openresty 防止sql注入

sql 防注入


sql语句:select * from test where id = ?拼接语句:"sql' ".. id .."'"# 正常传入参数:id=1
拼接后的sql语句:select * from test where id = '1'# 传入参数:id = 1' or 1=1#
拼接后的sql语句:select * from test where id = '1' or 1=1#'# 使用ngx.quote_sql_str:会将id中的单引号转义 ' ==> \'
# 此时拼接后的sql执行报错,达到防注入的目的
拼接后的sql语句:select * from test where id = '1\' or 1=1#'



server {listen       80;server_name  localhost;location / {root   /usr/local/openresty/nginx/html;index  index.html index.htm;}location /test {content_by_lua_block {local condition = "1' or 1=1#"local sql = "select * from test where id ='"..condition.."'";local sql2 = "select * from test where id ='"..ngx.quote_sql_str(condition).."'";ngx.say(sql);ngx.say(sql2);}}location /test2 {content_by_lua_block {local mysql = require 'resty.mysql';local db, err = mysql:new();if not db then ngx.say("mysql创建失败", err);enddb:set_timeout(1000);local res, err, errcode, sqlstate = db:connect({host = "", port = 3306, database = "lihu",user = "root", password = "123456"});if not res thenngx.say("连接出错", err, errcode, sqlstate);endlocal condition = "1' or 1=1#";local sql = "select * from test where id ='"..condition.."'";local sql2 = "select * from test where id ='"..ngx.quote_sql_str(condition).."'";ngx.say("数据查询:", "select * from test where id ='condition`'");res, err, errcode, sqlstate = db:query(sql);if not res thenngx.say("数据查询失败", err);endlocal cjson = require 'cjson';ngx.say("查询结果为:", cjson.encode(res));ngx.say("\n数据防注入查询:", "select * from test where id =' ..ngx.quote_sql_str(condition)'");res, err, errcode, sqlstate = db:query(sql2);if not res thenngx.say("数据查询失败", err);endngx.say("防注入查询结果为:", cjson.encode(res));}}error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;location = /50x.html {root   /usr/local/openresty/nginx/html;}}


docker run -it -d --net fixed --ip -p 5003:80 \
-v /Users/huli/lua/openresty/mysql/default.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf \
--name resty-mysql lihu12344/openresty


# 查看拼接后的sql
huli@hudeMacBook-Pro mysql % curl localhost:5003/test
select * from test where id ='1' or 1=1#'
select * from test where id =''1\' or 1=1#''# 注入查询、防注入查询
huli@hudeMacBook-Pro mysql % curl localhost:5003/test2
数据查询:select * from test where id ='condition`'
查询结果为:[{"name":"gtlx","id":1},{"name":"gtlx","id":3},{"name":"gtlx","id":4},{"name":"gtlx","id":5},{"name":"gtlx","id":6},{"name":"gtlx","id":7},{"name":"gtlx","id":8},{"name":"gtlx","id":9},{"name":"gtlx","id":10},{"name":"gtlx","id":11}]数据防注入查询:select * from test where id =' ..ngx.quote_sql_str(condition)'
数据查询失败You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '1\' or 1=1#''' at line 1

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