
The process of becoming self-employed can take a number of paths. One common situation is doing freelance work on the side while working a full-time job. This allows you to build up a client base, generate some financial reserves, and have time to do the rest of the necessary preparation to give yourself a running start when you finally take the plunge.

成为个体经营者的过程可采取多种途径。 一种常见的情况是在做全职工作时在一边做自由职业。 这使您可以建立客户基础,产生一定的财务储备,并有时间进行最后的必要准备工作,以便在最终尝试时能为自己提供一个良好的开端。

The biggest challenge is time. You can essentially be working two full time jobs when you’re trying to jumpstart a solo career and maintain your primary job. In many cases, mine included, it eventually gets to the point where you have to decide to go one way or the other – cut back on the freelance work or quit your job. That’s an exciting time and one that will define you in many ways. But what about the weeks, months, and maybe years that led up to that defining decision? Here are some ways to help you juggle your split lives and stay sane while managing both successfully.

最大的挑战是时间。 当您试图快速开始一个单人职业并维持您的主要工作时,您基本上可以做两个全职工作。 在很多情况下(包括我的),它最终使您不得不决定选择一种方式–减少自由职业者的工作或辞职。 那是一段激动人心的时刻,它将以多种方式定义您。 但是导致决定性决定的几周,几个月甚至几年呢? 以下是一些方法,可帮助您兼顾分居生活并保持理智,同时成功地管理双方。

1. Plan Ahead


It may sound simple, but it is much easier said than done. If you have vacation time, holidays, or other scheduled time off from your full-time job, plan to focus on freelancing work on those days. It’s also helpful to give yourself extra time for all projects you’re doing on the side to avoid the all-nighters.

这听起来很简单,但是说起来容易做起来难。 如果您在全职工作中有休假,节假日或其他预定时间,则计划在这些天集中精力从事自由职业。 给自己更多的时间在旁边进行的所有项目上也是有帮助的,以避免通宵达旦。

2. Keep Them Separate


For many reasons – legally and ethically, especially – you will probably want to keep your freelancing work far away from your full-time job. Sure, you could work on your lunch hour or during slow times, but I don’t think it’s worth the risk. When at your job, focus on that and save the freelancing for after hours.

出于多种原因,尤其是从法律和道德上讲,您可能希望使自由职业者的工作远离全职工作。 当然,您可以在午餐时间或慢时间工作,但我认为这样做不值得。 在工作时,请专注于此,并在下班后节省自由职业。

3. Give Something Up


Juggling a full-time job and moonlighting work is draining, and you may find that you need to give something else up to have the time to manage it all. Look at what’s expendable in your schedule, like your weekly poker game, going out with friends during the week or weekend sports, and put those activities on a temporary hiatus.

忙于做一份全职工作和月光下的工作很费力,您可能会发现您需要付出其他努力才能有时间管理这一切。 查看您的日程安排中可消耗的东西,例如您每周的扑克游戏,在一周或周末的运动中与朋友外出,并将这些活动暂时搁置。

4. Take a Break


While giving something up may be the only way to find the extra time you need to do it all, keep some downtime in your schedule. This time is vital for staying fresh and excited about what you’re doing.

虽然放弃某些东西可能是找到所需的额外时间的唯一方法,但请在计划中保留一些停机时间。 这段时间对于保持新鲜感和正在做的事情至关重要。

5. Start Slow


Come up with a plan that provides enough time to start your freelancing career without feeling overly pressured. Start slow and steadily build your business as you go.

提出一个计划,该计划提供足够的时间来开始您的自由职业生涯,而不会感到压力太大。 慢慢开始,稳步发展自己的业务。

6. Sleep


Taking care of yourself is vital. While you may need to work some early mornings and late nights, be sure to take time to sleep and recharge.

照顾好自己至关重要。 虽然您可能需要在清晨和深夜工作,但请务必花些时间睡觉和充电。

7. Be Honest


Your freelancing clients may wonder why you’re not available during business hours and you may have a difficult time explaining that if you’re trying to keep your full-time job a secret. Be upfront and honest about your work situation if this becomes an issue.

您的自由职业者客户可能会想知道为什么在工作时间不上班,并且您可能很难解释说,如果您试图将全职工作保密。 如果这成为问题,请对您的工作情况保持坦率和诚实。

8. Get Organized


The last thing you want is to spend an hour after work trying to find the information you need to work on your freelance projects. Being organized will save you time and stress.

您想要做的最后一件事是下班后花一个小时,以查找从事自由项目所需的信息。 有条理可以节省您的时间和压力。

9. Track Your Time


The only way to see where your time is going and become more efficient is by tracking your time. Use a time tracking tool to track both billable and non-billable time and see where you’re putting in the most effort.

观察时间的流逝并提高效率的唯一方法是跟踪时间。 使用时间跟踪工具来跟踪可计费时间和不可计费时间,并查看您在哪些方面花费了最大的精力。

10. Avoid Distractions


This is another one that is easier said than done, but do whatever you can to get away from distractions when you’re working on your freelance projects, including kids, pets, phone calls, TV, and e-mail. Create time that is off-limits to those distractions so you can make the most of your time.

这是另一个说起来容易做起来难的事情,但是在从事自由职业项目(包括孩子,宠物,电话,电视和电子邮件)时,要尽一切努力避免分心。 创建不受干扰的时间,以便您可以充分利用自己的时间。

11. Be Realistic


Your solo career is not going to happen overnight. Be realistic about the work, time and energy that you will have to put in. It will be well worth it in the end.

您的个人事业不会一overnight而就。 对于您将要投入的工作,时间和精力要现实一些。最后值得这样做。

12. Keep Up the Quality


Yes, you’ll probably have some days at your full-time job when you’re flat out exhausted from working on your side projects all night. But it’s no excuse for letting your work quality slip at your job. Strive to maintain your performance at your full-time job — you need it (for now at least)!

是的,当您整夜忙于副项目时,可能会花一些时间在全职工作上。 但这绝不是让您的工作质量下滑的借口。 力争保持全职工作的绩效-您需要它(至少目前如此)!

13. Be Flexible


You can make plans and set schedules, but there will be times when things happen that throw you off track. Being flexible and able to go with the flow will make you more resilient and able to make up for lost time.

您可以制定计划并设置时间表,但是有时候事情会发生,使您偏离轨道。 灵活并能够顺应潮流,将使您更具弹性并能够弥补浪费的时间。

14. Keep Goals in Sight


Freelancing on the side is hard! But it’s possible to do both. Keep your goals in view and continue to push, even when things get difficult. You will eventually get there.

自由职业方面很难! 但是两者都可以。 即使遇到困难,也要遵守目标并继续努力。 您最终将到达那里。

What is your experience with juggling a side career while working full time? Do you have any tips to add to this list?

您在全职工作时玩杂货店有什么经验? 您有什么技巧可以添加到此列表中吗?

Image credit: Stephen Henderson

图片来源: Stephen Henderson

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/14-ways-to-juggle-freelancing-while-working-full-time/



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