word中 有注释标签吗

Comments in Word allow you to provide feedback in a document without changing the text or layout. You can place the cursor in the content or select content (text, images, tables, etc.) and add a comment about that part of the document.

Word中的注释使您可以在不更改文本或布局的情况下提供文档反馈。 您可以将光标置于内容中或选择内容(文本,图像,表格等),并添加有关该部分文档的注释。

When you add a comment to some text in a document and then click away, you may notice that there is no line connecting the comment to the text it corresponds to (as shown on the image below), until you move your mouse over the comment or put the cursor in, or select that text, again. If you want to be able to see at a glance which comments correspond to which text, without having to hover your mouse over each comment, you can easily add the lines back to the comments.

当您在文档中的某些文本上添加注释然后单击鼠标左键时,您可能会注意到,在将鼠标移到注释上方之前,没有行将注释与其对应的文本连接起来(如下图所示)。或将光标放在其中,或再次选择该文本。 如果您希望一眼就能看到哪些注释对应于哪个文本,而不必将鼠标悬停在每个注释上,则可以轻松地将行添加回注释中。

There are different views for comments. In the Simple Markup view, there is no line from the text to the comment until you hover over the comment or select, or put the cursor in, the text associated with it. The All Markup view shows all the lines to the comments all the time, whether the comment or the associated text is selected or not. So, to see all the lines to the comments, you can switch to the All Markup view. Here’s how.

有不同的意见征求意见。 在“简单标记”视图中,从文本到注释之间没有一行,直到您将鼠标悬停在注释上或选择或将光标置于与其关联的文本上为止。 所有标记视图始终显示注释的所有行,无论是否选择了注释或相关文本。 因此,要查看注释的所有行,可以切换到“所有标记”视图。 这是如何做。

Start by clicking the “Review” tab.


In the Tracking section of the Review tab, click the Display for Review drop-down list at the top of the section and select the “All Markup” option.


If you don’t see the drop-down list, you may need to widen the Word window. Or, you can click on the “Tracking” button to access the options in the Tracking section.

如果没有看到下拉列表,则可能需要扩大Word窗口。 或者,您可以单击“跟踪”按钮以访问“跟踪”部分中的选项。

Once you’ve selected All Markup, you will immediately see a line connecting each comment to its corresponding text.


If you have a lot of comments in your document, the All Markup view may be a bit confusing. You may want to go back to the Simple Markup view and hover over each comment to see which text it’s connected to.

如果您的文档中有很多注释,则“所有标记”视图可能会有些混乱。 您可能需要返回到“简单标记”视图,并将鼠标悬停在每个注释上以查看其连接到的文本。

Changing the markup view in one document applies to all other documents you open after that.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/289636/how-to-always-show-comment-lines-in-microsoft-word/

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