看内核的版本        uname -a

看iptables版本      iptables -V

首先下载对应自己系统版本的iptables源码:www.iptables.org  使用wget




It is always a good idea to use the latest stable kernel because of recent bugfixes and improved stability. During it's development IPP2P was successful used with the following kernel versions:

2.4.18, 2.4.19, 2.4.20, 2.4.21, 2.4.22, 2.4.23, 2.4.26

2.6.3, 2.6.4, 2.6.6

This does NOT mean that IPP2P may not run together with other kernel versions but it was not tested yet. If someone finds out that IPP2P also is running stable with other kernel versions feel free to inform the author (contact). A very important source for updates of the netfilter code is the patch-o-matic next generation system (POM-ng) available at the netfilter homepage. It contains the latest bugfixes and netfilter extensions (like CLASSIFY, CONNMARK, ...). The daily snapshots may be a good choice to get the very latest kernel updates. IPP2P is also included in POM-ng. If you don't want to use the source tarball grep latest POM-ng snapshot and run "./runme ipp2p" to install IPP2P only or "./runme extra" for IPP2P and some other updates. You'll need to enable IPP2P support in kernel config and recompile kernel and iptables.


As said with kernel try to use a recent version of iptables as well. We used the following versions of iptables without any problems:

1.2.7a, 1.2.8, 1.2.9rc1, 1.2.9, 1.2.11

It is also possible (and likely) that IPP2P runs together with older versions as well but we're lacking of experiences on this issue. New versions of iptables are released in unsteady intervals at the netfilter homepage.



解ipp2p-0.8.0_rc3.tar.gz至 /root/download/ipp2p-0.8.0_rc3

cd  /root/download/ipp2p-0.8.0_rc3

vi Makefie

找到IPTABLES_SRC = /usr/src/iptables

改为IPTABLES_SRC = /usr/src/iptables-1.2.7a  (刚才我们下载了对应系统的源码并解压到了这里)



cp libipt_ipp2p.so /lib/iptables/

cp ipt_ipp2p.o /lib/modules/

insmod ipt_ipp2p.o


iptables -A FORWARD -m ipp2p --ipp2p -j DROP

iptables -L 查看FORWARD多了条规则。


/sbin/insmod /root/download/ipp2p-0.8.0_rc3/ipt_ipp2p.o            #加载模块

/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -m ipp2p --ipp2p -j DROP

/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -m ipp2p --ipp2p -j DROP





The following table shows a lineup of all module options currently available for IPP2P. Make sure not to use --ipp2p together with any other option already included in --ipp2p !

option  P2P network  protocol  quality

--edk  eDonkey, eMule, Kademlia  TCP and UDP  very good

--kazaa  KaZaA, FastTrack  TCP and UDP  good

--gnu  Gnutella  TCP and UDP  good

--dc  Direct Connect  TCP only  good

--bit  BitTorrent, extended BT  TCP and UDP  good

--apple  AppleJuice  TCP only  (need feedback)

--winmx  WinMX  TCP only  (need feedback)

--soul  SoulSeek  TCP only  good (need feedback)

--ares  Ares, AresLite  TCP only  moderate (DROP only)

table 1: overview of IPP2P options

Note that some options are not much tested yet. Please don't hesitate contacting me with any feedback about them. If you find one is producing mismatches use --debug (included in 0.7 and later) to locate the wrong filter. See section "debug" below for more details.

10月14日  hb

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