

1. feature      v.专题报道
He had been scattershot friendly to me over the years, with occasional bursts of intensity, especially when he was launching a new product that he wanted on the cover of Time or featured on CNN, places where I’d worked.

2. extol          v.赞美,颂扬
Jobs … extolled his new Macintosh.

3. oust            v.驱逐
We stayed in touch, even after he was ousted from Apple.

4. beam          n.横梁,光线,电波
… the beam of his charm would suddenly refocus on me.

5. tout             v.兜售
… whatever he was touting was the best thing he had ever produced.

6. throne          v.宝座【ps:thorn,荆棘】
When he was restored to the throne at Apple…

7. be an homage to sb.          向某人致敬
… I emailed to asked if it was true , … , that the Apple logo was an homage to Alan Turing…

8. baffle          v.使…困惑
His persistence baffled me.

9. readily acknowledge         欣然允诺
Jobs surprised me by readily acknowledging that he would have no control over it or even the right to see in advance.

10. be imbued with                 灌输,充满
… create a company that was so imbued with innovative creativity that it would outlive them.

11. reailty distortion field        现实扭曲力场

12. wihtewash     v.掩饰
You shouldn’t wihtewash it.

13. emulation       n.仿效
He was not a model boss or human being, tidily packaged for emulation.

14. demon             n.恶魔
Driven by demons, he could drive those around him to fury and despair.

15. edge                  n.优势
At a time, when the US is seeking ways to sustain its innovative edge, …

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