PowerPoint is home to many interesting animations and transitions. The morph transition is one of the more recent additions to the library. Here’s how to use it.

PowerPoint是许多有趣的动画和过渡的所在地。 形态转换是该库中最新添加的功能之一。 这是使用方法。

The Morph transition lets you create a seamless object animation from one slide to another. This specific transition gives the illusion of growth or movement of an object or objects between two separate slides. When used properly, the Morph transition can contribute to making a great slide show.

借助“变形”过渡,您可以创建从一张幻灯片到另一张幻灯片的无缝对象动画。 这种特定的过渡给人一种幻觉,即一个对象或多个对象在两个单独的幻灯片之间生长或移动。 如果使用得当,Morph过渡可以有助于制作出色的幻灯片。

To use the Morph transition, you’ll need to duplicate the slide you’d like to use the transition on. Go ahead and open your presentation, then right-click the slide to be duplicated in the left-hand pane. In the menu that appears, select “Duplicate Slide.”

要使用“变形”过渡,您需要复制要在其上使用过渡的幻灯片。 继续并打开您的演示文稿,然后在左侧窗格中右键单击要复制的幻灯片。 在出现的菜单中,选择“复制幻灯片”。

An exact copy of the slide will now appear in the left-hand pane. Select it.

现在,幻灯片的确切副本将出现在左侧窗格中。 选择它。

In the duplicated slide, click and drag (or resize, if that’s what you chose to do) the object to the position that will be the end point of the transition.


Now head over to the “Transitions” tab and select the “Morph” transition.


If you want to preview the transition, select “Preview” in the “Transitions” tab.


Your transition will now play.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/414753/how-to-use-the-morph-transition-in-powerpoint/


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