版本 1.2

CNCF Graduation Criteria v1.2


Every CNCF project has an associated maturity level. Proposed CNCF projects should state their preferred maturity level. A two-thirds supermajority is required for a project to be accepted as incubating or graduated. If there is not a supermajority of votes to enter as a graduated project, then any graduated votes are recounted as votes to enter as an incubating project. If there is not a supermajority of votes to enter as an incubating project, then any graduated or incubating votes are recounted as sponsorship to enter as an sandbox project. If there is not enough sponsorship to enter as an sandbox stage project, the project is rejected. This voting process is called fallback voting.

不同成熟度的项目都可以获得 https://cncf.io/projects 列出的所有资源,但如果存在资源不足,更成熟的项目通常具有优先权
Projects of all maturities have access to all resources listed at https://cncf.io/projects but if there is contention, more mature projects will generally have priority.

Sandbox Stage

进入沙箱阶段,项目必须至少有 2 位 TOC 赞助。有关详细过程,请参阅 CNCF 沙箱指南1.0版本

To be accepted in the sandbox a project must have at least 2 TOC sponsors. See the CNCF Sandbox Guidelines v1.0 for the detailed process.

Incubating Stage

Note: The incubation level is the point at which we expect to perform full due diligence on projects.

To be accepted to incubating stage, a project must meet the sandbox stage requirements plus:

  • 记录至少有三个独立的最终用户在生产中成功使用了项目,经过 TOC 的判断,认为有足够的质量和范围
  • Document that it is being used successfully in production by at least three independent end users which, in the TOC’s judgement, are of adequate quality and scope.
  • 拥有健康数量的提交者。提交者的定义是具有提交代码的人;即是可以针对项目部分或全部接受贡献的人。
  • Have a healthy number of committers. A committer is defined as someone with the commit bit; i.e., someone who can accept contributions to some or all of the project.
  • 展示大量和持续的提交和合并的贡献。
  • Demonstrate a substantial ongoing flow of commits and merged contributions.
  • 由于这些度量可能根据项目的类型、范围和规模而有很大差异,因此TOC对满足这些度量的活动水平有最终判决。
  • Since these metrics can vary significantly depending on the type, scope and size of a project, the TOC has final judgement over the level of activity that is adequate to meet these criteria.

Graduation Stage

To graduate from sandbox or incubating status, or for a new project to join as a graduated project, a project must meet the incubating stage criteria plus:

  • 有来自至少两个机构的提交者。
  • Have committers from at least two organizations.
  • 已经实现并维护了核心基础结构计划(CII)的最佳实践徽章
  • Have achieved and maintained a Core Infrastructure Initiative Best Practices Badge.
  • 完成独立的第三方安全审核,其结果发布的范围和质量与以下示例类似(包括关键漏洞):https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy#security-audit,所有关键漏洞都需要在毕业前解决。
  • Have completed an independent and third party security audit with results published of similar scope and quality as the following example (including critical vulnerabilities addressed): https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy#security-audit and all critical vulnerabilities need to be addressed before graduation.
  • 采用CNCF行为准则。
  • Adopt the CNCF Code of Conduct.
  • 明确定义项目治理和提交者流程。这最好在 GOVERNANCE.md 文件中进行,并引用 OWNERS.md 文件显示当前和荣誉提交者。
  • Explicitly define a project governance and committer process. This preferably is laid out in a GOVERNANCE.md file and references an OWNERS.md file showing the current and emeritus committers.
  • 至少在主要仓库提供项目采用者的公开列表(例如,ADOPTERS.md 文件或项目网站上的徽标)。
  • Have a public list of project adopters for at least the primary repo (e.g., ADOPTERS.md or logos on the project website).
  • 获得 TOC 的绝对多数选票进入毕业阶段。如果项目能够表现出足够的成熟度,项目可以尝试直接从沙箱移动到毕业。项目可以无限期地保持在孵化状态,但通常预计在两年内毕业。
  • Receive a supermajority vote from the TOC to move to graduation stage. Projects can attempt to move directly from sandbox to graduation, if they can demonstrate sufficient maturity. Projects can remain in an incubating state indefinitely, but they are normally expected to graduate within two years.

转载自: CNCF 官微 原文地址: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/5bM6EfoxUkCIcI4MXzeYCQ

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