
  • Practice request
  • Practice environment preparation
  • Practice steps
    • Create a technical group named “mytest AD group” in AD
    • Add the IT Shop settings to the AD group
    • Implement approval (Department head approval)
    • Add a new shelf to the existing IT Shop
    • Apply workflow and permissions to the new shelf
    • Request the configured group and perform the approval

Hello guys,
Before the content of this page, I would like to give my appreciation to @Oliver Paulzen who give us the training last week.
This document is a step by step how-to instruction, which is suitable for the beginners of One Identity Manager. The purpose of writing this series of operation instruction is to help the newcomer to understand the software quickly, to build up the self-confidence through successful operations, to encourage creative thinking. It is a baby walker, helping you learn how to walk, run on your own career road.
Wtw, if you like the document, please do not forget to give me a thumb-up, thanks.

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