yarn run ios --simulator='iPhone 11'
yarn run ios —device='iPhone Jeff’  真机启动

windows+空白 打开simulator

Pod install 只需要安装一次

yarn preios与 pod install类似

Wealth 完整app
Git checkout .   更新代码前先执行这句
git pull origin feature/wealth/develop
package.json 需要更新代码
需要把iPhone X更换成 iPhone 11

find package.json, and update "@welab/wealth-sdk" to the latest version.

execute the command: yarn ios:sim
—device=‘iPhone Jeff’  或者是 —simulator=‘iPhone X'

"ios:sim": "ENVFILE=.env.sit react-native run-ios --scheme frontendsimulator --configuration SitDebug --device='iPhone Jeff'",
"ios:sim": "ENVFILE=.env.sit react-native run-ios --scheme frontendsimulator --configuration SitDebug --simulator='iPhone X'",

10. Build and install welab-rn-front-end into iOS simulator
        1.  install yarn at mac  
            brew install yarn
       2. install xcode and Xcode Command Line Tools from mac app store, confirm that the version of MacOS, xcode, xcode command line tools are consistent with each other.
                for example:
           MacOS: 12.0.1
           XCODE: 13.1
           XCODE command-line tool: 13.1

3. install cocoapods
            MacOS version    > 11.3  
             sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods -v 1.11.2
     if use welab-rn-front-end project

clone welab main app project: welab-rn-front-end, and go to branch feature/wealth/develop.
pull the latest code
find package.json, and update "@welab/wealth-sdk" to the latest version.( you can also ignore this step, and you will need to select a version in final build step).
execute the command: yarn.   If there is error that fail to download dependency from third-party, like github, google, then connect to EPAM VPN and execute "yarn" again. If there is error that fail to download dependency from gitlab(welab repository), then disconnect EPAM VPN and execute "yarn" again. especially for "react-native-cert-pinner": "https://juejin.cn/post/6844903953675583496https://github.com/approov/react-native-cert-pinner.git" on package.json, need to remove the other dependecies to execute "yarn" command, and add them back after this pinner is downloaded.
execute the command: yarn preios. Also need to connect/disconnect to download dependencies. if  such error occurs, 
execute the command: yarn start. and need to keep this terminal alive.
execute the command: yarn ios:sim
     if use wealthsdk project

部署IOS APP到模拟器
1. 下载代码,并且一定要在xcode中先build成功才能继续一下步骤
2. 更改package.json文件
3. 项目根目录下执行命令 yarn
4. 项目根目录下执行命令 yarn preios
5. 项目根目录下执行命令 yarn start,并且保持这个terminal窗口不动,另外打开terminal来执行接下来的命令
6. 项目根目录下执行命令 yarn run ios --simulator='iPhone 11'  #模拟器启动
6. 项目根目录下执行命令 yarn run ios --device='iPhone Jeff'   #真机启动
6. 项目根目录下执行命令 yarn ios:sim    #参考

clone https://gitlab.prod-ss.welabts.net/vb/wealth/wealthsdk.git and use branch develop
execute command: yarn
go to ios folder and execute command: pod install
back to wealthsdk path and execute command: yarn start, and need to keep this terminal alive.
edit username/password on {wealthsdk}/src/config/config.sit.ts
still in wealthsdk path and execute command: yarn run ios [--simulator='simulator name'].

NOTE: Recommend to use iOS 14.3. Appium WebDriverAgent seems not support iOS 15.0 simulator currently, and iOS 12.2 is too old to run react bundle.

common errors:
       1.  checking whether the C compiler works... no
            xcrun: error: SDK "iphoneos" cannot be located
            xcrun: error: SDK "iphoneos" cannot be located
            xcrun: error: SDK "iphoneos" cannot be located
            xcrun: error: unable to lookup item 'Path' in SDK 'iphoneos'
            /Users/simoncigoj/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/Pods/External/GLog/f09d6cdb8398b4922e87d51f5245de7e-ed471/missing: Unknown `--is-lightweight' option
            Try `/Users/simoncigoj/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/Pods/External/GLog/f09d6cdb8398b4922e87d51f5245de7e-ed471/missing --help' for more information
           configure: WARNING: 'missing' script is too old or missing
          configure: error: in `/Users/simoncigoj/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/Pods/External/GLog/f09d6cdb8398b4922e87d51f5245de7e-ed471':
          configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
          See `config.log' for more details
         try command:
          sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app

2.   [!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "ADEUMReactNative":
            In Podfile:
           ADEUMReactNative (from `../node_modules/@appdynamics/react-native-agent`)
          Specs satisfying the `ADEUMReactNative (from `../node_modules/@appdynamics/react-native-agent`)` dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.         
          welab-rn-front-end/ios  folder, open Podfile:
         platform :ios, '12.0'
         change platform:ios to meet your macOS version.

11. Account generation
Prerequisite: need to install NodeJS and yarn

Clone script from gitlab project: Virtual Bank-Wealth-Testing Account Generation Tool
Run `npm` or `yarn` to install dependencies.
Edit “input/input.csv”. Note: mobile, username and hkidNoCD must be unique, and dateofBirth format must be YYYY-MM-DD. And accounts amount should not be greater than 30.
Run `yarn gen` or `npm run gen` to generate accounts.
After above steps is done, the generated account can do IAO process. And after IAO precess is done, need to do the following steps to open investment feature.

Navigate to https://wealth-portal-sit.dev-wlab.net/
Login with credentials: ops1/ops1 or ops2/ops2
Navigate to “approval List”->”Maker”, find your account, and click “view” button.
Tick “Approve” and “Valid”, and select “Issue date”, and click “submit”.
Logout and login with another account, and navigate to “approval List”->”Checker”.
Find your account and click “view”.
Save T24 Customer ID. Need this ID to transfer money.
Click “Agree” and “Submit”.


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