORY      override build root--build-in-place           run build in current directory--clean                    remove build tree when done--nobuild                  do not execute any stages of the build--nodeps                   do not verify build dependencies--nodirtokens              generate package header(s) compatible with (legacy) rpm v3 packaging--noclean                  do not execute %clean stage of the build--noprep                   do not execute %prep stage of the build--nocheck                  do not execute %check stage of the build--rmsource                 remove sources when done--rmspec                   remove specfile when done--short-circuit            skip straight to specified stage (only for c,i)--target=CPU-VENDOR-OS     override target platformCommon options for all rpm modes and executables:-D, --define='MACRO EXPR'      define MACRO with value EXPR--undefine=MACRO           undefine MACRO-E, --eval='EXPR'              print macro expansion of EXPR--target=CPU-VENDOR-OS     Specify target platform--macros=<FILE:...>        read <FILE:...> instead of default file(s)--noplugins                don't enable any plugins--nodigest                 don't verify package digest(s)--nosignature              don't verify package signature(s)--rcfile=<FILE:...>        read <FILE:...> instead of default file(s)-r, --root=ROOT                use ROOT as top level directory (default: "/")--dbpath=DIRECTORY         use database in DIRECTORY--querytags                display known query tags--showrc                   display final rpmrc and macro configuration--quiet                    provide less detailed output-v, --verbose                  provide more detailed output--version                  print the version of rpm being usedOptions implemented via popt alias/exec:--with=<option>            enable configure <option> for build--without=<option>         disable configure <option> for build--buildpolicy=<policy>     set buildroot <policy> (e.g. compress man pages)--sign                     generate GPG signature (deprecated, use command rpmsign instead)--nodebuginfo              do not generate debuginfo for this packageHelp options:-?, --help                     Show this help message--usage                    Display brief usage message
      [root@oe-20-03-LTS ~]#

      rpm宏查看 rpmbuild --showrc

      [root@oe-20-03-LTS ~]# rpmbuild --showrc
      build arch            : aarch64
      compatible build archs: aarch64 noarch
      build os              : Linux
      compatible build os's : Linux
      install arch          : aarch64
      install os            : Linux
      compatible archs      : aarch64 aarch64_ilp32 noarch
      compatible os's       : LinuxRPMRC VALUES:
      archcolor             : 2
      optflags              : -O2 -gFeatures supported by rpmlib:rpmlib(BuiltinLuaScripts) = 4.2.2-1rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) = 3.0.4-1rpmlib(ConcurrentAccess) = 4.1-1rpmlib(ExplicitPackageProvide) = 4.0-1rpmlib(FileCaps) = 4.6.1-1rpmlib(FileDigests) = 4.6.0-1rpmlib(HeaderLoadSortsTags) = 4.0.1-1rpmlib(LargeFiles) = 4.12.0-1rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets) = 4.0.4-1rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) = 4.0-1rpmlib(PayloadIsBzip2) = 3.0.5-1rpmlib(PayloadIsLzma) = 4.4.2-1rpmlib(PayloadIsXz) = 5.2-1rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd) = 5.4.18-1rpmlib(RichDependencies) = 4.12.0-1rpmlib(ScriptletExpansion) = 4.9.0-1rpmlib(ScriptletInterpreterArgs) = 4.0.3-1rpmlib(TildeInVersions) = 4.10.0-1rpmlib(VersionedDependencies) = 3.0.3-1Macro path: /usr/lib/rpm/macros:/usr/lib/rpm/macros.d/macros.*:/usr/lib/rpm/platform/%{_target}/macros:/usr/l                                                           ib/rpm/fileattrs/*.attr:/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/macros:/etc/rpm/macros.*:/etc/rpm/macros:/etc/rpm/%{_target}/macr                                                           os:~/.rpmmacros========================
      -13: __7zip     /usr/bin/7za
      -13: ___build_args      -e
      -13: ___build_cmd       %{?_sudo:%{_sudo} }%{?_remsh:%{_remsh} %{_remhost} }%{?_remsudo:%{_remsudo} }%{?_remc                                                           hroot:%{_remchroot} %{_remroot} }%{___build_shell} %{___build_args}
      -13: ___build_post      exit $?
      -13: ___build_preRPM_SOURCE_DIR="%{u2p:%{_sourcedir}}"RPM_BUILD_DIR="%{u2p:%{_builddir}}"RPM_OPT_FLAGS="%{optflags}"RPM_LD_FLAGS="%{?__global_ldflags}"RPM_ARCH="%{_arch}"RPM_OS="%{_os}"export RPM_SOURCE_DIR RPM_BUILD_DIR RPM_OPT_FLAGS RPM_LD_FLAGS RPM_ARCH RPM_OSRPM_DOC_DIR="%{_docdir}"export RPM_DOC_DIRRPM_PACKAGE_NAME="%{NAME}"RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION="%{VERSION}"RPM_PACKAGE_RELEASE="%{RELEASE}"export RPM_PACKAGE_NAME RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION RPM_PACKAGE_RELEASELANG=Cexport LANGunset CDPATH DISPLAY ||:%{?buildroot:RPM_BUILD_ROOT="%{u2p:%{buildroot}}"export RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{?_javaclasspath:CLASSPATH="%{_javaclasspath}"export CLASSPATH}PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:%{_libdir}/pkgconfig:%{_datadir}/pkgconfig"export PKG_CONFIG_PATHCONFIG_SITE=${CONFIG_SITE:-NONE}export CONFIG_SITE%{verbose:set -x}%{!verbose:exec > /dev/null}umask 022cd "%{u2p:%{_builddir}}"
      -13: ___build_shell     %{?_buildshell:%{_buildshell}}%{!?_buildshell:/bin/sh}
      -13: ___build_template  #!%{___build_shell}
      -13: __aclocal  aclocal
      -13: __ar       ar
      -13: __arch_install_post        %{nil}
      -13: __as       as
      -13: __autoconf autoconf
      -13: __autoheader       autoheader
      -13: __automake automake
      -13: __awk      gawk
      -13: __brp_boot_efi_times       /usr/lib/rpm/brp-boot-efi-times
      -13: __brp_compress     %{_rpmconfigdir}/brp-compress
      -13: __brp_java_gcjcompile      %{_rpmconfigdir}/brp-java-bytecompile
      -13: __brp_python_bytecompile   %{_rpmconfigdir}/brp-python-bytecompile "" "%{?_python_bytecompile_errors_ter                                                           minate_build}" "%{?_python_bytecompile_extra}"
      -13: __brp_strip        %{_rpmconfigdir}/brp-strip %{__strip}
      -13: __brp_strip_comment_note   %{_rpmconfigdir}/brp-strip-comment-note %{__strip} %{__objdump}
      -13: __brp_strip_shared %{_rpmconfigdir}/brp-strip-shared
      -13: __brp_strip_static_archive %{_rpmconfigdir}/brp-strip-static-archive %{__strip}
      -13: __bzip2    /usr/bin/bzip2
      -13: __bzr      /usr/bin/bzr
      -13: __cat      /usr/bin/cat
      -13: __cc       gcc
      -13: __check_files      %{_rpmconfigdir}/check-files %{buildroot}
      -13: __chgrp    /usr/bin/chgrp
      -13: __chmod    /usr/bin/chmod
      -13: __chown    /usr/bin/chown
      -13: __cmake    /usr/bin/cmake
      -13: __cmake_path       ^(%{_libdir}|%{_datadir})/cmake/.*/.*(Config.cmake|-config.cmake)$
      -13: __cmake_provides   %{_rpmconfigdir}/cmake.prov
      -13: __cmake_requires   %{_rpmconfigdir}/cmake.req
      -13: __cp       /usr/bin/cp
      -13: __cpio     /usr/bin/cpio
      -13: __cpp      gcc -E
      -13: __cxx      g++

