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本帖最后由 wzg2534226689 于 2020-2-6 18:32 编辑









1.变身增幅无上限:# Server Sided! Allow Attributes Over Max Attribute limit with powerups

B:"Attributes Over Limit"=true   (true为开启 false为关闭)简单来讲就是属性达到上限后仍可通过变身来增幅属性

2.融合:# Server Sided! If 'true' then Fusion will be available to use, If 'false' then Fusion wont be usable. (For balancing reasons default: false)

B:"Fusion - Dance fusion"=true(true为开启 false为关闭)可以控制融合这个技能能否使用

3.融合持续时间:# Server Sided! You can change the duration in minutes that a fusion can last. Time in minutes can be from 1 to 30 (default: 5)

I:"Fusion - Dance fusion - Fuse Time"=20 (在1-30内进行修改)

4.融合后再次融合等待时间:# Server Sided! You can change the duration in minutes after a fusion has ended, how long one can't perform fustion again. Time in minutes can be from 1 to 1000 (default: 10)

I:"Fusion - Dance fusion - NoFuse Time"=10 (在1-1000内修改)

5.蓝界:# Server Sided! If 'true' then the Kaioken will be sustainable in any transformation, If 'false' then Kaioken will be hard to maintain with every transformation. (This WILL make the game more unbalanced. default: false)

B:"Kaioken - Sustainable Super"=true(true为开启 false为关闭)如果开启使用蓝界将不会扣除过多血量,只会扣除界王拳所需扣除的血量

6.弗利萨变身增幅:# Server Sided! The numbers are meant to be in percetage with the minimum at 10% and maximum at 100,000%. Change only to your own responsibility! Having too high multiplier will cause glitches!

S:"Racial Skill Arcosian - Damage multiplier" <

Form0 80

Form1 100

Form2 120

Form3 160

Base 230

Form5 300

Ultimate 400

God 500

(后面数字进行修改,数字是百分比,范围是10%-100000%)7.地球人变身增幅:# Server Sided! The numbers are meant to be in percetage with the minimum at 10% and maximum at 100,000%. Change only to your own responsibility! Having too high multiplier will cause glitches!S:"Racial Skill Human - Damage multiplier" <

Base 300

Full 200

Buffed 230

God 300


8.那美克星人变身增幅:# Server Sided! The numbers are meant to be in percetage with the minimum at 10% and maximum at 100,000%. Change only to your own responsibility! Having too high multiplier will cause glitches!

S:"Racial Skill Namekian - Damage multiplier" <

Base 150

Full 200

Giant 180

God 400


9.赛亚人变身增幅:# Server Sided! The numbers are meant to be in percetage with the minimum at 10% and maximum at 100,000%. Change only to your own responsibility! Having too high multiplier will cause glitches!

S:"Racial Skill Saiyan and Half-Saiyan - Damage multiplier" <

Base 100

SS 120

SSG2 150

SSG3 160

SSFullPow 140

SS2 200

SS3 250

Oozaru 130

Golden 220

SSGod 300

SSB 400

SSGodR 400

LSS 300

LSS2 360

SS4 420

SSBE 500


10.自在极意功变身增幅:# Server Sided! The numbers are meant to be in percetage with the minimum at 10% and maximum at 100000%. Change only to your own responsibility! Having too high multiplier will cause glitches!

S:"Skill Ultra Instinct - Attribute multiplier" <

UI 750


11.自在极意功闪避率:# Server Sided! Auto dodging rate for Ultra Instinct state. Numbers are meant to be in percentage from 0 to 100 (default: 80)

I:"Skill Ultra Instinct - Dodge Rate"=80(后面数字进行修改,数字是百分比,范围是10%-100%)

12.自在极意功所需的赛亚人等级# Server Sided! Level Requirement to access the Ultra Instinct state. Equals or above the number will allow the state to be used (default: 200).

I:"Skill Ultra Instinct - Level Requirement"=400

13.自在极意功后的副作用时间:# Server Sided! The time how long Status Effect Pain will be active after the Ultra Instinct got over because of the heat bar. Duration is in minutes. Minimum 1 minute. (default: 10)

I:"Skill Ultra Instinct - Pain Duration"=1014.跳跃:# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.005 to 100 (default: 1.0)D:"Skill Jump Mind Requirement" <

0.01  (修改该技能所需心灵,范围0.005-1.0)


# Server Sided! Jump Skill costs changable.

I:"Skill Jump TP costs" <

2000   (修改该技能所需技能点)

15.冲刺:# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.005 to 100 (default: 1.0)

D:"Skill Dash Mind Requirement" <



# Server Sided! Dash Skill costs changable.

I:"Skill Dash TP costs" <


16飞行:# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.005 to 100 (default: 1.0)

D:"Skill Fly Mind Requirement" <



# Server Sided! Fly Skill costs changable.

I:"Skill Fly TP costs" <


17.忍耐力:# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.005 to 100 (default: 1.0)

