class Action(_AttributeHolder):
“”"Information about how to convert command line strings to Python objects.

Action objects are used by an ArgumentParser to represent the information
needed to parse a single argument from one or more strings from the
command line. The keyword arguments to the Action constructor are also
all attributes of Action instances.Keyword Arguments:- option_strings -- A list of command-line option strings whichshould be associated with this action.- dest -- The name of the attribute to hold the created object(s)- nargs -- The number of command-line arguments that should beconsumed. By default, one argument will be consumed and a singlevalue will be produced.  Other values include:- N (an integer) consumes N arguments (and produces a list)- '?' consumes zero or one arguments- '*' consumes zero or more arguments (and produces a list)- '+' consumes one or more arguments (and produces a list)Note that the difference between the default and nargs=1 is thatwith the default, a single value will be produced, while withnargs=1, a list containing a single value will be produced.- const -- The value to be produced if the option is specified and theoption uses an action that takes no values.- default -- The value to be produced if the option is not specified.- type -- A callable that accepts a single string argument, andreturns the converted value.  The standard Python types str, int,float, and complex are useful examples of such callables.  If None,str is used.- choices -- A container of values that should be allowed. If not None,after a command-line argument has been converted to the appropriatetype, an exception will be raised if it is not a member of thiscollection.- required -- True if the action must always be specified at thecommand line. This is only meaningful for optional command-linearguments.- help -- The help string describing the argument.- metavar -- The name to be used for the option's argument with thehelp string. If None, the 'dest' value will be used as the name.

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