在此之前先区分投稿Cover Letter,修改稿Cover Letter和Response Letter,前两个是写给编辑或者Topic Editor,后者是写给Reviwer。一般来说在提交稿件时我们会附带一封Cover Letter主要是一些客套话跟编辑说的。
修改稿Cover Letter

Dear Professor *** :(***指的是负责你论文的编辑,不知道名字就写Editor)
    On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “your paper name” (ID: ####). We have studied reviewer’s comments carefully and have made revision which marked with different colors in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration. We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you and best regards.

Yours sincerely,

Corresponding author: …

E-mail: …
Tel: …
Address: …

Response Letter

Dear Editors and Reviewers:
    Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’ comments concerning our manuscript entitled “your paper name” (ID: ####). Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches. We have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with approval. Revised portion are marked with different colors in the paper. The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer’s comments are as flowing:

Reviewer #1:

  1. Response to comment:(XXXXXXX审稿人的意见总结)


Reviewer #2:

We tried our best to improve the manuscript and made some changes in the manuscript. These changes will not influence the content and framework of the paper.
    And here we did not list the changes but marked marked with different colors in revised paper.
    We appreciate for Editors/Reviewers’ warm work earnestly, and hope that the correction will meet with approval. Once again, thank you very much for your comments and suggestions。


We are very sorry for our negligence of ………
We are very sorry for our incorrect writing ………
It is really true as Reviewer suggested that……
We have made correction according to the Reviewer’s comments.
We have re-written this part according to the Reviewer’s suggestion
As Reviewer suggested that……
Considering the Reviewer’s suggestion, we have ……
Special thanks to you for your good comments.
Reviewer #2:
Reviewer #3:
Other changes:

  1. Line 60-61, the statements of “……” were corrected as “…………”
  2. Line 107, “……” was added
  3. Line 129, “……” was deleted

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