      vi .rpmmacros

      %{_top_dir} /…


      rpmbuild --showrc | grep _topdir

    • Place the sources in the right directory

    • Create a spec file that tells the rpmbuild command what to do


      rpm -qi httpd


      introduction section

      • Summary:

      • Name: 名字

      • Version: 版本2.4.2,不能使用横线

      • Release: 1%{?dist} 宏,制作者,rpm发型号

      • License: GPLv2,版权信息,正确版权信息

      • Group: 属于哪个组,事先定义好的,/usr/share/doc/rpm-

      • URL: 制作者,从哪可以下载到,获取到,源码包下载路径

      • Packager: 制作者,制作者邮件地址

      • Vendor: 提供者,公司,开发者

      • Source: 下载链接找到这个软件包,绝对不是去下载

      • BuildRoot:

        • SOURCES目录源码包

        • .spec写好文件

        • BUILD目录

        • BUILDROOT目录当做根来用,编译好的程序安装到这个目录


      • BuildRequires: 制作过程依赖哪些软件包


      • %description: 描述信息


      prep section 准备阶段 (不可少)

      • %prep
      • %setup自己解压缩

      build section

      • %build
      • %{__make} %{?__smp_mflags}

      install section 安装阶段(不可少)

      • %install

        %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}

        %{__make} install DESTDIR="%{buildroot}"

        %find_lang %{name}

      clean section

      • %clean
      • %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}







      files section 文件段(files段 列出的文件必须要一一对应BUILDROOT目录下的每一个文件,不能多也不能少)

      %files -f %{name}.lang
      %defattr(-, root, root, 0755)
      %doc API CHANGES COPYING CREDITS README axelrc.example
      %doc %{_mandir}/main/axel.l*
      %doc %{_mandir}/*/main/axel.l*
      %config %{_sysconfdir}/axelrc
      %attr(0755, root, root) /etc/rc.d/init.d/nginx

      change log section 日志段,修改日志,改变日志段

      * Wed Apr 11 2012 <> - 1.0.14-1
      - 注释 Initial version
    • Build the source and binary RPMs

      rpmbuild command

      -bp 执行到 %prep

      -bi 执行到 %install

      -bc 执行到 %build

      -bb 执行到 制作二进制格式的rpm包

      -bs 执行到 制作源码格式的rpm包

      -ba 执行到 all,二进制格式的、源码格式的都制作

      -bl 执行到 制作完成后,检测哪些文件在BUILDROOT目录下存在安装生成,但是却在制作rpm过程中在files段中没有给它包含到rpm包中,会帮忙检查报错,安装了却没包含rpm包会报错,包含进rpm包却没安装生成也会报错,双方必须要一一对应。

  • Testing the RPMs

rpmbuild -bp nginx.spec
rpmbuild -bc nginx.spec执行install安装阶段
rpmbuild -bi nginx.spec
执行build all安装阶段
rpmbuild -ba nginx.spec




如果有src.rpm包,直接 rpmbuild --rebuild 去制作,不用root用户


rpm2cpio nginx-1.0.14-3.src.rpm | cpio -id



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