D:"Skill Endurance Mind Requirement" <



# Server Sided! Endurance Skill costs changable.

I:"Skill Endurance TP costs" <



18.极限解锁:# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.005 to 100 (default: 1.0)

D:"Skill PotentialUnlock Mind Requirement" <



# Server Sided! PotentialUnlock Skill costs changable.

I:"Skill PotentialUnlock TP costs" <


19.气感:# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.005 to 100 (default: 1.0)

D:"Skill KiSense Mind Requirement" <



# Server Sided! KiSense Skill costs changable.

I:"Skill KiSense TP costs" <


20.冥想:# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.005 to 100 (default: 1.0)

D:"Skill Meditation Mind Requirement" <



# Server Sided! Meditation Skill costs changable.

I:"Skill Meditation TP costs" <


21.界王拳:# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.005 to 100 (default: 1.0)

D:"Skill Kaioken Mind Requirement" <



# Server Sided! Kaioken Skill costs changable.

I:"Skill Kaioken TP costs" <


22.神模式:# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.005 to 100 (default: 1.0)

D:"Skill GodForm Mind Requirement" <



# Server Sided! GodForm Skill costs changable.

I:"Skill GodForm TP costs" <


23潜能释放:# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.005 to 100 (default: 1.0)

D:"Skill OldKaiUnlock Mind Requirement" <



# Server Sided! OldKaiUnlock Skill costs changable.

I:"Skill OldKaiUnlock TP costs" <


24.气护体:# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.005 to 100 (default: 1.0)

D:"Skill KiProtection Mind Requirement" <



# Server Sided! KiProtection Skill costs changable.

I:"Skill KiProtection TP costs" <


25.气拳:# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.005 to 100 (default: 1.0)

D:"Skill KiFist Mind Requirement" <



# Server Sided! KiFist Skill costs changable.

I:"Skill KiFist TP costs" <


26.气增强:# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.005 to 100 (default: 1.0)

D:"Skill KiBoost Mind Requirement" <



# Server Sided! KiBoost Skill costs changable.

I:"Skill KiBoost TP costs" <


27.防御渗透:# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.005 to 100 (default: 1.0)

D:"Skill DefensePenetration Mind Requirement" <



# Server Sided! DefensePenetration Skill costs changable.

I:"Skill DefensePenetration TP costs" <


28.气注入:# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.005 to 100 (default: 1.0)

D:"Skill KiInfuse Mind Requirement" <



# Server Sided! KiInfuse Skill costs changable.

I:"Skill KiInfuse TP costs" <


29.自在极意功:# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.005 to 100 (default: 1.0)

D:"Skill UltraInstinct Mind Requirement" <



# Server Sided! UltraInstinct Skill costs changable.

I:"Skill UltraInstinct TP costs" <


30.超绿:# Server Sided! The chance (in percentage) for a player to receive the Legendary Status Effect every 20-30 mins, regardless of race. Can be from 0 to 100 (default: 10) and 0 will result in close to never. (This config will only be enabled if the 'For every day a Lucky player' config conditions are not met, furthermore setting this to 100 will result in the same effect as the 'For every day a Lucky player' config)I:"Status Effect - Legendary - Chance to get it"=10 (服务器每天抽取超绿的次数)

# Server Sided! Above this amount a player will be always selected to receive the Legendary status effect, regardless of race. Can be from 0 to 500 (default: 20) and 0 will result in always a player to receive it every 20-30 mins. (Setting this to 0 will disable the 'Chance to get it' config.)

I:"Status Effect - Legendary - For every day a Lucky player"=5   (服务器每天活得超绿的玩家数量)

31.升级属性所需技能点增幅上涨:# Server Sided! Attribute's TP cost mulipier. The higher amount the higher will be the increase after each upgrade.Can be from 0.001 to 1000.0 (default: 1.6)D:"Core System - Attribute Cost mulipier"=2.2 (范围0.001-1000)32.服务器最高属性上限:# Server Sided! Maximum Attribute a player can have. Maximum Attribute can be set between 100 and 100000!I:"Attribute Maximum"=1000000 (范围100-100000)

33.每次获得技能点的最低限度:# Server Sided! Tp gain can be, from 1 to 100. (default: 1)I:"Training Point Gain - TP amount gained"=25 (范围1-100)

34.技能点增益:# Server Sided! Based on Mind Attribute increase. With every 'configured amount' in Mind attribute the TP gain will increase by 1 OR with the amount configured at 'Training Point Gain - TP amount gained'. Rate can be from 1 to 10000 (default: 200)

I:"Training Point Gain - 'TP gain / melee' rate"=200 (范围1-10000)

34.冥想回复速度:# Server Sided! The maximum rate at skill level 10 in percentage. Rate can be from 0 to 500 (default: 50) It will increase the regen or recharge with the max rate devided by 10 multiplied with skill level. (default 50% max rate at lvl 1 will become 5%)I:"Skill Meditation - max rate at lvl 10"=150 (范围0-500)


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